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OCS vs. Iraq ... Help

So here is my situation, I am selected for OCC-197 Air, but my reserve unit is slated to deploy in support of OIF in May. I am pumped to go to OCS and go active duty but at the same time I feel like I really want to deploy with my Marines. After all OCS is not going anywhere and I am only 23 so age is not an issue.
Any advice/comments/motivation will be gladly accepted. Also anyone aware of anything negative that could follow me if I chose not to ship to OCS this late in the game and then reapply in '09 when I return.:confused:


yut king
I understand your thought process, but if you're looking to be talked out of declining the opportunity to go to OCS, I'll be happy to give it a shot...

Maybe you should think big picture. Can you serve the Marine Corps more effectively as an officer? Not at all to discount the value of the enlisted Marine, but if you have the potential to be an officer, and you feel called to do so, then why not take the earliest opportunity to make that happen? If you are afraid of feeling like you dodged Iraq by going to OCS, just forget about that. It's kind of a tough spot to be in, but don't feel like you're not serving to your fullest potential by going to OCS instead of deferring that option and going to Iraq as an enlisted Marine w/your unit.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
If you got accepted to OCS and that is what you want...wish your buds well and go to OCS.

You'll get your turn in the barrel sooner than you think.


Well-Known Member
Dude. I may not be a marine, but I KNOW how tough it is for a lot of folks to get an OCS slot. If you want a commission, don't give it up. If you really want to go to Iraq and serve, it's your prerogative, and an honorable choice. But then again, if you REALLY wanted to, you wouldn't care what AW has to say anyway. If you want to deploy because you've been drinking too much koolaid, then put the cup down, realize you're gonna be just as marine undeployed with a butter bar, and go to OCS.

You have a decision to make. Make it a good one. Best of luck.


To offer a different perspective: I was in the same situation a few years ago, I had been accepted to PLC but my unit activated before I left. I decided to deploy with my unit, and do not regret that decision at all. Deploying will make you a much better person in the long run, and a better officer of Marines if you decide to continue on that path. You'll likely only be gone for six months to a year, and you won't be turned down in the future if you have to apply again to OCS because you went to Iraq.

I'm not going to tell you to go with your unit, but I know it was the right choice for me.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
Got it. Reading comprehension.

"Just" 23 isn't too bad. You'll come back at about 24, then go to OCS at maybe 25. What if you get hurt (at OCS, God forbid in combat)? You''l start to bump up against age limits before too long. Time flies fast. It seems like yesterday that I was "just" 23.

Either way could work. Just make sure that you know what your true options are. If you haven't deployed to a combat zone before, then it may not be as exciting and dramatic as you imagine (probably a good thing).

I know you want to be with your bro's, and I think that's very honorable. It doesn't make you a flake if you go to OCS instead, though. Good luck either way.

Wow, thanks for the quick responses. It is funny how the responses are split, isn't it always easier if someone else just makes the decision for you. But since I have a choice and it seems that turning down OCS to deploy does not detrimentally affect future OCS slots I am currently leaning towards deployment. For two reasons, one, my Marines, and two i defiantly feel it would make me a better Marine and a better officer.
PS I have not been drinking the koolaid tonight ... just thinking too much!


Well-Known Member
I don't envy the decision you have to make. However, I would suggest that you add this piece of information to your decision matrix - you have to "reapply" to OCS if you don't ship now. While there is a fairly good chance that you would be accepted again, what if you don't? OCS in the future is not a certainty. This OCS class is. Just some food for thought.


phrogpilot73 makes a good point. When I decided to deploy instead of going to OCS, my OSO basically said that my spot would be waiting for me when I returned, but that yes I would have to reapply. When I did return I decided not to, but that's a decision for you to make. My platoon was very tight and I ended up deploying with them again a year later, and I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything. I will say that we had another Marine also accepted to OCS, and he got the unit to let him come home from Iraq early to attend, and you don't want to hear what was said about him at the time. Anyways, it's ultimately a personal decision, no one here knows you or your goals. Good luck, and talk to your OSO about this before you decide.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
My 2 cents...

You have a SNA contract. Although you would most likely get another OCS contract after returning, will you still get a SNA contract? There might not be any available. How bad do you want to be a pilot.

You could easily get a wound or illness that would allow you to go to OCS but NPQ you from flight.

If being a pilot is high on your list of desires, I'd go to OCS now and have your war after you are winged. It most likely will still be there, and if it isn't - there will be another one.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Talk to your OSO, I dont think there are too many out there that wouldnt hold your spot for you. There are way too many variables to consider but you have to be up front with both and make a decision soon; the OSO has slots to fill or the unit will have a gap to fill.

If I were in your shoes I would try and get a hold my slot and go deploy with the unit, this war is in some ways winding down for team green (this might be a transitory status). If there is no way a slot could be held I honestly dont know which way I would go.

Good luck with a decision I dont envy.
Semper Fi


Well-Known Member
I was in a similar situation last year. I had just been notified of my unit being deployed to Afghanistan, and selected for STA-21 a week later. (I was HM) They let me choose and I took the STA, I still feel guilty about leaving my guys. But I think I made the right choice. Remember, you're still a Marine, just not getting shot at. Good Luck either way though.