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OCS vs. Iraq ... Help


500+ Posts
A former Ranger once posed this question to me:
"You know what sucks about war? Nothing."

I'll let you know how accurate this is about a year from now.


Well-Known Member
Take the OCS spot. Guarantee you this won't be the last war ever.

A little story:

On September 12, 2001, my best friend (an 0311 NCO) was passionate about dropping his MECEP contract (the contract he fought for five years to earn), dropping out of college, and going to war in whatever line unit the Corps needed him. Our MOI, a very highly respected infantry officer, gave him some great counsel: He emphasized that we as Marines will always have enemies to fight and, (because of our expeditionary nature), we will always fight to get into the fight. My friend was highly encouraged to continue to get his education and earn his commission, because he would get his chance one day.

Sure enough, he persisted, graduated from college, commissioned, and led Marines in combat in Iraq...as an 0302.


New Member
A former Ranger once posed this question to me:
"You know what sucks about war? Nothing."

I'll let you know how accurate this is about a year from now.

-haha nice. Id be interested to hear back about that. I've had alot of friends go to war and come back very very different.


Retired Strike Pig Driver
A former Ranger once posed this question to me:
"You know what sucks about war? Nothing."

I'll let you know how accurate this is about a year from now.

I don't agree with that in any way. Combat -- especially the getting shot at part -- is highly over rated.

Shooting back kicks ass...but to assert that "nothing" about war sucks is complete idiocy.

Professional warriors, especially those who have seen actual combat, are usually the first to acknowledge what a terrible thing combat is.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Ain't breaking our hearts, bro. It's your future, your decision and your beautocks.

Good luck. Keep yer head down in the Sandbox. Hope your tour is boring - you don't want exciting.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
I guess I will let you know in about a year how true that quote is. I decided to deploy with my unit.
To all the OCS/air hopefully out there who read this sorry for breaking your hearts by giving up an air contract, but I feel this is just something that I have to do.

YOu didn't give up on your contract, you answered the call and merely postponed your future on that path so put that in a compartment and concentrate ont he task at hand. Best wishes! HJ


Registered User
A former Ranger once posed this question to me:
"You know what sucks about war? Nothing."

I'll let you know how accurate this is about a year from now.

Kind of like nothing sucks about being a Baldwin??


Happiness is Vectored Thrust
I guess I will let you know in about a year how true that quote is. I decided to deploy with my unit.
To all the OCS/air hopefully out there who read this sorry for breaking your hearts by giving up an air contract, but I feel this is just something that I have to do.

Good on you man. Best of luck to you over there. You can always pursue your commission when you return. GET SOME!