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June 08 Selection


Active Member
Well nothing Yet maybe they won't post by COB today, but for NOW I have reached COB. Good luck and Good Night. I will look later tonight when I get home and if they are posted I will let you all know something so you can start calling your OR.


How do you fly a Clipper?
I'm headed out for a while, but looking forward to seeing some results for all of you. Good luck.


JEE WILIKERS!, They sure are making us sweat on the wait for the results for this one. Thanks for keeping us updated Goob. BTW since I last applied and spoke to you I added 3 interviews and maxed out my PRT from previously being Good High to now all Outstanding. They let me reapply at the 5 month mark. Atleast I was told that I was tabled for this month. Cant wait to hear!




Registered User
I am in.... I can't contain myself

So guys and gals,

I just got a call from the recruiter.... and I was pro select for SNA... I can't even control my excitement. This is sooo freaking awesome. This has been a dream of mine for soo long. See you guys and gals in the sky.


So guys and gals,

I just got a call from the recruiter.... and I was pro select for SNA... I can't even control my excitement. This is sooo freaking awesome. This has been a dream of mine for soo long. See you guys and gals in the sky.

Congrats, Willie!

Mind posting up your stats for posterity?


How do you fly a Clipper?
So guys and gals,

I just got a call from the recruiter.... and I was pro select for SNA... I can't even control my excitement. This is sooo freaking awesome. This has been a dream of mine for soo long. See you guys and gals in the sky.

Congrats. Keep the results coming in.


bears, beets, battlestar galactica.
I don't even know if my recruiter is at work today. I keep telling myself, if I don't hear anything is that because I'm a non-select and he wants me to call him or is it better to receive a phone call than just an e-mail. Everytime I check my e-mail today I get that nervous vomitous feeling.


Registered User
My stats for selection

Just a warning.. not my best... lol

3.56 GPA International Relations/economics major Certificate in National Security/ Certificate in Middle Eastern studies.

FIU Honors College

48 5/4/5 i think...

5 Letters of Rec. Boss at the Department of State, Dean of Honors College, 3 Professors.

Max out on PRT. Outstanding High I believe.

Prior service 4 years with the Navy.

Kick ass personal statement.


Registered User
soo excited


Im sure you will get a call soon. When I got my call, I thought I was going to burst from all the joy. It feels great to work for something and finally get it. I hope you get in too. Would be great. Post when you get the call...



I just found out I was Pro-Rec'd for SNA and NFO!

I'm so excited!

They told me to look forward to leaving mid-July!

Congrats to everyone!!!!