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Tax Rebate?


Registered User
Whose economy is this going to stimulate?? This is a goddamn joke. Whose going to underwrite the 150 bil??? It's not in the federal coffers. We'll be going offshore, (bank of China) to get the money to write the "rebate" checks, (that will be in the mail sometime this summer)....so that morons in this country will go out and buy made in China products at Wal-Mart, when they are already in hoc up to their eyeballs. BTW..isn't the etymology of the word rebate predicated that one has already bought into something??? Many of the recipients havn't paid a dime of any income tax at all. I'm so sick of the divide and conquer class warfare of the left that would suggest that anyone who grosses over $150K a year is just a winner in life's lottery and that those that have succeeded have only done so because it's a zero sum game. Shameless election year posturing vice prudent fiscal resolve....and both GOP and Dems are to blame.


Oh No! The Sky Is Falling!

Our $13 Trillion Dollar Economy Affords Us No Protection Against Our $9 Trillion Dollar Debt!

The Low Value Of The Dollar Isn't Working As An Incentive For Other Nations To Invest In The Dollar!

Chinese Ownership Of T-bills Hurts America Somehow!

Recession! Recession!

Oh wait... sanity...


Proud of my hubby!
Why don't you two take your discussion abotu the finer points of flooring somewhere else?

P.S. Brett, what have you sunk too?

I would have NEVER said anything about stupid floors until someone said a rude remark about women buying Jimmy Choos with the rebate. Here is the deal; not every woman is money crazy. Stop stereotyping women. Get over yourselves. Seriously.


Oh wait... sanity...
why the fuck didn't that show up in my RSS feed?

Either way. From what I've heard at a few speeches on campus, within a few years, we're gonna be fucked. It's predicted that by 2010, China will be the 3rd largest economy. within another decade or so, they WILL be the largest. All thanks to us?
Then again, they're just predictions, and as some others including myself stated earlier, this really doesn't seem like a fix for the economy, but more of just a shot of adrenaline.

Like Brett said earlier, from a theoretical stand, it seems like it will fix it, but it won't. We are the biggest investors/traders, whatever the hell that word is, for China. I guess perhaps because we can inflate the price so much, we make more than they do, but that, for some reason doesn't sound right.

I stand by my view that, this is only a temporary fix and will mean NOTHING in the long run.

Oh yea....pardon my french, I'm drunk.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I would have NEVER said anything about stupid floors until someone said a rude remark about women buying Jimmy Choos with the rebate. Here is the deal; not every woman is money crazy. Stop stereotyping women. Get over yourselves. Seriously.

It's a stereotype because it's generally true, but we digress, don't we? At any rate, what was so rude about the shoes comment? I don't get it.



Proud of my hubby!
It's a stereotype because it's generally true, but we digress, don't we? At any rate, what was so rude about the shoes comment? I don't get it.


You wouldn't get it, your a guy. Ooopppssss....there's YOUR stereotype.

Seriously though, the economy is not in that bad of shape. The media is a negatively charged outlet and they will do anything to help America fail. They want to see us in a recession just for the simple fact that they will get to write more crappy stories about how bad we all are.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
You wouldn't get it, your a guy. Ooopppssss....there's YOUR stereotype.

Seriously though, the economy is not in that bad of shape. The media is a negatively charged outlet and they will do anything to help America fail. They want to see us in a recession just for the simple fact that they will get to write more crappy stories about how bad we all are.

I think you misunderstand the motives of the press. They have no interest in seeing America fail. They do have an interest in maximizing their advertising revenue by having the most sensational broadcast possible. A recession would make that task that much more difficult. There's no doubt that the press, in the aggregate, is a political animal, but that takes a back seat to the profit motives of their parent companies.



Registered User
The media is yelling about spiraling towards a recession! the Weakening of the U.S Dollar! Exaggerations about the real estate market. Towards what end? All this hand wringing is going to make everyone afraid to spend; causing a recession. It's a self fulfilling prophesy. Why would the media want to do this? One more thing they can blame on the GOP and conservatives. Once a Dem is in office they'll start talking about recovery and stability. Making people spend again and pulling out of recession and giving the Dem's that feather in their hat. Damn liberal media:icon_rage


Super Moderator
The media is yelling about spiraling towards a recession! the Weakening of the U.S Dollar! Exaggerations about the real estate market. Towards what end? All this hand wringing is going to make everyone afraid to spend; causing a recession. It's a self fulfilling prophesy. Why would the media want to do this? One more thing they can blame on the GOP and conservatives. Once a Dem is in office they'll start talking about recovery and stability. Making people spend again and pulling out of recession and giving the Dem's that feather in their hat. Damn liberal media:icon_rage

Really, you are that far off your rocker? Maybe the doc ought to up your dosage.......:eek:


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Really, you are that far off your rocker? Maybe the doc ought to up your dosage.......:eek:

I'm increasingly convinced that the degree of shrillness which emanates from the conservative side of the aisle towards the left is due to the Republicans' own inability to do anything constructive.



I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
I'm increasingly convinced that the degree of shrillness which emanates from the conservative side of the aisle towards the left is due to the Republicans' own inability to do anything constructive.


Agree - I'm also increasingly convinced that the only bit of difference between a Dem and Republican today is rhetoric. There is plenty of that to go around, not a whole lot of action to back it up.

As a conservative I find it harder and harder everyday to associate myself with the republican party.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Agree - I'm also increasingly convinced that the only bit of difference between a Dem and Republican today is rhetoric. There is plenty of that to go around, not a whole lot of action to back it up.

As a conservative I find it harder and harder everyday to associate myself with the republican party.

I'd agree with that, except the current alternative is associating with the party controlled by the other extreme wing. Or calling yourself an independant, which the parties only value in these mad election seasons. At the moment, the mouthpieces of both parties are sneering at the candidates who attract moderates and independants instead of "Real" Reps/Dems.

This is my main concern about the possibility of another Clinton administration. Not so much their lefty leanings - the Clintons took polls to decide where to go on vacation, for Christ's sake, you think they'd actually stand on principle on anything when in office? - but that it's just going to continue our current trend of the pissed-off extremist wings of the parties taking turns being in charge. I'd prefer our government stop acting like a bitchy high school cat fight and actually try and accomplish something instead of doing nothing but talking shit about the other team.

That being said, I like that they're giving me some of my money back, and I'm more than happy to go spend it. Casa Fester needs a new TV.