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Pay at OCS

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Registered User
Married candiates will receive full BAH while at OCS, you will also receive a separation allowance at the end of each month.

BAH is based on your home of record and E-5 pay. FYI if you make it: at TBS, BAH for a married O-1 with 0 years is 1298 a month.

Make sure you bring documentation to OCS - i.e. copy of your marriage certificate, spouse birth certificate and social security card. Have your own copies of every document your OSO requires. OCS admin is notorious for losing everything on God's green earth.


Cordespc said:
HHmm...any idea if a single guy can pull that off?

According to one of my friends, if you are single you have to live on base during TBS. He said he had to live off base after TBS though.


New Member
zippy said:
According to one of my friends, if you are single you have to live on base during TBS. He said he had to live off base after TBS though.

Just for purposes of clarification, "live on base during TBS" means live in the barracks.


Prospective Candidate for OCS
speaking of pay at OCS, anyone know the exact numbers you recieve each increment of PLC? isnt it something like e-5 pay while there?


deployment sucks
riley mcconnell said:
you will also receive a separation allowance at the end of each month.

i believe that only kicks in after you've been there 30 days. in other words, you have to be separated a month before you get the separation allowance, so you only get it for 2 of the 3 months.


Registered User
At juniors you will be an E-5 with <2 years. $1759.50/month
At seniors you will be an E-5 with >2 years. $1877.10/month

This assumes that you go to juniors after freshman year and seniors after junior year and have no prior enlisted experience. All figures are before taxes.

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