That's the most important thing a military rotorcraft pilot can do.
I kinda disagree with this statement. I think the most important thing a military rotorcraft pilot can do, is what ever that 18 year old LCpl with a rifle needs done at the time. Sometimes he needs to be inserted, sometimes he needs CAS, sometimes he needs CASEVAC, and sometimes he needs his mail (with appropriate levels of porn). In the grand scheme of things, I fly a giant jockstrap for the grunts. And I'm cool with that.
As bad as it looks, it would impress me if the military could come up with a "training sim" that looks as "good" as that game...
So my civilian job is focused on synthetic training at EWTGLANT for prospective Marine FACs/JTACs/JFOs... There's this training system, called DVTE... Loaded on Dell Laptops... Distributed throughout the fleet... That includes the ability to fly a Cobra, Huey, CH-53E, AV-8B, use a GLTD-II, Vector/DAGR, IZLID, drive a 7 Ton, drive a HMMWV, drive an AAV, ride in any of the above, and it includes a first person shooter "game", plus the ability to network multiple computers together...
And yes, it looks pretty f'in close to that game. Oh - and you can plug in a headset and program a PRC-117 in order to talk to all your networked buddies...
How many Torps has the typical USMC HAC shot?
Zero. And what does it matter? This isn't WWII...
How many varsity level LLL inserts to a shitty, dusty, oh-my-christ-I-hope-I-don't-die LZs has a typical Navy HAC shot? We can measure dicks all day - but guess what, you can suck your own dicks about firing HFs and Torps, and realize that in the past decade of war, we've done our job more often than you have.