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Enlisted to OCS to NFO...

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Registered User
As an enlisted aircrew of eight years with a Masters Degree, competitve scores, and LOR's from the aviation community, I am finding lots of helpful information from the correspondants on this site. My OCS package is approximately a week out from being sent to CNRC. Wanting to be an NFO myself, my Navy Officer Program Manager is saying its very "tight" right now for this designator. How much is fact from fiction? What is the anticipated waiting period to find out and are there pre-entrance physicals and other issues (interviews) to be aware of? How competitive is it for the EA-6 platform compared to others (P-3)? Is the S-3 platform still accepting NFO's?


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Can't speak intelligently about getting the designator itself (I was a ROTC type)...

How competitive is it to get Prowlers? Depends ;) The number of slots available vary from FY to FY and often even from week to week. Currently there's a draft going on for E-2 guys, so that would be one hurdle to avoid. The last S-3 SNFO will be winged at the end of May.

Best advice for getting <insert platform you want here> is just doing the best you can and hope the cards fall your way. There's not too many ways to really game the system to get what you want beyond having a good NSS.


Registered User
I just got selected for NFO as a prior enlisted non aircrew. I had good LORs and great interviews from NFOs. I found out in one week that I was accepted but my timing was perfect. I read on bupers that the board for NFO meets every quarter with the last board meeting in April. I found out on April 21st and I leave for OCS on 4 June. The best bet is to get you CCC to call Tenn. and talk to the guys there. My CCC was in contact with them and hand delivered my package and it worked out well.


Registered User
And another thing I have also heard that NFO is tight (you can refer to a couple of my post to see the responses. My CCC actually told me initially not to apply for NFO because it was way to hard to get a spot. Thank God I didn't listen to him!


Gotta have the Nutz
When I got picked up, it was supposed to be very competative, but as an MA1 with no aviation experience, they picked me up for NFO 3 days after they got my package. That was two years ago, but who knows how it is now. As far as E-6s go, we had 2 sand bags in our class that bit the bullet so the rest of us would not have to worry about it. If you want them, just let them know that is your goal form the start and work towards it. If at all possible they will help you out as long as they don't think you are going that route just to get out of Pensacola. I wanted P-3s from the start and thats where I ended up. Talk with Ed in Millington and he will give you the scoop if he is still there. Good Luck!


Registered User
robv182 I also want P-3s. Are you still in training in TX after two years? What did you do while you were waiting for schools?


Gotta have the Nutz
I am on the extended program. I should have mentioned that I guess. I had knee surgery in API and Primary that set me back quite a while. The rest of my API class got winged about 7-8 months ago. In between schools, I did a lot of fishing. I guess they figured with 14+ years,in I had done my share of BS work, so I never got stashed. I am still in TX for the moment. The detailer hooked me up and let me stay until my daughter finished school and then I will be enroute VP-30. Until then all I am doing is mustering and hitting the gym.


Registered User
...have taken the ATSB. Is there a pre-entrance physical exam or interviewing process prior to receiving orders? Any reason for having a preference for P-3's vs. Jets? Boat time vs. beach time maybe?


Registered User
What was your scores I believe and have been told from a civilian in Tenn. that ASTB scores are one of the most important factors in selection. I had a friend here whose scores were high enough to apply but not high enough to compete so they told him to re take it. The reason i want P-3s is that I have a family and you miss out on alot of carrier quals, work ups, com 2x, you just go for 6 months and come home. While your on a P-3 deployment you get per diem and sleep in a nice bed everynight while having a beer. So it's easier, less, time away from family, and more money. To me it seems like a no brainer. It may not have the glamour of jets but I think its the better road for me.


Registered User
...yeah, I was a COD crewman also. The "beach life" does sound very appealing. Does it bother you that you spend at times, almost 12 hours in the air completing a mission? Factoring in many issues, your right, choosing a platform over another has its advantages. ASTB scores. I'll have to check. From what the recruiter said, they were competitive scores. Re-testing was not a consideration. Post interviews and medical exams? Are these done prior to classing up or am I hearing something completely different?


Registered User
When you say post interviews are you talking about for you OCS package?? Im not for sure what you are talking about. It may be something Im not aware of Im no expert about what happens after being picked up.......


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ae2wolfe said:
What was your scores I believe and have been told from a civilian in Tenn. that ASTB scores are one of the most important factors in selection. I had a friend here whose scores were high enough to apply but not high enough to compete so they told him to re take it. The reason i want P-3s is that I have a family and you miss out on alot of carrier quals, work ups, com 2x, you just go for 6 months and come home. While your on a P-3 deployment you get per diem and sleep in a nice bed everynight while having a beer. So it's easier, less, time away from family, and more money. To me it seems like a no brainer. It may not have the glamour of jets but I think its the better road for me.
WTF is wrong with you guys? Naval Aviators are supposed to WANT to go to the boat. Maybe you should pursue a career in the USAF.

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