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Sending in the Finished Package

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Intel Officer
Thanks for the tips...seems like the webmasters come through with great consistency on this site, bravo. And Goliath, dude, this site wouldn't be half as entertaining if you horsing around on every topic I read (along with Hartman, JTP and Ghost) Yeah dude, I was totally kidding about the sports shit because otherwise I would have had an awesome PBI and FOBI. I did play football, but I wasn't all state, and I did play tennis and never lost any league matches and the team won the league and state all four years I was there, but tennis doesn't really count for much in the world of missiles, muscles and pre-emptive strikes. Maybe I'll seek some second opinions on PRK...
p.s. What is the PRK program, since you said to ask? I'm in week five of the Category one Seal PT program.


Registered User
First, Thank you, we finally get props for being the smart asses that we are! Second, Dammit Tennis is a hard sport! I played for 13 years competitively and I was in GREAT shape because of it. But I still played football and golf to balance out to the less knowlegable of the difficulty of Tennis!


Registered User
With your scores, I'd get the PRK. It isn't that bad, and it will only delay you 3 months, maybe six if your really blind (bottle glass dork!). Would you rather be driving, or would you rather be in the backseat? Of course you'd rather be driving. I had it done, and I am now seeing 20/12, and I also believe it will make my package stronger being that I risked going blind and spent a pretty penny to fly for this country.



Registered User
Yeah, go for it, dude! PRK was great for me too...I'm seeing 20/13 now. But I'll warn you; it's different for different patients. It might hurt worse than what you did to your girlfriend on prom night!


Intel Officer
Alright, folks, that will wrap up our discussion on this particular topic. Thank you for your participation, as always, it has been helpful. <Insert little yellow head here if I knew how>


Registered User
Hello to everybody. I am new here. I have read a competitive profile for intelligence officer. (a candidate OAR score should be at least 40) What is OAR stands for?
Thank you for your help


Registered User
you need at least 40 to apply for most programs, however you'll probably need a 55 or higher to be competitive for Intel. (OAR) Officer Aptitude Rating. a bullshit way of measuring intelligence.

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
Thank for the answer. I would like to apply but it does look so competitive.I cannot choose among few options and really do not know what to do. Let me tell you about myself so, maybe somebody will be able to show me the road. I am 29, female, naturalized citizen. I have J.D. , AS in forensic and finishing my degree in International relations with 3.8 GPA. I speak Russian fluently. I renounced my Russian citizenship.( do not believe I can seat by one ... on two chairs) i spoke with few people and they are telling me contradictiong info; one guy said that I should not even try because I probably will have problems with Secret clearance (simply because I was not born here-he said that) Another man said it does not matter. I do not know whom to believe. So, confused now. Should I even try?
I am physically active but would say I am my best now. How many push-ups a 29-30 y old woman have to do? I can do about 25 now honestly and I am Ok about my curls-up, not really good for run, about 14:00.
What do you think, guys.
any help is highly appreciated.


Registered User
J.D ? you mean a Juris Doctor right? anyway you have to do around 50 curl-ups and at least 29 push-ups also a 14:00 min 1.5 mile run is fine. But, about your citizenship. You can be a naturalized citizen and get commisioned in the U.S. Navy. You'll have to give them your naturalization certificate number and place of naturalization. I'm not sure how the selection board will look at it (citizenship issue) though. You should talk to an Officer Recruiter. if you go to an enlisted recruiter, he'll try to enlist you. So make sure you ask them if they are the Officer recruiter. anyway getting in is tough. you'll have to be able to improve you physical condition.

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
Thank you very much. Yes, I do have J.D. I am not good runner but I will try and my push -ups.... 29 seem like a lot to me BUT everything is possible to a willing heart. I will go now to my living room and do push-ups until I drop dead.[}:)]
I play tennis very well and have strong arms. Also I used to do windsurfing and my back used to be OK but push-ups are not really good. I think my wrists not that strong or I was slightly overweight recently. I lost 25 lbs in 4 weeks ( I was in England in August and had a chance to walk a lot)I hope now, since I do not have an extra lbs on me, it would be easier for me.
thank you
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