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GUARD to the US-Mexico Border ???



That brings up a good point, the visa system needs to be fixed here. One of my fellow students here at UNL was here on a visa from France, the last semester of his senior year he was forced out and sent home because his visa expired. I am not exactly familiar with the system but from what I understand, he tried applying to extend his visa a full year before he was deported.

They sent him home in January...... and then his visa was extended. But he lost a semester of work.


Well-Known Member

JetJunkie said:
Lonestar, you're an !d10t for calling people racist without having a clue. And I'm not white.

Don't take this as a knock on you JetJunkie,

I am just curious why we, as a society, have gotten to the point where only white people can legitimately be called "racist."

Isn't one form of prejudice "stereotyping" wherein you take the actions of a few members of a group and apply it to the whole group...

Wouldn't treating every white person as a racist because of the actions of a few members of the Caucasian group therefore be stereotyping?


is good to go
My point is how does anyone expect to protect 1,952 miles of land by using the national guard? I think it would be a waste of money.


Well-Known Member
In an interview with Congressman Tom Tancredo:

The marines did a little (exercise) just north of Idaho. One hundred marines with three drones and two radar stations controlled 100 miles of the most rugged border you ever saw in your life. While I was there, just one week-end while I was there, they intercepted four people coming across on ATVs carrying four hundred pounds of drugs, we got a light plane trying to come in under the radar, and so it can happen. We can control our borders, we just choose not to.

BTW, illegal immigration has been an issue before terrorism was an issue.

We already gave illegal aliens amnesty in 1986.


Well using the Marines is a little different than using the ARNG. Other than the fact that a company of Marines could probably take care of 100 miles by themselves... using an active duty force would be unlikely. But I see your point.

Just think about what 1000 soldiers could do with a halfway decent surveillance system.


Lonestar155 said:
My point is how does anyone expect to protect 1,952 miles of land by using the national guard? I think it would be a waste of money.
You have no point. A waste of money?? How much do you think a CBN weapon going off in downtown SFO would cost???

I notice you've edited your original post --- probably a good idea. See here's the deal: your original non-thinking outburst destroyed what little credibility you might have herein on this website. You're a junior player on this webiste and now by the beauty of self-revelation, you've shown yourself to be a college punk who can't control himself. So who wants to listen to your opinions ... ??? Not yours truly .... :)

And for myself? You read it correctly the first time. It's ALL about the hordes of illegal ..... MEXICANS .... Central Americanos ... INDIOS, if you will .... 'cause they sure ain't the "white Hispanics" :) .... that are swarming across the southern US border. The ONLY reason that this issue has gotten any play lately has been because of domestic politics and the terrorist potential. If you control the borders ... you control illegals AND terrorist incursions.

Illegal immigration should have been stopped cold a long time ago by whatever means necessary. Politicians of both political persuasions have been guilty of the most egregious kind of political hypocrisy on this one ... and it usually comes down to votes and $$$$ ...

A friend of mine is with the MM on the Arizona border. I get the real information from him .... minus the hype, histeria, and B.S.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
HueyCobra8151 said:
We already gave illegal aliens amnesty in 1986.

And before that in the late 70's/early 80's with the Cubans. Lot of good that did to Miami.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Fly Navy said:
And before that in the late 70's/early 80's with the Cubans. Lot of good that did to Miami.
Except now you can get a killer mojito in South Beach. :D



Well-Known Member
Fly Navy said:
And before that in the late 70's/early 80's with the Cubans. Lot of good that did to Miami.

But, without that we never would have had one of the greatest gangster movies of all time...



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Fly Navy said:
And before that in the late 70's/early 80's with the Cubans. Lot of good that did to Miami.

Care to elaborate on that statement?


is clara ship
A4sForever said:
A friend of mine is with the MM on the Arizona border. I get the real information from him .... minus the hype, histeria, and B.S.

I would be interested to hear his thoughts....care to share them?

also, it should be clear to anyone reading this thread that this is a debate about the different methods of enforcing an established set of federal laws. So, although there may be a few opportunists who are using this issue as a platform to preach their racist agenda (elsewhere), I don't see anything like that happening here. I would imagine that a forum like Airwarriors, full of military officers and officer hopefuls would be professional enough to call out anybody who crossed the line, racially or otherwise. I too agree that calling anyone "racist" here is out of line.


I would be interested to hear his thoughts....care to share them?.....
Well, that's up to him. I'll check. I suspect ... NOT, as a lot of their stuff, procedures, training, and "discoveries" are considered NOFORN ... especially on this --- a public website.

He's written me several emails, and we've had a couple of phone calls. He wants ME :eek: to pony-up, put up, and/or shut up and come'on down. My wife said ... "O.K." ... as my life insurance is all paid up.

I will say that a lot of who/what they are tracking and observing is not making the 5:00 News. No surprise, there .... :)


Or you could go to their website and read a little bit about them...

They have the volunteer training manual in PDF form there. It is www.minutemanhq.com if you are interested. I like what they are doing but unfortunately it isn't the solution. This is a problem that requires a proactive solution and the minute men can't take the proper action. They are often times waiting for the Border Patrol... the same BP that is underfunded, undermanned and politically restricted. With no legal authority to detain illegal aliens, the minutemen are forced to scare them a bit and hope they about face out of there.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
zab1001 said:
Care to elaborate on that statement?

I believe it was Carter letting many many Cubans who reached the USA acheive citizenship. Problem was, it was a mass evolution resulting in many dangerous people becoming citizens. Not all Cuban refugees are good people.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Alright man, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that's what you meant to say in your original post.

(I spend A LOT of time in Miami)