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Marines vs. Navy

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Registered User
Trying to decide whether I want to go pilot in the USMC or the Navy. Anybody have any thoughts?

Is it easier to get jets in the Marines?



Enroute to VMAQ-1
As said so many many times before, you need to want to be a Marine first. Forget about the jets stuff. Do you want to be a Marine? If you aren't sure, don't bother trying. Then decide if you want to be a pilot in the Marines.
Good luck


New Member
dont worry about getting jets. its up to you. if you are top of your class in any service then you have a good chance of getting your choice.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Everyplace filled with jet wannabes. Pop in Apocalypse Now, and tell me that helos are not the coolest!

Playing video games at 30K' is prety neat, but coming in at 100' on the goggles, blacked out, with 13 grunts and two .50 cals out the windows, that's the s@@t!

Phrogs phorever


Registered User
I'll go you one better. KC-130 Battleherk.....no goggles....low illum night....box and 1 for lighting at Rhino. First aircraft into Rhino with 120 steely-eyed killers in the back!
Can't claim the pleasure of that one, but a buddy of mine can.



Registered User
They're (Helo's, jets, 130s) all baddasses to me, so none and all of you win according to my poll <sniker>.

The Navy gets the new equipment as far as jets go, so if you're a "I have to have a jet" kind of person go Navy and be the best in your class. I think it's both difficult.

I may be wrong, but Navy puts emphasis toward acedemics, and Marine Corps toward physical. Don't get me wrong you gotta have a degree in both cases and pass all the tests. Both also require PT just a little less stringent in the Navy as opposed to Marines.

Also, if you got arrested for something when you were a kid (ie. assault with a deadly weapon) the Marines are more likely to waive it than the Navy. This is just my speculation since I never applied Navy.

Semper Fi


Registered User
LOL David, I don't think anybody is gonna waiver assault with a deadly weapon.


New Member
i got a waiver for that, just kidding. thats a huge offense. you could more like get a waiver for drunk and disorderly or minor in possession.


Registered User
yeah I had done it when I was 12, and I had to get an "exeption to policy" I got letters from my OSO, my OSO's CO, a Col. and a general. I got a final clearance from a major general at HQ from DC.

It was a dumb BB gun accident, and I know a few Marines that did the same thing when they were little boys. I just got the shaft from a legal standpoint.

The Col told me, "who didn't do that when they were growing up?"...the major also had a childhood bb gun story he shared with me.

In short, I did get the waiver

Semper Fi


Registered User
Wow, I had no idea a BB gun was considered a deadly weapon...Geez, now I gotta watch out for the boyscouts in my neighborhood.



Registered User
my point exactly Stace~

but i guess you had to have been there. I unintentionally shot this boy in the face with a malfuctioning bb-gun, and his mom called 911, and told the 911 operator, "My son got shot!!"

so the whole LAPD rampart division was swarming the area...fire trucks, paramedics, 2 helos, black and whites all over...i got scared and slipped away. When I came home it was off to juvi-halls.
I guess I could laugh about it now, but it wasn't fun at the time.

BTW I had to add this...the boy was treated on the scene. It was minor injury. Woo hoo some deadly weapon.
Semper Fi


He'll dazzle you with terms like "Code Red."
My parents wouldn't let me have a BB gun when I was a kid because they're pacifists. Maybe by helping me avoid having to deal with one of those BB gun incidents, they might have helped my chances of becoming a Marine. It's funny how those things work out. Those 20-mile off-trail nature appreciation walks my dad dragged me on will probably come in handy in the Quantico highlands someday, too.

"Peace on earth to men of goodwill. All others stand by."
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