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Ready Room Down


Do the chickens have large talons?
Seems like I start out all my threads freaking out over something bad that just happened. I'm just looking to know what to expect next guys, I'm not really THAT bad at this stuff. But in that tradition, here goes another one.

FOR THE CLIFFNOTES VERSION, skip this next paragraph.

Struck pink today on my C4390 check ride. Not pink in the air, but pink in the brief. Started off shakey as I stumbled answering his first question (knew the answer, just , but just tripped over my own words) the killer was course rules for the runways that we never use. I understand that I should've known that stuff better, but it just never dawned on me to study that information once more before the brief. Just an oversight in studying, that's all. Everything else was solid: EPs/Notes/Cautions/Warnings were verbatim, fuel system drawing was accurate, etc. The killer is that it has since taken no more than 5 minutes to review those course rules and get them up to par.

Long story short, an oversight in studying caused me a ready room down on the checkride. I've fixed the oversight, and my airwork is good enough that I'm completely confident I can pass this flight on my next attempt. My worry is: how is this going to affect overall grades, selection, etc. I'm not necessarily shooting for jets, but I AM shooting for jet grades. I just hope something like this doesn't jack things up too much.


Super Moderator
STOP worrying about grades and stressing out about jet grades, it'll only bring more stress! Study your butt off, and relax in the brief and plane and the grades will take care of themselves.

Sry to hear about the RRD, sounds like it was a learning experience for you which is good. Better than making up excuses or blaming it on a 'bad IP'.


Ask me about ninjas!
One of my best friends went pink in his C4390 brief. He forgot to study the discuss items. Stupid mistake on his part? Yeah. Was he pissed at himself and did was he freaked out? Hell yeah. Then he relaxed, realized it was a bonehead mistake, learned from it, and then PUT IT BEHIND HIM! He had "jet grades" at the end of primary. He's a smart guy, but the secret to his success was never letting that sh!t get to him and putting in some work. Back to studying for me...


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Site Admin
I think NOT striking pink for a while is far more stressful...if you get my drift.

As for grades, like E5B is saying, don't worry about your grades. Think of it this way: Will worrying about your grades make the grades better? You're going to do the best you can do, regardless. That's just how the system is set up. There's a few exceptions, but overall, unless you're a retarded, balding monkey with ADD, you're going to get through it. And chances are if you've made it to that checkride, they've at least screened for ADD.

Basically, just worry about the next 2 or 3 flights. If your grades suck on a flight, find out what to do to make them suck less, and do it. In the end, you'll be fine, and actually enjoy flight school.
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You can still get the grades you want (need) for selection with a 4390 down. I busted the flight and the recheck on the safe for solo ride and still got what i wanted. Just put it behind you and press.


Do the chickens have large talons?
Well the replies look pretty good so far... thanks all. To clarify, I'm not really stressing about this all that much, since I've been doing pretty good until now, and I know I can do better in the future, I'm just quite curious as to how this affects grades. I know it doesn't matter, since I'll be flying something cool no matter what, but I'd still like to have some idea what's in store. Thanks again, all.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Remember a Ready Room down is a little different than a flight down. IPs are more forgiving of a guy who knows his sh!t but cant fly. Not a big deal put it behind you but realize that you dont have any more "aww sh1t I forgot to study that" get out of jail cards. You need to know your breifing material forward and backward from here on out. IPs compare note.
Bounce back from this and you should be fine.
Good luck


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Yeah, I downed my RN-1 (first flight in advanced) on a stupid NATOPS question... wanted to punch myself there too because I shacked the target... but I was still able to bounce back and get -18s.

It's always possible to come back, but like skid said, you've used that bullet.


Helo Bubba
skidkid said:
Remember a Ready Room down is a little different than a flight down. IPs are more forgiving of a guy who knows his sh!t but cant fly. Not a big deal put it behind you but realize that you dont have any more "aww sh1t I forgot to study that" get out of jail cards. You need to know your breifing material forward and backward from here on out. IPs compare note.
Bounce back from this and you should be fine.
Good luck

Glad someone put this out. I am not trying to be a dick, just putting things into perspective. The brief is the most important thing about flight school. You can sux ass in the air, but if they see you know your sh!t and are giving your best, they will work with you. RRD is another story.... DO NOT get anymore. The briefs only get more complex as you progress through flight school and even more demanding in the rag.

This is an overcomable mistake! But learn from it.


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bch said:
The brief is the most important thing about flight school.
I would go further and say that the brief becomes even more important in the fleet, especially when you're flying with lots of other airplanes. Good execution starts with a good brief - just a little perspective for all.



Hummer NFO
Hey dude, I know pinks are never good but look at it this way. You have your pink sheet story. When I got mine, I think I almost died. It was on a low level. I had been good up until the check and then got stupid. Oh well. The guys are right. Expect your next 5 flights or so to be pretty crazy briefs. Once you get a RRD, the IP's look to see if they can get you again. It just means you are going to have to be smokin all the time. They probably aren't going to give you any leeway for a while. I would also argue that the brief isn't the most important thing in flight school. In the fleet, oh yeah, but in Primary, it's just a reason for your IP to grill you. Ask yourself this question, can you fly the airplane well? If that is a definite yes, then don't worry about it. If no, then you need to worry.


damn homeowners' associations
Mefesto said:
My question is didn't you ever fly the course rules for whatever it was your forgot? We had to SEE everything at least once when I was in Primary.

Not necessarily the case in Corpus. If the winds don't change to warrant a runway other than 13L/R, you won't use the others. 9 times out of 10 the winds are out of the SE, but occasionally you'll get to take off on 35 or something.


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gregsivers said:
Not necessarily the case in Corpus. If the winds don't change to warrant a runway other than 13L/R, you won't use the others. 9 times out of 10 the winds are out of the SE, but occasionally you'll get to take off on 35 or something.
Expect the unexpected.



Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
Expect the unexpected.


Agreed. Saw the homefield waveoff for the first time when I had to do one on my C4390 in primary. BAD idea; almost hooked the ride there by overspeeding the flaps (within a knot or so from it, actually).

Also, you can be your own worst enemy; be vigilant and realize how you can screw up (esp. after a RRD), but still don't go looking for monsters in the closet.