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Phelps does it


How do you fly a Clipper?
Valid point but can you really compare major league baseball to the Olympic games? I don't think the two are on the same level. I see the games as being the pinancle of athletic events.

True. I lose so much sleep when the olympics are on. Conversely, as soon as I turn baseball on...:sleep_125.


Crusty Shellback
Valid point but can you really compare major league baseball to the Olympic games? I don't think the two are on the same level. I see the games as being the pinancle of athletic events.

That wasn't the point I was making.


Crusty Shellback
then what was your point?

I wasnt comparing the size of the sporting event. The Olympics are every 4 years. MLB goes on for the better part of the year every year...and he's saying he is appalled about how they have cheaters on tv and its a slap of the face yada yada.

Not that I don't agree, but by that logic we do it year in year out with MLB, and it's marketed all over the world. That was my point.


Working Plan B
So the Chinese kids are too young?

Yeah, I understand that they are cheating.
Yeah, I understand that it's gymnastics, and it's different.

I still feel like people are complaining a bit too much about how the little girls have an unfair advantage.

But Phelps, yeah. Could put that guy in the medals by country stats and he'd still look awesome...

EDIT: I guess my thoughts on this are: if they are really that good, let 'em compete...


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
I wasnt comparing the size of the sporting event. The Olympics are every 4 years. MLB goes on for the better part of the year every year...and he's saying he is appalled about how they have cheaters on tv and its a slap of the face yada yada.

Not that I don't agree, but by that logic we do it year in year out with MLB, and it's marketed all over the world. That was my point.

roger. i don't necessarily agree.

i see the olympics as a much more prestigious sporting event than any baseball game, even the world series. national pride is on the line, something that a concerted and organized cheating scheme (think East Germany) can only tarnish. China has worked their commie asses off to make themselves look as good as possible in these games...but they weren't prepared for the demands of dealing with the press. Western journalists don't play the go along to stay outta the gulag game that their officials enjoy, and now the Chinese look like cheatin bastards in front of the world, against the world.

not a good way to make friends for the next city you want to win an olympic venue slot for.

baseball has lost a lot of the lustor it had for me when I was a little kid watch the Iron Man play his ass off in B-more. I can't look at a guy without wondering what supplements he's shooting up on. Every ball game kind of becomes that slap in the face that you deny.

Makes me think of that phrase "Babe Ruth did it with hot dogs and beer, Hank Aaron did it with grace and class...How'd Barry Bonds do it?" Our 'National Sport' is tainted because the athletes cheat. plain and simple.


Now with even more awesome!
Yeah, I understand that they are cheating.


EDIT: I guess my thoughts on this are: if they are really that good, let 'em compete...

Well by that logic, we should let all the juicers play baseball.

In fact, inductio ad absurdem, we should just toss out all the rulebooks to all sports and let everything devolve into a no-holds-barred deathmatch.

Because, hey, we all understand that they are cheating, but they are just sooo good when they cheat that we ought to let everyone play.


Working Plan B
Well by that logic, we should let all the juicers play baseball.

In fact, inductio ad absurdem, we should just toss out all the rulebooks to all sports and let everything devolve into a no-holds-barred deathmatch.

Because, hey, we all understand that they are cheating, but they are just sooo good when they cheat that we ought to let everyone play.

I absolutely see what you are saying, but I just don't think that steroids and age cut-offs compare in quite that way.


How do you fly a Clipper?
Well by that logic, we should let all the juicers play baseball.

In fact, inductio ad absurdem, we should just toss out all the rulebooks to all sports and let everything devolve into a no-holds-barred deathmatch.

Because, hey, we all understand that they are cheating, but they are just sooo good when they cheat that we ought to let everyone play.

:D I'm game.


Now with even more awesome!

"Smokey this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


Even if the rules are stupid and you don't agree with them, you can't just flagrantly violate them. There are steps that could have been taken to protest the rule or petition for change. China has chosen the unethical subversive option and need to reap the consequences. I really wanna see their medals get stripped away. . .


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
I absolutely see what you are saying, but I just don't think that steroids and age cut-offs compare in quite that way.

my understandings of the fact that they're smaller girls plays a big role in how well they do. US girls, who are older than 16, are bigger and run harder for their tumbling routines, and incur many out of bounds penalties. The chinese girls, who are smaller (maybe because they are 3 years younger) are able to stay in bounds and avoid those penalties. if they were as old as our girls, they might be playing at the same level, and incurring similar penalties for going out of bounds.

man i sound like a homo watching all this gymnastics. its the olympics! its not gay if its the olympics...right? right?!


The Chinese are just proving to the world what we all thought of them anyway. They will go to any length to show the rest of us they are a great nation. Their true colors still show, from the 7 year old girl whose face wasn't pretty enough to be shown during her song at the opening ceremonies, to misrepresenting the age of their gymnasts (whether it helps or not, rules is rules), and their police beating on British journalists to stop them from covering pro-Tibet protests. That's all I'll remember about these Olympics, regardless of how Bob Costas puts it.


I drive an 85 Jeep CJ7. I know. That's hot.
Mark Spitz = ASSHOLE

I think Mark Spitz's comments showed his arrogance and total lack of sportsmanship. He could have been a gentleman, been part of the MP phenomenon, but no, he had to go and mouth off like this.

"I never got invited. You don't go to the Olympics just to say, I am going to go. Especially because of who I am," Mark Spitz told AFP in Hong Kong.

"I am going to sit there and watch Michael Phelps break my record anonymously? That's almost demeaning to me. It is not almost -- it is."

I lifeguarded all through college at Royer Pool (Indiana U) next to his cheesy life size poster of him in his speedo, gold medals, mustache, looking up to him. My respect for him is seriously diminished now.


Harrier Dude

Living the dream
I think Mark Spitz's comments showed his arrogance and total lack of sportsmanship. He could have been a gentleman, been part of the MP phenomenon, but no, he had to go and mouth off like this.

"I never got invited. You don't go to the Olympics just to say, I am going to go. Especially because of who I am," Mark Spitz told AFP in Hong Kong.

"I am going to sit there and watch Michael Phelps break my record anonymously? That's almost demeaning to me. It is not almost -- it is."

I lifeguarded all through college at Royer Pool (Indiana U) next to his cheesy life size poster of him in his speedo, gold medals, mustache, looking up to him. My respect for him is seriously diminished now.


I gotta be honest here.....I don't see anything wrong with what he said. :confused:

What was the context? If the question was something along the lines of "Why aren't you there to see him break your records?", then it seems like a good enough answer to me.

Why should he pay to go pay homage to a guy who's about to break his hard won and long standing record? I would think that the US swim team guys/whoever does PR for them would have paid to have him there to gracefully honor Phelps when he breaks the record.

I can understand him not being willing to fork over his own money to get tickets to the Olympics in China to just sit there like a schmuck and watch Phelps break his records. If he's not going to be included, or even acknowledged, when Phelps does it, that would be demeaning to Spitz. He's earned some (a lot of) respect.

In any case, it doesn't seem particularly "asshole-ish" of Spitz.