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Gun Laws in your state


Well-Known Member
Colleges have regularly restricted other individual liberties. Most colleges have speech codes which prohibit speech which can offend someone else. What makes you think they will respect the second amendment any more than the first?

A part-time student/college employee is disciplined for reading a book in his break time about the demise of the Klan. Ignore the fact that he got this book for the college library.

The best protest I have ever heard of: The affirmative action bake sale. Sell, items to black people for 30 cents, Latinos for 35 cents and white people for $1

The Renegade

Does anyone know if you need extensive training to get a concealed weapons license? Or just be a good citizen etc...

Well, they do a background check before you can start the class… don’t know what disqualifies you from being able to attend. Don’t need a lot of training, just 12 hours of classroom and range time, about 2 days worth. You should be able to get the classes done by your county sheriff’s department. You can get a discount if you can get a group of you to go (about $125 per person for 1 to 3 people... 90/per person 7 - 12). Here in Cleveland they don’t hold classes that often, so if you miss one you could be waiting a few weeks for the next class. But I’m sure its probably easier to get classes in rural pro-gun areas.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if you need extensive training to get a concealed weapons license? Or just be a good citizen etc...
It very much depends on the state.

In NYC, you need to be politically connected. Donald Trump and Robert DiNero have ones. You can't get one.

In FL, you need to demonstrate competency with a firearm (a military ID/DD-214 counts) and pass a background check.

In Alaska and Vermont, you don't need prior permission to carry concealed.


New Member
Well, they do a background check before you can start the class…...........easier to get classes in rural pro-gun areas.

It very much depends on the state. .....permission to carry concealed.

Got ya- I wasn't looking for info personally, but just to see if your Average Joe can carry a gun as long as he's been a good boy.
If they are trained, I would love to have one around should a conflict at school arise.
On the other hand, I would think an untrained man could make matters worse when he starts firing his gun off in a panic.

you follow?


Well-Known Member
In my opinion this is just another attempt at disarming Americans by the left. Some liberal lawmakers tout that they "will not take your guns away"- I guess they mean that figurativly- because in reality they are making it harder and harder to legally own and operate a gun in the way the constitution has provided for us. I'm not talking felons- or other law breakers - I'm talking your average American.

Slow down there speedy. Before you get all righteously indignant in the spirit of some Fox News clown, think about who else might have a vested interest in this proposal. I may not be a mind reader but methinks that somewhere along the line, some asswipe from the insurance industry is doing a little jig about cornering a new market.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
FYI, there are only tiny handful of colleges (I think just 3 in the entire country, but I am not certain) that do not accept federal and/or state financial aid of any kind, including grants, loans and scholarships. The vast majority of private colleges and universities accept government aid of some kind, especially through student loans and grants. That acceptance alone is enough to force compliance with certain federal laws, including Title IX.

I know plenty of students at VT that would not want that to happen, don't assume too much.

I know probably as many, if not more, who would support just such a thing.


Solidly part of the 42%.
Honestly....10 bucks a month. That's about how much something like that SHOULD cost. And oh by the way, Homeowners insurance SHOULD go down.

Too bad insurance is all about weird business deals and sensationalism instead of providing rational protection from catastrophic events.


Former Rhino Bro
You are far more likely to severely injure or kill people with your motor vehicle---so Illinois must require AT LEAST $1 million in auto insurance for all drivers, right?



Well of course the insurance industry would LOVE this. I don't doubt that for a second. However, I believe that in the past decade or so we've seen a great deal of infringement on our rights as Americans to own guns- and that is primarily coming from the left.

If this passes, I would reason that there will be some folks who can no longer afford to legally keep their guns. And I think somewhere some liberal will jump over joy for that fact. But that's just my opinion.

I also think that the criminals will not be insuring their guns- so they will continue to go out and still commit crimes. However, I think some honest and hard working Americans will play by the book, uphold the law and it will be to their own expense. Suddenly they are paying for a freedom that they've already been afforded by the constitution.

Maybe I just don't get it.


contemplating applying again...
So... when are California, Oregon, Western Washington, New England and Illinois going to fall off the face of the planet? Soon I hope.

This coupled with the proposed HR45 would make it very difficult for the average American to own a weapon.

Let's hear it for Illinois politicians!!


Dirty Hinge
If this passes, I would reason that there will be some folks who can no longer afford to legally keep their guns. And I think somewhere some liberal will jump over joy for that fact. But that's just my opinion.

I also think that the criminals will not be insuring their guns- so they will continue to go out and still commit crimes. However, I think some honest and hard working Americans will play by the book, uphold the law and it will be to their own expense. Suddenly they are paying for a freedom that they've already been afforded by the constitution.

Maybe I just don't get it.

Don't hold your breath...even some of us law abiding citizens won't pay for crap like "Gun Insurance" and still keep our firearms...Hell, I even drove without car insurance for 9 months after college because I couldn't afford it...illegal? yup...irresponsible? probably...but I had to get to work and that extra $120/month put food on the table...


It's amazing what insurance is mandatory, what insurance is necessary, and what insurance is both or neither. I fear that if this proposal is struck down it will come back more powerful than any of us could possibly imagine! :eek: The Insurance Industry is among the most powerful in the country and it is not a force to be taken lightly.


His blood smells like cologne.
That's freakin awesome! This is a perfect mirror of midevil times..... First, there was horseback archery..... The gunpowder came along, rifles replaced bows and bullets replaced arrows... Cavalry was replaced with helicopters... Now, we meld the helicopter and the rifle together.... This, my friends, is the modern equivalent of horseback archery...
