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Help....When is the best time to apply?

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Registered User
Hi Everyone,

I am starting my junior year at the University of Florida. Up until this point I always thought that I would be going into medicine, but recently I started flying planes, and I fell in love with the idea of serving my country as a military aviator. I've had good grades up to this point (3.9)while majoring in Economics and taking all of the pre med requirements. Also, I have always been very athletic and I think my PRT would be pretty good. Basically, I think I could be a competitive applicant, but I just have no idea how to go about it. I have read a lot of posts on this board (this site rocks) and they have answered many questions; and consequently, further whetted my appetite to join the most elite flying community in the world. In short, when and how do I go about applying for a position assuming I graduate in spring 2004??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance,



OCC 186 Bound
it's about time for you to get the ball rolling on your package (typically after your junior year-but it's a good idea to apply early as its real competitive, DON'T wait until the last minute!!.) Get in touch with a naval officer recruiter in your area (look in the white pages-under gov't) and tell him what you posted here- you want an Officer's commission. Then he'll schedule you to take the ASTB, physical, and prt (you must be in top physical form!). there's a lot more I can't cover here, but this should get you on your way. GOOD LUCK!


Registered User
hey ice. First things first. Go to your local Officer Recruiter. If you don't know where they are. Just call your local enlisted recruiter and ask them fo the Officer recuriters number. Talk to the O recruiter and set up an appointment. You can start now by getting together at least 3 recommendations that attest to your leadership ability/potential, moral character. Just get someone to say that you're a certified badass. then write a 200 word essay on "Why a commission (officer position) is being sought. get a copy of all your college/University transcripts + University accepatance letter/ these forms if you can get them quickly will greatly speed up the process. The recuriter will have you go to MEPS (military entrance processing) and you will get checked out medically. Also before you go you have to take the ASTB (aviation selection test battery) get a ARCO military flight aptitude book, a Mechanical Comprehension arco book, and a officer exams book. arco makes them. they are not all that great though. but study hard. get to it and get those forms.


Registered User
Yes, you are given your designator when you sign your contract. However, you still can be NPQ'd for various medical reasons during your flight physical. You'd be wise to investigate potential medical problems you may face. Oh yeah, you also have to get through OCS and all stages of flight school!


OCC 186 Bound
yes, you can. but what you'll fly won't be guaranteed-that's worked out in flight school. BUT, remember- your primary duty is as a naval officer, and your main job is to take care of the sailors under you. Flight duties come second. make sure you are doing this for the right reasons otherwise you may very well end up disappointed.


Registered User
Thanks for all the replies everbody. And about the ASTB, I have read up on what the test consists of, but I dont understand how it is scored. Could somebody explain it to me?


Logan Ridley

Registered User
The local recruiter in g'ville is Master Chief Garner. THis guy has been great with information and no pressure. He has allowed me to make my decision and given all the information (plus) that I have needed to decide that I want to join the navy. if you have anyquestions, email me at loganridley@hotmail.com


Registered User
Master Chief Garner just hooked me up with a pilot slot. Of all the recruiters I have talked to in a few different states he was by far the most knowledgable. Stop by his office and he'll give you a few cool navy pins and golf balls - tell him josh sent you. I think you might be able to get the Navy to help pay for school as well if your positive you want to go in. don't quote me on that though.

Other than that, for those of you in G-ville, my wife teaches flying lessons out at the airport if you were interested in getting some flight training prior to entering. I would highly reccomend at least one flight just to make sure you like flying before you commit to it. give Camille a call at Gulf Atlantic if your interested. 373 2426.

Good luck

Josh Wilson


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Man, it's cool to see all these Gators on the site.

Just wanted to pass along some info that doesn't seem to be getting out. IceMan, this probably is too late for you, but for those interested, there's another way to enter a commissioning program. If you have two years left in school, and there's a NROTC unit at the school (UF for example ), you can apply to enter the "College Program." The program sends you up to Rhode Island for the summer before your last two years, and you get the equivelant of the first two years of indoc that you would get in ROTC, compressed into the summer. You then come back and become part of the NROTC unit and do your last two years. You receive the same monthly stipend as scholarship mids, but you have to pay your tuition. The commitment is a little less, and you're still eligable for the GI Bill (which scholarship and Academy guys are not).

For any of the UF guys, a point of contact at the unit there WAS a LT Greg Mingo, but I think he might have left. If you do go in there, and see Colleen, the secretary, say hi from me!


Registered User
Hey, if your a medical brainiack, you might even consider looking into being a Flight Surgeon, they are the god sends of the pilot community and they fly! Each CAG (Carrier Air Group) is assigned a Flight Surgeon, your on the same flight status as squadron pilots and "I think" you are qual'd for each type of platform in the CAG (I would't quote me on that one, but you are qual'd to fly something.) So if your into that, it could be the best of both worlds for you. Good luck, I'll be graduating in Spring 04 (unless I can shave a few classes off). WHOO THE 04 FLEET!


Valion310 out-


Registered User

I shaved off a few semesters by taking CLEP test. Look into it, there is a test for just about everything and it's a 90 dollar gamble. You can not have started the class you are to clep, but you can buy the book study for it and pass it and you are done. I clepped 9 hours of English (so I never had to take English in college) and I clepped one of my upper level management classes, I missed my BLAW clep by 2 points, and I was pissed that I put off studying for that for so long. But look into it.


Your MOM!
If you are enlisted or reserve, you don't have to pay for the CLEP exams. Visit your education center. I CLEP'ed 21 semester hours.

Don't sweat the small stuff!
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