My checkride experience was very similar to Kmac's. I was number two of a quick turn. When the IP got back, we went out to the plane and he had my strap in while HE did the preflight. No questions what so ever. For once I was actually ready to nail anything he was going to ask, but I wasn't complaining either. After we got out to the area we did a PEL into the pattern first and took care of the PPEL(P), LAPL(P), and some NF/FF bounces and then headed out for spins and ATS's. After my last ATS he gave me a HAPL and my flaps got stuck down, so I couldn’t clean up. At first I was thinking to myself, "How the hell did he do that from the rear cockpit?" Then it hit me, "oh....they're actually stuck down, sh!t I'm going to have to do this all over again!" I called approach and told them our situation and then got vectors for a straight-in and flew home at a very slow 120Kts. Never did a home field entry or a break at an OLF. He asked me as we taxied in if I would get lost coming home on course-rules. I told him "Nope." He said "Cool, have fun on your solo." I was just happy I didn't have to do it again.
So it just comes down to the instructor.