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T45 status


Are the advanced squadrons close to getting back up and running or are the T45s going to remain down for the foreseeable future? The past few weeks have had one, maybe two navy snas per week get selected for strike (not sure about the marine numbers). As a student heading toward the end of primary, I'm wondering will the intake increase anytime soon or will it continue to be slim chances? I know needs of the Navy is what matters, I'm just curious, same a lot of other students. And yes strike is what I'm hoping for.

I've searched the boards (only post regarding the T45s devolved quickly and was locked), read the few news articles on it that I can find, and asked a few instructors. I haven't gotten an answer other than a shrug. Thought maybe some guys on here may know something.


is clara ship
I think 2 navy tailhook selectees per class is probably close to the historical average, give or take a few on a given week.


I know doing the best is all I can do and that's been my plan since day one. The rest is luck and timing of when I finish and what the needs of the Navy are for that week. The past few weeks just seem to have had very high standards for selectees compared to what I've heard selectees having in the recent past (which I understand is a small sample size but that's what I have to go off of), as well as the number of selectees per week decreasing. I'm sure there could be other factors influencing this as well. Must just be a coincidence it's around the same time as the T45s getting downed. These are just the observations of a curious, know nothing ensign. Just wanted to see if there was any more information out there about the subject. Thanks!


Low calorie attack from the Heartland
Platform selection is nerve-wracking for everybody. There's really not a lot anyone can say (honestly, at least) to make you feel better about it. You said it yourself- do your best, put down what you honestly want on your pref sheet, and make peace with the outcome. This too shall pass.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
Feel free to ask your class advisor to crack a beer and talk it over. I'm sure they'd be willing.


Livin on a Prayer
If you end up with jets KVille shoot me a PM. I'm here now, so I can give you the school gouge and the rumor-mill gouge.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
Considering there are virtually no jet instructors in primary
Strange as it sounds, there is a small minority of of blue and green F-18 guys instructing in primary VTs (used to be/maybe still are a few Harrier and Prowler guys even). Somehow a lot of pointy nosed guys got orders to fly the T-6 starting around five years ago. Some of them are already "out" and come over to the dark side as reservists.

I agree with you about people who talk down a community they were never a part of. Giving the students pointers to ask other IPs about platform/mission/duty station is fine, but speaking with false authority on other communities is pretty lame. And I say that as a helicopter guy who had pretty shitty primary grades.


Considering there are virtually no jet instructors in primary, asking a class advisor about jets is likely to be a pointless exercise. When I was in primary, there were no jet instructors so a discussion about selection invariably turned into "I had jet grades but X is better" or "jets are stupid because X dumb ass reason."
I found my VT instructors to be very supportive of my cone dreams to fly jets.


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
When I was in primary, there were no jet instructors so a discussion about selection invariably turned into "I had jet grades but X is better" or "jets are stupid because X dumb ass reason."

There's also the fact that a VT tour is a real bad draw for a jet guy, so there's a decent chance (though absolutely not a guarantee) that the ones you do find there are either people who weren't well-regarded in the community or are good dudes who got screwed and are justifiably bitter. Either way, possibly not the best source of pointy- or pointy-ish-nose gouge.