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Stupid Questions about Naval Aviation (Part 3)


Super Moderator
...As far as the injuries go, it's amazing what you can fly with, and how much you can massage your schedule if you are/know the Skeds-O. Short of a broken leg/torn ACL, you can press. ...Everyone is different, and has a different pain tolerance. I got lucky and dodged real injury, but I've seen guys go med down for months following injuries in basketball and lifting....

On the flip side I know someone who was medically discharged from the Marines for a knee injury he pushed through and made worse.

I got bitten by a horse once.

Did it think your were competition?


Well-Known Member
Horses are agents of Satan.


*1. Gangbar Off
One note of caution, we had two folks on All-Navy sports teams (soccer and rugby) in my first squadron and they were gone a significant amount of time and that caused problems. They were gone enough that it caused them issues getting qual'd, not to mention that it caused resentment among other JO's who had to carry more of the load when they were gone.

I'll second this. We had a JO in my fleet squadron who coached a kids soccer team. Not HIS kids team, just a random team league team that he volunteered for. He always had random snivs in to be gone to coach and was not looked at kindly by JOs and DHs alike.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
For the rotary and Harrier guys..............are your boat recoveries graded? If so, how?

Carrier Helos, no, or at least like the Tailhook types. However, you will be given shit in the ready room from other JOs for leaving Anti-collision lights on after landing (verboten) or missing the spot so severely you had to relift and respot in order to be chained.


Well-Known Member
leaving Anti-collision lights on after landing (verboten) or missing the spot so severely you had to relift and respot in order to be chained.

I imagine in the FW world this would be the equivalent of missing the boat entirely. I did not imagine it was possible to suck this much.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
I imagine in the FW world this would be the equivalent of missing the boat entirely. I did not imagine it was possible to suck this much.

Spot 5 (I think, been a while) was so close to the cat track if you landed even on the left line of the box they wouldn't be able to chain down the left mount. Much embarrassment having to call Boss to respot. Suck less 2P! :oops:


Is it baseball season yet?
Spot 5 (I think, been a while) was so close to the cat track if you landed even on the left line of the box they wouldn't be able to chain down the left mount. Much embarrassment having to call Boss to respot. Suck less 2P! :oops:

Seen it happen. That's the worst. Thank God never to me.

For the rotary and Harrier guys..............are your boat recoveries graded? If so, how?

Helo guy speaking here: no, not in the way the tailhook guys were. Our squadron had an informal grade our Skipper used and it was mostly to give shit to someone who had a bad landing. There's wheelboxes that are compatible for the 60's on the carrier (and small boys) and if you missed them, our Skipper would give shit, but it's hard to grade because getting in the wheelboxes is a lot about how the aircrew talk you down to them since the pilots have no reference to them. After a few months of landing every day 3 or 4 times, you'd get a good feel for them, but still couldn't see them.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
On small boys, your landings weren't graded per se, but since all of the pilots have the opportunity to see you land from the LSO shack, your prowess (or lack thereof) in getting into the trap is constantly noted. There's also considerable attention given to 2Ps that like to fly themselves into the hangar face at night on goggles. This generally is considered a no-no, however technically it's not a Prohibited Maneuver.


- hawk Pilot
LOL...one of the snowflakes I flew with a week or so ago was disappointed. "How come the photo he took has us landing all crooked?". Me: "Because YOU were flying."


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Internet killed the television star
For the rotary and Harrier guys..............are your boat recoveries graded? If so, how?

I was the tower flower once on the Vinson during a boat det and a helo landed, the wheels were just on the left line of the wheel boxes, right on the waist (can't remember which spot exactly). No fixed wing flight ops happening, but the Captain comes charging in and flipped his shit on the Mini about why the helo wasn't directly in the middle of the boxes. The helo actually had to start back up and lift to center up, luckily they were still sitting on APU and hadn't shut down completely.

The moral of the story? Everyone is watching you land on the boat. Depending on platform you may not have a grade (a greenie board/etc), but people watch you land and you never want to be "that guy" with a jacked up landing.