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FY12 STA-21 Applicants


FY-12 NFO Applicant
Megatf, I can't speak for others here, but I believe my anxiety comes from the unknown. If you've been reading the previous pages, you'd see where some of our shipmates are counting on this as their last chance to stay in the Navy, facing things like ERB and PTS. In my situation, i'm currently living away from my pregnant wife, just got of almost 5 years of sea duty, and BOTH of our futures hinge in these results! Granted, I am still in a good position on the enlisted side, and if not selected I will be fine, but this is the ultimate opportunity to put my career where I need it to be. Being selected will be serious career change. Also, I have a brand new house I had built that my wife and I love that I will be putting on the rental market if not selected. fun fun. These are the things that put me on edge over all this!
Agreed. I'm not freaking out or getting ulcers from the wait (used to the Navy game). But there are some who have a lot more riding on these results than others. Some people are the "Meh...if I make it, I make it." and then others are the "This is possibly my last chance to stay AD Navy." So to chastice people for losing sleep or getting overly nervous for the pending results is a little callous. That being said, I don't think Megatf intentionally meant to sound that way. Wecome to the 'vocal minority':)


New Member
Agreed. I think his comments were very reasonable. It seems like a lot of people are setting themselves up for bigger dissappointment than necessary. I'll be totally bummed if I don't pick it up but I'll apply again. One thing he doesn't address, however, is that some people really do have everything riding on this. For AG_2_1800_hopeful , without PTS approval, this is it. So I can definitely feel for people in that kind of situation. Good luck to everyone.
I was in the same boat with PTS. I got picked up on my very last look.

And all I can say is "wow" to that zenlike post. What people forget is that for those who are selected, you might meet the people on the other end of this forum if you already haven't. Don't think people aren't smart enough to figure out who are. Thats a risky, yet I think well intendend post. Best to keep it light every buddy.


FY-12 Specwar Alternate
I was in the same boat with PTS. I got picked up on my very last look.

And all I can say is "wow" to that zenlike post. What people forget is that for those who are selected, you might meet the people on the other end of this forum if you already haven't. Don't think people aren't smart enough to figure out who are. Thats a risky, yet I think well intendend post. Best to keep it light every buddy.

I wasn't trying to be a jerk, and it was definitely nothing personal. Just wanted to defend those that have a lot riding on the results. No offense was intended.
I was in the same boat with PTS. I got picked up on my very last look.

And all I can say is "wow" to that zenlike post. What people forget is that for those who are selected, you might meet the people on the other end of this forum if you already haven't. Don't think people aren't smart enough to figure out who are. Thats a risky, yet I think well intendend post. Best to keep it light every buddy.
Agreed. It doesn't take very much info in FLTMPS to narrow someone down!!!


FY 13 Intel Applicant
I just want to say, I don't even check NPC, STA-21, or BOL for the results, I come here because I know if they are out one of you awesome shipmates will post them immediately and I thank you.

Now, just like the rest of you I applied because we all know in our hearts we have what it takes to be an Officer and that I'm sure each and every one of your applications are competitive. You wouldn't have applied if you didn't think you had a chance at making it.

WIth that being said, reading some of the above replies where you are so nervous that you feel like you are getting an ulcer worries me because it gives the impression that you are relying too much on being accepted. I applied, and though I'm just as curious to find out if I was accepted I'm not losing sleep, nor am I getting jittery or nervous about it.

What each and every one of you nervous applicants should be doing is not concerning yourself about making it or not, but how you can improve your application next year if for some reason you don't get selected.

We all know about the budget cuts, STA-21 acceptances are at an all time low, hell across every Officer program. I'm hoping that I make it, but I'm prepared if I don't so that way next year I can have an even more competitive package than the one I sent off.

My advice is stop worrying, and don't beat yourself up if you don't get selected. You must all be great Sailors to even get command sponsorship to apply, and to know that you have a package that could possibly get selected. Not getting picked isn't going to take that away from any of you. Nobody is going to call you a shitbag if you weren't of the 60 applicants accepted out of 1400 and I hope none of you stopped being that awesome Sailor just because you counted too much on being selected.

Cheers and Good Luck to you all!

I completely agree. If you need to become an Officer so badly that you are making yourself sick and losing sleep, you might want to re-evaulate your reasoning. Commissioning is not everything, being a chief can sometimes be the route to go (seeing how chiefs are responsible for training JO's). There's always the LDO or CWO programs too