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should fat people pay more?


Active Member
Look, the airlines need to get a set of calipers and gauge everyone's ass when they check in. "Sir, your ass is 4.5 inches wider than the caliper, that'll be $390"

kinda like you do for Alaskan king crab... Next on Deadliest Catch



Working Plan B
Red herring...try again later.:sleep_125

1. How is that a red herring?

2. Main Point: If people had to live in the wild, they never would have gotten like that in the first place (or they would be dead already), so it's not a perfect measure.


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever been to a Max & Ermas (big burger joint in the Great Lakes region).

Well I used to work at one in highschool as a grill cook. Now we have our signature burger, the Garbage Burger. Whats on it? Why its a 10 oz meat patty (most burgers are 8 tops) with 2 oz of quacamole, 2 oz marinara, 2 oz beer onions, 2 oz mushrooms, 4 different kinds of cheese (swiss, chedder, pepperjack, and american), and to top it off 2 strips of bacon on top.

Weekly we would have this gigantic couple come in every wednesday. They had to sit at a 6 top table in the back because there was no way to wedge them into a booth and putting them at a smaller table would make it impossible to use either of the tables behind them. Every week they would get these suckers. And not only that but they would pay the extra 50 cents to get cheese and bacon melted on top of the side of fries. This was after they would order a big pile of onion rings to chow down on because they couldnt stop eating for 15 minutes and enjoy eachothers company while waiting on their burgers. I served that to these people every week. I really honestly felt like I may have had some kind of ethical duty at the time to not serve that food to those people. But now I realize its their right to be that huge. Its also their right to become a drain on our healthcare system with their fat ass induced type 2 diabetes. And their right to pay extra if they ever want to get on a damn plane, provided they can shimmy their massive rolls down the center isle without having to have seats removed to do so. :icon_rage

It is generally accepted that alcoholism, sex addiction, drug addiction and other such problems are not socially acceptable, so why is "food addiction" acceptable? We all just aquiesce to the fatasses abusing the system or accepting the inconveniences they impose, but we shouldn't. It has been said many times thus far: If you take up more than one seat, you pay for more than one seat. It is a business. They aren't going to lose money to accomodate your fat ass. Nobody cares if it is "embarassing". If it is so damaging to you to hear about it, then lose the weight. We don't let drunk people on aircraft (or aren't supposed to, anyway) and drunks are called out for it at the aircraft and refused entry. So should fat people be. Even if you are a proportional gargantuan ogre. If you take up 2 seats, you should pay for two seats. It's about $$, not hurting your feelings.

Bottom line is: We shouldn't have to walk on eggshells or go out of our way to accomodate fatasses. It is their problem and they SHOULD be embarassed. If they pose a problem they need to hear about it or rectify it (pay for two seats).


Professional Javelin Catcher
It's a side effect of the military's stay in shape or find another job culture.

Basically we have no mercy.


New Member
It is generally accepted that alcoholism, sex addiction, drug addiction and other such problems are not socially acceptable, so why is "food addiction" acceptable? We all just aquiesce to the fatasses abusing the system or accepting the inconveniences they impose, but we shouldn't. It has been said many times thus far: If you take up more than one seat, you pay for more than one seat. It is a business. They aren't going to lose money to accomodate your fat ass. Nobody cares if it is "embarassing". If it is so damaging to you to hear about it, then lose the weight. We don't let drunk people on aircraft (or aren't supposed to, anyway) and drunks are called out for it at the aircraft and refused entry. So should fat people be. Even if you are a proportional gargantuan ogre. If you take up 2 seats, you should pay for two seats. It's about $$, not hurting your feelings.

Bottom line is: We shouldn't have to walk on eggshells or go out of our way to accomodate fatasses. It is their problem and they SHOULD be embarassed. If they pose a problem they need to hear about it or rectify it (pay for two seats).

On the other hand, we consider "alcoholism, sex addiction, drug addiction and other such problems" diseases that may be inheritable and are, in a sense, deterministic. That is, can we truly help whether or not we are alcoholics, sex addicts or drug addicts? Similarly, issues of weight may not be controllable, especially if an individual has, say, a thyroid condition. In this case the person lacks control over his/her weight. Should this person be penalized as a result? I think that it is not unreasonable to suggest that we should move towards understanding rather than an immediate condemnation of these people.

Similarly, it is argued that there are people who are overweight and yet continue to eat poorly. Not just that, but they do not exercise. While the idea of determinism is likely not an idea most of you will be fond of, I cannot but help ask if these people truly have control over their actions. Are they somehow similar to a serial killer with an insatiable passion to kill? Can we compare them to someone with tourettes?

Of course, I cannot disagree that airlines are a business, and that over-sized passengers ought to be charged accordingly. What I disagree with, however, is how we ought to look at these people's condition.


Well-Known Member
I go to the support group to meet chicks.

Did you read "choke" by the dude who wrote "fight club"? Cuz the protagonist pretty much did that.

And Sex addiction is bad when you masterbate [sic] for 15 hours a day, lose your job and end up homeless. You laugh, it happens. There are some shows on it on hbo/discovery from time to time. You wouldn't believe what some people do.

Also the valtrex deal from going to too many hookers....:eek:


especially if an individual has, say, a thyroid condition. In this case the person lacks control over his/her weight.

Can we compare them to someone with tourettes?

As I already clarified, my mother had a thyroid condition, then later had her thyroid removed and takes one pill every morning (its like 20 bucks a month without insurance, she pays a $5 co-pay) and has no weight problems.

With the pharmaceuticals available today, and at the price they're at (some of them anyways), thyroid problems are not an excuse for most of the morbidly obese in this country. (For reference, if they were to go and get a salad instead of that $32.00 30oz. Prime rib ONE MEAL a month, they'd be able to pay for medication to regulate their thyroid.) And thats assuming they have no insurance, Most morbidly obese though do have some form of insurance. I would even wager to guess that the costs of other medical treatments they pay for for problems caused by their weight far exceed the cost of a bi-yearly checkup and medication to regulate their thyroid.


Active Member
Well think about it this way. If fat people die early, they save all of us money in the long run. They will not collect social security, they will not be drawing out their miserable lives sapping medicare for prescription drugs, etc. In addition they are pumping money into the economy by buying all that food, not to mention the sails required to cover their bodies. Same math applies to smokers. So let them eat cake... and die young and fat.


Well think about it this way. If fat people die early, they save all of us money in the long run. They will not collect social security, they will not be drawing out their miserable lives sapping medicare for prescription drugs, etc. In addition they are pumping money into the economy by buying all that food, not to mention the sails required to cover their bodies. Same math applies to smokers. So let them eat cake... and die young and fat.

But they have more medical problems and complications which raise everyone's medical premiums.