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You can't spell lost without Lt.
On humps I popped Motrin out like from a pez dispenser. It was camo green and it had a SI head. But anyway about dessert in chow hall, the donuts in the morning was the reason why I woke up. Just dont be the candidate getting caught going up for seconds.


THEY HAVE DONUTS! All we got were muffins and I would grab like two just for carbs to get through the day.


You can't spell lost without Lt.
The donut tray was freakin huge. It had several different types, sprinkles, glazed...etc. Picture candidates in their cammies stuffin their faces with donuts. Haha!


2nd Inc. India Co. 2nd PLT. 2005
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I took percocets but I felt no effect at all but nausea. Will the same happen if I take Motrin; no real effect but nausea?


Really old guy
Hard to judge this one. It is possible that the percocet did take away some pain, but perhaps the nausea had a greater effect. Make sure your tooth doc knows that percocet makes you ill so they can give you something else.

It is not likely that Motrin would make you sick....just don't take it too often as it may other GI issues.


You can't spell lost without Lt.
Percocet giving you nausea is because you took it on a empty stomach. I always took my percocet with meals (when I had my wisdom teeth removed), and it made me so drugged up I would crash and take an eight hour nap. I took percocet once on a empty stomach and it made me want to vomit.

I remember with motrin you need to drink lots of water, but you should already be doing that at OCS anyway.


Blue speedo... check!
Jeeez! Do NOT take percocet for pain at TBS of on a hump! First off, it is illegal. I believe it is a narcotic and using a non-prescribed narcotic will end your Marine career quick.

Motrin makes the pain go away, but you can still function. It does not affect your motor skills or decision making. Percocet will knock you on your butt.

Yes, you could drink a handle of Jack Daniel's on a hump and the pain would go away, but it would be an incredibly stupid idea. I thought the sarcasm in my original post was apparent, but I'll add [sarcasm] tags next time.

And while I'm on this subject, f*@k pain killers. The only tool a Marine needs to deal with pain on a hump is a combat straw. Just pull it out and SUCK IT UP!


You can't spell lost without Lt.
handjive said:
Jeeez! Do NOT take percocet for pain at TBS of on a hump! First off, it is illegal.

Haha who said anything about using that on a hump. Just talking about how powerful (and illegal) this stuff is. It should ONLY be used as prescribed to help pain with broken bones or teeth. To the candidates that blow their tibia band out at OCS like I did at Jrs., call the corpsman for motrin, it's goiong to hurt like hell.


And while I'm on this subject, f*@k pain killers. The only tool a Marine needs to deal with pain on a hump is a combat straw. Just pull it out and SUCK IT UP!

Ah yes, a nice dose of 800mg of suck it the f*&k up!


Registered User
the Vicadin they gave me for my broken leg does a pretty good job to, but if they give you Vicadin or Percocet, there is pretty good chance you are going home for your injury


Take that motrin with chow, too. It's tough because often you'll have PT before chow. Just know that if you do decide to go the motrin on an empty stomach route, push water before PT, not during, or you'll start upchucking, and they'll think you're a heat case.

I speak from experience.

Ann Merke

Registered User
which class where you in, Cold Steel? I was in 0CC 189, just graduated, and we sure as heck didn't get no freakin' doughnuts...

Ann Merke

Registered User
Not to ruin everyone's day, with their daydreams of 800mg Motrin, but as of my class, this summer, the corpsmen are no longer allowed to carry around and dole out on whims, the beautiful orange bottles of Motrin. A corpsman gave a candidate (in a different company) one of those lovelies and the chump had an allergic reaction. Now the corpsmen only carry around fake Motrin and Tylenol. I'm not sure what the Motrin substitute is, but its in 200 mg pills and they give you 3, so you're only getting 600mg, total. Unless you're my corpsman, who liked to give us one days worth of Motrin/whatever in the morning. So she would give me 9 Motrin substitutes ( for 3 doses of 600mg ), and I would wind up taking 4-5 at a time, because really, I didn't need it at night while sleeping! Anyways... Good stuff.