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Shooting/qualification question


Now with even more awesome!
You're in the military. Regardless of service, you're job is to keep the good guys safe by bringing death and destruction to the bad guys. To do that, you will have many tools: airplanes, deck guns, torpedoes, small arms, etc. When you don't get the training in one of these tools, it ceases to be an asset to you when it may be necessary.

Everyone in the military needs to know how to shoot. Period.


Well-Known Member
Ammunition costs money, so shooting is not financially sound.

So does the Military. Let's just stand down and decommission our military so we can hold hands and sing kumbaya while people blow our shit up.

"Tom, get me the president; we're surrendering our position in Cuba!"


He bowls overhand.
Okay, moving away from you children arguing over the merits of Marine aviators going through TBS, anyone else have any further advice on learning to shoot or is this thread done?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Okay, moving away from you children arguing over the merits of Marine aviators going through TBS, anyone else have any further advice on learning to shoot or is this thread done?

Ohhh, so close. My finger is hovering over the button.



FY09 STA-21 NFO Select
No shit.

And my point is that when the standard for basic small arms competency fleetwide is dropped, people are gambling with lives.

If you ever see a group of fleet sailors who are technically "qualified" by Navy standards. I've seen "qualified" personnel who didn't know where the M9 mag release was.

This is very true. When I was on CVN-72 we would spend tons of our time trying to get SN Schmuckatelli to score 180 on the NHQC on his 3rd attempt. When we would suggest to his watch commander and the people in the security training department that he or she needs more training and needs to get signed up for the next shoot and they would tell us that they were fine for another year. So now you have a SN that doesn't know his mag release from his d*&ck.

When it comes to firearms quals in the Navy attrition should not be our mission (Ever wonder why we don't shoot the M9 or M11 from the 25 yard line anymore) There are a lot of things that need to be worked out in the upper COC.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
You're in the military. Regardless of service, you're job is to keep the good guys safe by bringing death and destruction to the bad guys. To do that, you will have many tools: airplanes, deck guns, torpedoes, small arms, etc. When you don't get the training in one of these tools, it ceases to be an asset to you when it may be necessary.

Everyone in the military needs to know how to shoot. Period.

Thank you. +1


Registered User
Don't get too worked up dude- I don't think the Commandant reads AW ;)

I think its been addressed before. Many high ranking officers lurk on this site. They may not post but you are a fool if you dont think they are here.


Registered User
You're in the military. Regardless of service, you're job is to keep the good guys safe by bringing death and destruction to the bad guys. To do that, you will have many tools: airplanes, deck guns, torpedoes, small arms, etc. When you don't get the training in one of these tools, it ceases to be an asset to you when it may be necessary.

Everyone in the military needs to know how to shoot. Period.

Agreed 100%.


That was one of the end goals I had in mind.

Perhaps I had a misconception, then. I thought that military shooting instruction would be more rigorous than civilian. If this is not the case, I will look around for the best deal.

In Florida you only need your military ID to satisfy the training requirement for a CCW. http://licgweb.doacs.state.fl.us/weapons/apply.html

May hold true in other states as well.

Get the best training you can get and don't burn up $150 for nothing.

I know I'm posting on a resurrected thread and that you may have already jumped in on this but if you haven't I'd find somewhere that has some solid training if you feel you need that. I've always felt that joining a rifle/pistol club helps in learning how to hone your skills in shooting.


Former Rhino Bro
[salt]If your only weapons experience is the basic Navy "qualification" you should really not be handling a weapon. When I went through it we learned nothing about the weapons, and only slightly more about weapons safety. It was all about getting the rounds on target without putting hot brass down your neighbor's shirt.

And some people got more hot brass in my shirt than they did rounds on their target.[/salt]


He bowls overhand.
I know I'm posting on a resurrected thread and that you may have already jumped in on this but if you haven't I'd find somewhere that has some solid training if you feel you need that. I've always felt that joining a rifle/pistol club helps in learning how to hone your skills in shooting.
Haven't, yet, and haven't really got around to looking.