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News thread, but not about quarantine news


Well-Known Member
You know, I just spent more time looking at that chart. It is obviously a great way to get a quick indication of how reliable a media source is. One thing struck me though. Some could look at that chart and see most of the high quality news sources slightly left of center. You also could look at it and see how many of the right wing news sources suck. If they were more reliable, it would shift the chart right.

Its either a rabbit or a duck. depending on your view.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member

What makes that chart accurate other than the website it comes from claiming it is? I call shenanigans. It's just a bunch of their analysis putting their spin on it. Putting VOX, Politico, Huffpost, NYT and USA Today in the "most reliable" category is pure bulls hit.

Here's another media bias chart which is probably slightly more realistic only because it's easier to read and not because it has anything backing up its accuracy. But it admits it in the title lines.



Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
With reference to “reliability,” I only routinely read the Financial Times and the Christian Science Monitor. Both are excellent and more importantly objective in their reporting. That said, I have always joked that if you want to know what is happening in Washington D.C you read both the Washington Post and the Washington Examiner and divine the facts from somewhere in the middle.


Bullets don't fly without Supply
You say you think Fox is far-right, and CNN and MSNBC are extreme left. If things are at the extremes, there must be things not so extreme. In your opinion, what's a center left news publication? How about a center right?
Sorry, I'm away from my laptop this weekend and not so easy to navigate via dumb phone.

Although I wasn't specifically saying I thought Fox was far-Right, I was saying that in response to Brett's comments.
I'd say I'm more inclined to call out individual anchors as being more extreme in their views (Left or Right). In my opinion there are just more on CNN and MSNBC that are extreme Left than those on Fox that are extreme Right, my opinion. To the disdain of many in my family I attempt, some days I can't hold my nose long enough to wade throw the BS they are spewing, to view and read news from both sides of the spectrum and realize the truth is in the middle somewhere. Trust me, I'm also no fan of Mr. Hannity. I tend to use Drudge as an aggregator of headlines, so I dont have to google every blasted news source. Many times even his headlines are misleading.

And for some reason, I can't view the chart, posted earlier, on my phone.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
What's fascinating to me is how an individual's own personal bias affects how they interpret any given source. CNN isn't extreme by any stretch of the imagination, though some people probably feel that way. This is consistent with the notion that as partisanship increases, many people will view information that contradicts their own opinion or perception of reality as false, or an attack, instead of a different point of view. It's harder to have a discussion about anything when people are spring loaded to assume the other side is arguing in bad faith. This mindset also makes it easier for people to believe increasingly outlandish things they might hear about the other side.

What is interesting on the chart is the relative mass of the partisan right cluster. That general space has seen a lot of growth over the past 20 years. With FNC and CNN being most people's staple media diet, I would opine that the daylight between FNC and Infowars is less than that between CNN and Jacobin or Daily Kos. This is also reflected in the chart. Vast swaths of our population - the electorate - are functionally illiterate on how their government functions, which makes them easy prey for politicians and con men that make impossible promises or invent insane conspiracy theories about their opponents. I don't know how we teach our society to be better consumers of information, but I feel like we're going to continue down this road until we address that.


Dirty Hinge
I’ve always embraced the term. If someone asks if I think I’m better than them, the answer is obviously “yes.”

I've never understood why we should be ashamed that the world has winners and losers, and it’s generally the winners who run said country.


Bullets don't fly without Supply
I’ve always embraced the term. If someone asks if I think I’m better than them, the answer is obviously “yes.”

I've never understood why we should be ashamed that the world has winners and losers, and it’s generally the winners who run said country.
Or those who win rigged elections...

I kid, I kid


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
We do not effectively teach critical analysis. Most folks accept what they read or hear without question, never considering biases, agenda or even logic. Lazy lazy lazy. Most of our citizens do not think for themselves.
I had the benefit of (or was cursed with) a mother who taught critical thinking at our local university. I mostly used these acquired skills to tell both of my parents that they were fucked up. :)