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Working Plan B
What do you mean FMRAM?
This conversation just went full retard.


He means take some easy classes to boost your GPA.

3.1 is not a game ender.


Yeah I know the whole good school thing is a big factor, but I guess the reason why I keep beatin myself is that everything seems to be workin against me (GPA, MEPS, etc)


I don't know fuckin know why. You right I shouldn't worry I mean it is my last semester and I'm about to graduate from one of the greatest universities in the world, and I'm graduating. I should be living it up.

Mr. Blonde

My ass is a motherfuckin' champion
I had a little too much fun in college, had a 2.4 GPA.

Guess where I'm at now...



don't stress out, it'll all come out in the wash


I know I guess the reason why I get so bent out of shape is because these kids with these high GPAs seem to get everything opened to them, and rightfully because they earned it. But I work heard it just feels as hard as I work I can't get as high as they do. But thats them this is me and even though I may never get as high as they do thats fine. As long as I achieve my goal it doesn't matter either way.


New Member
As long as you have more to present to the board than your GPA, you should do fine. I applied for SNA and NFO with a 2.8 in Aerospace at Cal Poly SLO and I got selected; however, I am a Club officer and I work part time during school and full time during the summer. To reiterate the point that everyone else is making, the board looks at the whole applicant. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I had an 87-88 WGA (GMI used a 70-100 scale with all failures 0-69 becoming 69) which was OK, but I was an officer of my fraternity, and worked full time AND pulled 22 credits/semester on average.

I'm much lazier now. :icon_smil


His blood smells like cologne.
I've said this over and over, but I'll say it again: Only give a sh*t about statistics if you want to become one.

I got denied when I had a 3.9 GPA in Aerospace Engineering, but subsequently got picked up (after applying and getting denied multiple times) when I switched majors and had a 3.10 in Business. There is no rhyme or reason to it.

If you suck at college like I did and can't crank out a stellar GPA, bust your ass in other ways. The ASTB is a gimme if you put in some hard core studying. Master every section of it using the readily available gouge.

If you are having a hard time with the math part of it, for example, go to the math tutor lab in your school and have them catch you up to speed and make you a pro at every type of math question the ASTB asks. Do this with every topic on the ASTB. Go take it and blow it away. If you suck on the first attempt, you have two more tries: More than enough chances, given a little hard work, for anyone to get a great score.

Get a summer job and earn your PPL with the income. Get certified in Scuba Diving and Skydiving. Join clubs and organizations and take up leadership roles.

Give them more than one reason to pick you over the 4.0 scholar that has no life. It worked for me. If all else fails, keep improving your package in little ways and reapplying. If you don't quit, you will get it.


Yeah makes sense. I already have my ppl and I'm doing an internship this summer for world airways. I am a member of a few clubs plus I'm the treasurer of the Naval Aviation Club on campus. I took the ASTB once already got 5,6,5 44 and that was done last summer. As for as tutor labs go I'm getting out of school so I'm not have access to them anymore so I'll have to figure something out. Right know the thing I should be focusing on is getting everything sort out of meps because none of this shit matters without them. I don't even know why I am whining like a little bitch about this thging when I got other bridges to cross right now. Besides I'm graduating college and I'm going to celebrate that by getting obscenly drunk when it happens.
I know this is a dead thread, but I didn't see any reason to create a whole new thread for a related question.

From my experience seeing other applications on this site, I would say that your GPA is OK. Of course a 3.7 or 3.8 would be better, but I have seen lower GPA's on here get picked up with a GPA lower than 3.1. Its like everyone says, the board looks at the whole person concept. For example, good work history, strong LOR's, competitive ASTB scores, flight time, no criminal record, good PRT and prior service.


Does flight experience mean a whole lot to selection boards? I keep hearing "it's not required," but it'd be nice to understand a "statistical" side I guess.


Well-Known Member
I know this is a dead thread, but I didn't see any reason to create a whole new thread for a related question.

Does flight experience mean a whole lot to selection boards? I keep hearing "it's not required," but it'd be nice to understand a "statistical" side I guess.

I've heard that it "numerically" doesn't count that much, but they definitely look at it when considering the "Whole Person Concept". Who knows man. I've got 100 hrs of pretty "good" time in Cessnas doing VFR/IFR and Citabrias doing ACRO so you never know. Good Luck!!