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How do you get a pilot slot

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Registered User
thanks. May I tell you something?
I think that you might not ask me....."the tenets of national socialism" and "ethos"

Being a naval officer, an pilot was my dream when i was a little child, so.......you know.

Have a wonderful day.


Registered User
PropStop said:
I'm also totally hot, that was a help too. See, i'm a crappy pilot, but i'm also really good looking, so naturally the Navy wants to keep me around so they look good.

Yes but are you really really really good looking?? You know some people can't help it if they are born with a perfect cheek bone structure...
Just don't get the black lung when you retire from being a Navy pilot because of a freek JP5 accident...


Registered User
Got some slot available info from my OSO. Says that there are 2 slots available for FY05 and just 16 for FY06, take it for what it is worth.


Registered User
I sold my soul to the devil.

Are you an ambi-turner by any chance? I hear ambi-turners fare much better in the application process. I wouldn't have gone the whole 'sell your soul' route, but I went in knowing I could only turn left.


You think you hate it now...
I wasn't like every other kid, you know, who dreams about being an astronaut, I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that. I care desperately about what I do. Do I know what product I'm selling? No. Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here, and I'm gonna give it my best shot.

(I can also play beach volleyball...)


P-8 Bubba
Frank said:
Hi, I'm an international student, and have lived in Philadelphia ever since 2003. Actually, I've interested in working in U.S Navy, an pilot if possible. Can I apply for being an naval officer? Can I take Lasick?

I was an military officer, special force in Korea for 4 years, and also I was an R.O.T.C (Army) when i was a university

something I know that i can not be an military officer in the U.S, but if a way to be an naval officer, would you tell me how to do that?

I will go to flight school in Daytona Beach, FL soon, and will finish all of flight tranining courses within one year and half. of course I will have a B.S or M.S also.

to become a naval officer..

1. might help to be a US citizen.. kinda helps with the security clearance..
2. having been an officer of a foreign military will probably not help.
3. lasik is not authorized by the Navy
4. english will probably have to improve slightly
5. good luck with your flight training!


The Chief doesn't like cheeky humor...at all
Will my uber skills in the realm of beach volleyball be taken into consideration at anytime during the selection process? Also, I ride a motorcycle and often shake my fist in anger at passing aircraft.


His blood smells like cologne.
LOL, looks like he's coming here to Embry-Riddle. I don't think its called flight school. I think its just called, college. Nonetheless, with a name like Frank Lee, I think you should pass the EPSQ. That is a pretty American sounding name. It's not like your name is Dirka Dirka Jihad or anything.

P.S. I want that poster squeeze. Where can i get my hands on it?


Registered User
PropStop said:
I'm also totally hot, that was a help too. See, i'm a crappy pilot, but i'm also really good looking, so naturally the Navy wants to keep me around so they look good.

I just registered and surfed around a little to get some info on getting a pilot slot.....never thought I'd get some humor on top of it.....LOL....

Have to say PROPS to you for adding some great humor to this frustrating selection and testing process....... :D
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