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Well-Known Member
Jameski said:
That would help out a lot... maybe they could use the color pink from now on for sarcasm :)

I thought we were going to use pink for any thing an Air Force guy said.

Truly, the worst thing about the Air Force is the foppish blue uniform.

One more thing; there is a prevelant attitude in the Air Force, much like the tendency to push decision up, to only do what the regs say you can do. In the Navy we dictate from a higher level those things you specifically cannot due; with that knowledge, go out and get the job done however you need to; you are encouraged to innovate and problem solve. It seems small, but in fact, is a major difference.


Samsonite... I was WAY off!!
Good point about using pink... it fits perfectly for anything from the chair force.

I don't care what anyone says about the air force...they've got one thing going for them. They really thought it through on this one with their new blue camo uniforms... jump in the sky and they blend in to their "surroundings"... good thinking! I actually once almost convinced a friend of mine who works for the air force AMC terminal at Yokota to bring up to his commander the idea of painting their planes the same color as their blue uniforms....unbelievable.


Registered User
RetreadRand said:
Do they have a sarcasm font we can use?

Another forum I post on uses three slashes at the end of any sentance meant to be sarcastic/facetious. Just a thought. :idea_125:


Registered User
Jameski said:
What is the MAIN reason you would want to go into the air force?
Quality of life?

I guess, yet I don't know. I am only 16, so it's hard to decide between the two.

So what if the Air Force is comfortable and easy? ;)

Even my Dad doesn't want me to go into the Air Force(In the Air Force, he went through training to become a F-16 pilot ).


Well-Known Member
sh89 said:
Even my Dad doesn't want me to go into the Air Force(In the Air Force, he went through training to become a F-16 pilot ).

Now why does your dad think that you shouldn't follow in his footsteps? :D


Well-Known Member
sh89 said:
He said that the greatest minds go into the Navy :icon_tong :D

In that case, the Navy has the brains, the Marines have the brawn...what do the other services bring to the table?


Registered User
sh89 said:
So what if the Air Force is comfortable and easy? ;)

It attracts people who like comfortable and easy. Or perhaps are afraid of dirty and tough.

No disrespect meant to your pops. It's not a blanket statement. Most of the AF people I know are good people, just not the type I'd see myself next to in a war.


Well-Known Member
RetreadRand said:
This thread is now pointless and became very, very gay after page two.

Which merely means that it is on par with every other thread on AirWarriors :D

(...but that is what makes AW so great ;))


KBayDog said:
Which merely means that it is on par with every other thread on AirWarriors :D

(...but that is what makes AW so great ;))

Amen brother. And come on Retread, let us have our fun.:)


Working Plan B
RetreadRand said:
This thread is now pointless and became very, very gay after page two. pLease someone, kill it until it dies from it...please, oh moderator, make it stop!
Retread, you think most of the threads here are pointless and should die! :D


Super *********
Super Moderator
ItsTurboTime said:
No disrespect meant to your pops. It's not a blanket statement. Most of the AF people I know are good people, just not the type I'd see myself next to in a war.

What do you know of war and what it takes to fight one? I can't even answer that. Only a handful on this website can.