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Bad News like everyone else it seems

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Registered User
hey, I just got the rejection letter. I have been reading this forum for a couple months now, and I just wanted to post my losing qualities so people would have a better idea what they are looking for right now:

GPA 2.9
OAR 44
PRT 110 pushups 120 situps 9:50 run
BS Computer Scince from VMI
applied for Pilot, NFO, Crypto

My recruiter said they are hardly excepting anybody right now and I can resubmit in six month, Febuary, and that I should resubmit. Is Febuary going to be a less competitive time frame? Has anyone resubmited and got in? My recruiter said I will have to submit a letter stating why I a more competitve this time around. What are somethings I should do to make myself more attractive to the Navy in the interum? I don't want to just say that I should be an Officer now because its a less competitve time frame.

Second, Good News, I was PDQ due to supposed childhood asthma. I did get the waiver due to my background, and after a pulmonary consult. It only took two weeks to get that waiver. <its much quicker just to get a private one, cost about 130 bucks.> Hey, good luck to everyone else. Hopefully, everyone who is getting the nice letter and I have better luck next time around.



Registered User

Sorry about the bad news but I really think you should resubmit when more slots open up next FY. Our stats are very similiar and I wound up with an SNFO designator. I have a BS in CS and a 2.8 GPA. You did much better on the PRT but I had a little better OAR. Can you retake the test? You might want to try to upgrade your letters of recommendation too.

Keep trying!


Registered User
I know I have read several people on this forum who have resubmitted and got selected the second time around. I was just wondering if you got rejected from all choices you put. I was also wondering if you had any prior flight time or ratings. If not you may want to start on your private license and build some flight time, or maybe retake the ASTB before you apply again. I guess its pretty obvious they don't take into consideration PRT scores with ones like you have.

Edited by - kent1644 on 09/10/2002 22:53:40


Registered User
that's too bad about your news... i am waiting nervously right now for word on my status...

the only thing that i could think of for you to improve would be your test scores... that's a damn good PRT, and having a B.S. in CS should make up for the sub-3.0 GPA, I'd hope... keep trying, and better luck in February...


Registered User
I'm resubmitting, I am not having to wait 6 months. I do suggest that you retake your ASTB, study the marine guide and knock that b@tch out of the water! That is the only thing I see from what you have given us that would cripple you. I know I had a 50 OAR and I had to retake to bring my scores up to the "new" minimums. Also, if you are going to wait 6 months, if you have the money invest in flight training and get your ppl. They will overlook your gpa for the ppl. I have a 2.5 gpa, but I have a ppl, and I'm about to have an instrument rating and over 100 hours flight time and I got my scores to 6,7, and 51 oar. Don't know that I'll get in or not, but you have to be willing to give yourself the best chance.


Registered User
Yeah, I got rejected to all three.

What are good scores for the ASTB?

Thanks for the suggestion about getting private lessons. I think once I get setled down into my new job I am going to look into getting some flight time.

I was looking foward to OCS, it would have been fun. Its going to be a very long 6 months.

Yeah, I don't really think they look at the PRT to seriously, unless you are going for BUD/S or EOD. I am sure OCS gets people in the shape the Navy needs them in.



Registered User
I was told I had to wait 6 months? Is that a policy or can you just send it in as many times as possible...

Good luck on your re-submit.



Registered User
just send it in, but it won't do you much good without improving it. Your prt is good and it is still good so hold on to that. I would STRONGLY recommend you retaking the ASTB which you can do 30 days after you initially took it, and then 180 days past that date. So if you have taken the test twice then you might need to wait the 6 months to retake the test, if not get in there all studied up and get her done. But there is no requirement to wait 6 months, if your recruiter insist that there is, then you might want to ask him to see that rule and if it pushes drop the I think I'll write the congressman to see if I can have that looked into (props to a certain member of the forum for giving me that knowledge) that will most likely scare him into shape because the congressman has to do a review into the matter and that goes all the way down to your recruiter and he doesn't want that. I haven't been selected yet, but I would like to see anyone succeed, so I wish you the best of luck.


Registered User
hey ghost, tell me what you know about the 6 month wait controversy
spill the beans man

have I got a long way to run...


Registered User
I don't know that there is a 6 month wait. There IS a 6 month wait to take your 3rd try at the ASTB, but there is no wait to resubmit your package.


Registered User
I was looking foward to OCS, it would have been fun. Its going to be a very long 6 months.

Brian, there are many of us who don't go to OCS until Aug 2003. If you get accepted early next year, you could be in P-cola only a few weeks after us.


Registered User
Man you guys have really got me worried now, I dropped my package on 20 August, and have yet to hear anything back, I'm hearing all over that people are getting acceptance letters back in as little as 4 days, and I got bupkiss. I'm hoping the delay is because im going BDCP/SNA for FY04.

As for my stats

3rd year student (CIS)@ ODU
GPA 2.9
OAR 41
Interviewed by an O-6
Plus 4 LOR's from 2-Star Adm, a Capt of the GW, a Sub CDR, a retired
blackshoe CDR, and a 1-Star ADM albeit one were active duty. While my scores weren't exemplary everyone assured me to go ahead and submit, so here i am waiting...and waiting

<insert something witty here:>


Registered User
wholly f**ck jay. why didn't you just get a recommendation from the commander of the CNRC or the CINCLANTFLEET or maybe the CNO!!! damn you got a LOR from the Captain of the GW? and a 2 Star. what the f**ck I got a rec from the fry dude at Happy Burger and my probation officer i'm screwed

man the wait is killing me
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