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Personal Weapons at TBS


Living the dream
I'm getting geared up for TBS in November with Alpha and Im trying to decide if I should bring along my Glock and my shotgun. I would be driving and I live in California so the gun is registered here and kept here. Whats the gouge besides having to check them into the armory is there any reason to bring them or not bring them, will I get to shoot them or is it just a big waste of time?


You'll have to register them with PMO when you get there. You'll be briefed on that during Zero Week. I don't think it would be a big waste of time. My squad had a big collection of weapons going. All told, I think we had roughly 18 weapons among our whole squad. There will be plenty of time to go shooting - there is a shooting range not too far from base in Woodbridge called Shooter's Paradise. Some in my platoon went there at night during Range Week to practice for the pistol range.


Ask me about ninjas!
There's also open range time over at WFTBN during the week. If you go during lunchtime, they'll even lend you a .38 special and let you shoot all the ammo you want. It seems that they still have a huge stockpile of the stuff to use up, and what better way to do that then give it to Marines to shoot...for free. Of course, this info is two years old, so don't take it as the official word until you scope it out yourself.

Edit: Most of my friends had their guns with them, but they usually kept them at a married guy's house. The PMO registration process is fairly easy, but if you live in the BOQ, you can't keep a personal weapon there. Which leaves keeping it in the armory. I don't want to bag on the armorers too badly, but let's just say that there are people who swear that their personal weapons have been fired while being kept in the armory.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
For the love of god do not keep them in the armory. Those clowns will take it apart, put it together, fvck with it, and might shoot it. On more than one occassion I've known people who got phonecalls from the armory b/c they took their gun apart and couldn't get it back together. Keep in mind, Marines could break a rubber mallet... do you really want them playing with your expensive guns? Either find a buddy in town who will let you keep them there or rent a storage shed. Either way, you avoid the PMO registration and the armorers fvcking with it.


Living the dream
Next question would be. What are the handgun laws like in Virginia? I know bringing my Mossberg 12ga. isnt a problem but what about my glock, are the rules different if I'm on a base? I don't want to become a felon on accident by driving across country with my glock in the trunk of my car.


Well-Known Member
Next question would be. What are the handgun laws like in Virginia? I know bringing my Mossberg 12ga. isnt a problem but what about my glock, are the rules different if I'm on a base? I don't want to become a felon on accident by driving across country with my glock in the trunk of my car.

Good start would be Packing.org

They keep a very up to date site on recprocity and general Handgun laws for a State. However you will then want to go in and search the Transfer/transport requirements for each state your traveling in.

My Advice,
Best way to do it in general. Disassemble any weapons you are transporting. Place them in a hard case of some kind that can be locked (even a pad lock around the handle is better then nothing). And Keep ammunition in a seperate portion of the car (I.E. locked glove box or its own locked container in a differnt location then the trunk). Also some states require you to notify any Law Enforcement Officer which you have an official meeting with (Traffic stop, DUI checkpoint, ect). Id tell them either way. Trust me from my experiance on both sides of it a Police Officer is put much more at ease if you notify him up front you have weapons. That way god forbid he has to do something and finds them later you dont look like you have something that might be worth hiding. I know somebodys gonna start screaming civil liberties and privacy, yeah thats all well and good but theres something to be said for giving a little in order to make things go smoother. If you have a CHL, depending on what state your from will drastically effect how easy it would be to excersise that right traveling. Im from Ohio, and unfortunately we havent worked things out with enough states yet that its almost a PITA for me to try and travel with my weapon unless I wanna stop every 2 or 3 hours to constantly strap on and off.


Living the dream
This is a pain in the ASS! Packing.org had some info, but who, like a real human being, could I call up to get definitive information on what I can and can't do? Now it's looking like I can't travel with the gun in New York without a permit. Has anyone else faced this situation? what do I do?


Well-Known Member
This is a pain in the ASS! Packing.org had some info, but who, like a real human being, could I call up to get definitive information on what I can and can't do? Now it's looking like I can't travel with the gun in New York without a permit. Has anyone else faced this situation? what do I do?

State Attorney Generals Office. You can look the numbers up online for the states your traveling through.