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Bad News like everyone else it seems

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Dave Shutter

Registered User
francibt...sorry to hear the news. Your BA and PT scores are pretty solid. My only advice would be to defintiely re-take the ASTB and get your OAR in the fifties. You didn't mention your PIFAR but if it's lower than a 4 you automatically don't qualify for pilot, no matter what. If your recruiter sent it in with less than 4 then he didn't do you any favors. Judging by the apparent competition I wouldn't settle unless I scored a 7 or better, but then again they can't give out slots they don't have. As for waiting time I've never heard of 6 months. 30 days comes to mind for some reason but it definitely wasn't 6 months, but it could be a new instruction from NRC due to the inlfux. They can more or less make their own rules as far as submissions go. Are there any possibe negatives on your record, DUI etc...? In a competetive year that would kill you quicker than anything. Re-submit and good luck!

Edited by - Dave Shutter on 09/11/2002 18:57:36

Spaceman Spiff

Registered User
I'm not trying to brag or anything, just re-enforce it may be more of a timing issue...I was accepted on my first try w/ an SNA designator in early August. These were my test scores when I took the ASTB for the 2nd time.

OAR 55

GPA of 2.9 in JOURNALISM, 37 PUs, 74 SUs, and 11:20 run. LORs from my English prof, 2 supervisors- 1 who was accepted into the Naval Academy. I do have some flight hours and I mentioned a few other things...aviation explorer scouting, treasurer of a frat...etc. Finally I didn't put down a 2nd or 3rd choice...SNA or nothing. So it's not just your scores...it's the whole package plus your timing in submitting it. U should have better chances the 2nd time...if anything it shows u're determined.

P.S. I just installed windows XP and I can't open the smiley window...anybody know why?



Registered User
Hey Spiff, way to go bro. You did it. I do think that it was your ASTB test that got you that slot. All my stuff looks pretty good but my OAR was 47, not bad, but not good. I think that is a shot in the foot for me. Anyway, good luck to ya bro, please share how you did so well on the ASTB.


Registered User
Spiff, I noticed you have a PBI 7 and a FOBI 3. Does anyone know why there is such a difference in PBI and FOBI scores. Are they looking for something different in NFOs? It would seem so, but what?



Registered User
I think I am going to wait a couple of months, and then resubmit. I am going to try and get my OAR up in the 50's. I got a 4+ on all the other scores. Hopefully they are more accepting in January and Feb.

I do have a Drunk in Public, which I got after a night of bar hopping up in Lexington Virginia <It was a good night, just wish I hadn't ended up in jail>, but I was told that wouldn't hinder me, maybe it did. <DUI's are the shot in the foot from what I heard>.

Being from the Va Beach area I got the decent Navy letters of recomendation<Captains and Col's>. My Dad was a Navy recruiter down in NC in the 80's he told me that Letters don't really do much.


Dave Shutter

Registered User
Spiff...your app's almost identical to mine with a cum 2.9 in Film/Comm, a little flight time and a letter from a Korean War vet who watched me grow up. My run time sucked though. I quess those experienced aviation officers on the board know it's mission critical to have some pointy headed Liberal Arts guys to make fun of in the ready room.


Your MOM!
I got one from King Abu from Nigeria living in exile here in Mannheim, Germany! Top that!

Don't sweat the small stuff!

Edited by - Vic on 09/11/2002 23:50:28


Registered User
Dave, I hope your right about needing someone to make fun of in the ready room. I'm as liberal arts as they come-- BA in English and another in political science. Hey, I'll take any advantage I can get with the board.


Edited by - cman on 09/12/2002 12:15:04


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
quote:it's mission critical to have some pointy headed Liberal Arts guys to make fun of in the ready room.

Dave, come on now! I can just picture it now, watching a flick in the wardroom during a deployment, and you every two seconds giving a running commentary on why this movie could have been better if only the director had "vision", and the cinematography (sp!?!) sucks... I would be the first to throw the popcorn at you! jk...


Registered User
Well if they look for the liberal arts to make fun of I majored in music. Alas however I was rejected. I am trying for the Marines now. They could have a lot of fun with my major there.

Spaceman Spiff

Registered User
Sorry for not posting sooner...my secret to the ASTB was the ARCO book...I just kept studying that thing over and over...especially the mechanical and spatial section...the math and verbal u either know it or don't, but the ARCO can teach u a lot for the mechanical and spatial parts. Is the bio inventory still part of the ASTB? It was on mine, I was told you need to sound aggressive/independent/law abiding...you'd rather play sports take pictures of flowers, you've shopped for a car on your own, you don't drive excessively fast...etc. But, again it's the total package...i thought my PRT scores would be the bullet in my foot but I was happily proved wrong [:D] Just keep at it.



Registered User
PRT = bullet in Ghost's foot
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