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Hey, its porbably a little early to be thinking about this since I haven't finished with MEPs yet, but I have an issue with my GPA. I right now have a 3.1 with a B.S. in aeronautics at Embry Riddle. Right now it my last semester so I am hoping to bump it up a little bit. I'm wondering how this will effect me when applying for SNA/SNFO. My recruiter says that right now the Navy is getting a lot of applications now and that there mostly taking kids around 3.7, 3.8, and so fourth don't no how true this is. Either way I know there is nothing much I can do about it, but I'm trying to get an idea about what my chances are out of the gate. I figure if they say no I will just keep applying, I'm not giving up.


New Member
From my experience seeing other applications on this site, I would say that your GPA is OK. Of course a 3.7 or 3.8 would be better, but I have seen lower GPA's on here get picked up with a GPA lower than 3.1. Its like everyone says, the board looks at the whole person concept. For example, good work history, strong LOR's, competitive ASTB scores, flight time, no criminal record, good PRT and prior service.



Here is an awesome link someone put up today. It is a powerpoint presentation of what the boards specifically look for in selecting applicants. Scroll a few pages in and they show exactly what they were looking for in FY'06 for SNA.


I wouldn't worry about your GPA considering the quality of your major and the university, especially if you raise it in your last semester. Just last month I saw a guy get picked up with a 2.7 for SNA.


Wow 2.7 thats somewhat encouraging, but I guess he must of had something that really stuck out. Its hard to tell though because you know the bullshit everyone gives you about how only the ones with the best grades can become NAs. Anyway I appreciate you guys sharing this stuff, its encouraging. Right now I think I should keep my focus on getting through MEPs because they are above everything right now.


Round 2...
Wow 2.7 thats somewhat encouraging, but I guess he must of had something that really stuck out. Its hard to tell though because you know the bullshit everyone gives you about how only the ones with the best grades can become NAs. Anyway I appreciate you guys sharing this stuff, its encouraging. Right now I think I should keep my focus on getting through MEPs because they are above everything right now.

MEPS is easy enough, don't sweat it. Grades, not spectacular but i've seen worse (i have way worse don't worry). Everyone here is spot on, they are going to look at the whole person that is you when they think about selecting a future officer/SNA

keep your chin up, and yes just because you may have enough of a gpa to get there, doesn't hurt to improve it, show that extra motivation.

hope this helps and good luck!


Active Member
The only problem you might have had would have been bdcp, but for staight ocs with a good astb score you should be ok. After I was a non-select (with 3.16)I just set there and thought of every possible way I could make my application more competeive. My advice is just do that now. Your still in school so get involved in a few extra clubs or organizations. They require very lil time, but show you are motivated. Going to Embry Riddle you obviously know something about planes so put that expensive education to use and rock the ASTB. Good Luck!


Yeah I was going to go for that BDCP thing but MEPS is holding me up and like I said that sort of has me a little more concerne than the GPA. I have taken the ASTB but I got a 5,6,5; 44, and it was taken last summer. I know it has to be retaken but I figure right now I should just focus on school. Besides this summer I have an internship with a major cargo airline which will keep me pretty busy so I doubt I will have time to study for it.


New Member
A little off topic, but has anyone heard anything about other branches thinking about taking on the stance that the USAF recently took on GPA in regard to OTS applicants?


New Member
Here is an awesome link someone put up today. It is a powerpoint presentation of what the boards specifically look for in selecting applicants. Scroll a few pages in and they show exactly what they were looking for in FY'06 for SNA.


I wouldn't worry about your GPA considering the quality of your major and the university, especially if you raise it in your last semester. Just last month I saw a guy get picked up with a 2.7 for SNA.

This link did not work for me, so I did a bit of digging around on the site and found the direct path to the file. It might just be my browser, but if anyone is having problems with it, here you go.



New Member
I had a 2.7.....OUSOONER had a 2.5...you can do it. Don't let your recruiter tell you otherwise...sometimes things like that are said to deter people who don't really want the slot. Even if you don't get in the first time around keep applying...


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
I got in BDCP Pilot with a 3.4 in Physics. That has dropped to a 3.13 and I am still in.

Great job Nick......


New Member
I had a 2.7.....OUSOONER had a 2.5...you can do it. Don't let your recruiter tell you otherwise...sometimes things like that are said to deter people who don't really want the slot. Even if you don't get in the first time around keep applying...

You guys are my inspiration to keep going. My GPA will be around OUSOONER's once I graduate. I had a very rough start and screwed around for a long time before getting my life straight.


Wow, thats really inspirational guys. Rabidmosse and OUSOONER, are you guys both in the Navy or Marines. Only reason I ask is guys with GPAs like that seem to always going to the Marines, not that I'm trying to insult the Corps or anything.