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Fighting in Georgia


I don't think "collateral damage" translates into Russky.

They dont do CAS they way we do, their fire control measures arent that great. Notoriously poor air/ground commo. Radios and batteries are expensive. Bombs are pretty cheap I guess.

Russian Movement To Contact SOP in Urban areas is for Tac Air to prep the FEBA and LOA with bombs. Its the Stalingrad Theory. They believe, from experience that losing momentum in built up areas will only make the fight more desperate and slow which ultimately increases the civilian losses.

So as their Mech guys are rolling to the link up area? Their zoomies sprinkle the path with big bombs, regardless whats in their path.


Super Moderator
Flash I may be wrong about this, but I thought I've been reading that the Russsians were attacked first. They used an attack on peacekeepers as a reason to throw their full military power into Georgia.

The Ossetians and Georgians have been trading fire periodically the past few months, with the Russians occasionally joining in. Any widespread outbreak would have involved Russians, since there are a few thousand sitting in South Ossetia. So to say the Russians were attacked first, is disingenuous. We may never know who fired 'first' in this latest round.

see how Georgia is pulling out all their troops from Iraq, and wanting us to transport them. I wonder what Russia will think of that. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article4491866.ece

Some of their best troops, they need them. If we can help them, all the better.

Im suprised Chechen rebels haven't been having a go at the Russians right now while they are focused on this whole Georgia thing... just to stir the pot a little more.

What Chechen rebels? I didn't know there were any left......

A rarely, semi-insightful piece of mainstream political analysis about the events in Georgia.


There is a lot more good insight in the media than you realize, if you know where to look. This New York Times analysis explains very well why will probably not intervene militarily on the side of the Georgians.


It is a lot better than relying on a 30 second spiel from some airheaded former beauty queen on a cable news network between segments on Paris Hilton and the latest missing white woman/little girl/wife.


There is a lot more good insight in the media than you realize, if you know where to look. This New York Times analysis explains very well why will probably not intervene militarily on the side of the Georgians.


It is a lot better than relying on a 30 second spiel from some airheaded former beauty queen on a cable news network between segments on Paris Hilton and the latest missing white woman/little girl/wife.

I know that...and I know where to look. I subscribe to both the Times, and The Economist...thought we'd had this discussion before. Maybe no. What I was getting at was the mainstream part...ie...CNN, Fox, Time, Newsweek, USA Today type stuff...most of it rebadged AP dribble. Perhaps "mainstream" could have been misleading...as much as I hate to admit it...the NY Times ain't "mainstream" anymore.


Super Moderator
I know that...and I know where to look. I subscribe to both the Times, and The Economist...thought we'd had this discussion before. Maybe no. What I was getting at was the mainstream part...ie...CNN, Fox, Time, Newsweek, USA Today type stuff...most of it rebadged AP dribble. Perhaps "mainstream" could have been misleading...as much as I hate to admit it...the NY Times ain't "mainstream" anymore.

No, I did not know you were so cultured! Both are excellent sources, The Economist probably the better of the two. You are dead on about the AP dribble.

It wasn't directed at you, just a rant on some of the dribble I hear coming out of the talking heads on TV. On my two weeks of AT the guys I worked with would periodically turn on Fox 'to get yelled at', and to watch the window dressing.


On my two weeks of AT the guys I worked with would periodically turn on Fox 'to get yelled at', and to watch the window dressing.

Which is good...I mean, let's be honest.

And my personal favorite...


"I believe in ammunition"
Melissa Theuriau

If we're posting pictures of anchors, she must be included. I would almost consider her heritage the one and only reason France should exist




Wow. May I humbly reccomend a thread split...and a towel...definitely need a towel.:D

EDIT: Oh...and interestingly enough, the first Google result for this beautiful woman happens to be topless...wow...go Google!


Registered User
^ is that the chick from Robotech?? Lets not turn this into whose the hottest animated female.


Crusty Shellback
april o'neil.... come on guys. and as for robotech, ive never been into the anime stuff. i'd be a poser since i don't own one of those black button up shirts with the flames on them and i put my jnco's up on the shelf after 1994.