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Am I out of time?

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Registered User
Hello all,

I'm in the process of applying to OCS, and like so many people, recently discovered that I could get PRK and go for pilot. The problem is that I'm 26 years old and have no prior military service. I've read that you must be commissioned before your 27th birthday in order to become a pilot (with no prior service). It sounds like most people are waiting up to a year to get into OCS, but a PRK waiver will take 3 months. If I get PRK in the next month, I could apply in January, but I'd have to start OCS by April in order to be commissioned by my 27th birthday in July. Yikes! I feel like I'm running out of time fast...Do I have any options, or should I just give up? I think I could be happy with another designator, but flying is a life long dream I didn't think I'd ever get a shot at.



Registered User

You are right you are really pushing things. IF you got your waiver, you qualified and you were accepted in January they would push you into an early OCS slot to get you to commission prior to 27. So you would be given special consideration on time constraints. Your biggest issue is getting everything completed so that you can apply by January.


Registered User
I would apply but, keep in mind that that pilot is real tight now. I would be more hopeful of getting other jobs though.

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
Originally posted by Goliath112
I would apply but, keep in mind that that pilot is real tight now. I would be more hopeful of getting other jobs though.

Yeah, I know there are few pilot slots and many, many applicants. But I'm just egotistical enough to believe that my application is competitive. [:p]



Registered User

Getting accepted for pilot would most certainly be a gamble for you, but not necessarily impossible. Assuming that you could undergo PRK next month, the results of your surgery were flawless, you scored well on the ASTB, your PRT scores are good, and that there were no other hangups on your application (past medical issues, etc.); there would be a chance for you. Keep in mind that there are some rules which dictate whether or not you can apply 3 months or 6 months after your surgery. Check NOMI's website for details. These rules hinge on the condition of your eyes prior to surgery. With all of this said, you would still be gambling on the possibility of there being on OCS slot for you before April. The way things are looking right now, the odds are not in your favor, but once again, however, this isn't impossible. I'm not telling you this to try to discourage you. I'm just trying to be honest, and I think the odds are stacked against you. Going under the knife is no little thing. If you're going to try for SNA, you need to go after this in full force. If the Navy doesn't work out, you may want to consider AF or Marines. I believe they are more relaxed on age requirements and will accept PRK.


Registered User
WORD UP!!!. I just meant that you your quals look real good for METOc etc. but definitely apply for what you want. Physics major huh? what is this then, p.s. don't embarass me with a counter question:
F=G m1 m2/D squared

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
Hartman, if she were accepted in January, they would make a slot for her, most likely in March or April, but they would get her in.


Registered User
Hey Goliath,

Didn't know there was an entrance exam for this forum, LOL! If I had known my physics degree was going to be questioned I would've studied.
But I think I can still recognize Newton's law of gravity when I see it.

Hartman, I was under the impression that the length of the waiting time for the waiver depended only on your uncorrected visual acuity. I have a -4 diopter in each eye, which I thought would put me in the 3 month wait category, but I'll go check out NOMI's website later and make sure. I know that the odds aren't in my favor, but I love a good challenge...On the other hand, I'd rather not rack up an extra $3-5K of debt in order to get really good eyesight if I stand zero chance of flying for the Navy.



Registered User
Yes, well, that's what I meant...your uncorrected visual acuity 'prior to surgery.' Sounds like you're on top of it. I just didn't want you to screw yourself.

Also...ghost made a good point. If the Navy wants you, they will strive to get you in before the age deadline. The challenge for you is to get your packet submitted in time for them to help you. Good luck! Anyone who can get a degree in physics can be a pilot. That's some tough shit!


Registered User
If you really want in and you're age is your problem. First, assemble your packet and submit it ASAP. If you get rejected, ENLIST. Age can be waived up to 31 yrs old provided that you are a prior. There is no impossible to a person who has perseverance. You have to WILL it.



Registered User
I just applied a few weeks ago and am coming up on the age limit next summer. I thought I was pushing it too but they threw me into a class next month. I'd say go for it, the wait doesn't have to be that long. Good Luck.


Registered User
Originally posted by Rayman
If you really want in and you're age is your problem. First, assemble your packet and submit it ASAP. If you get rejected, ENLIST. Age can be waived up to 31 yrs old provided that you are a prior. There is no impossible to a person who has perseverance. You have to WILL it.


yeah... hmmmmm. well I wouldn't go enlisting if you got rejected. Any other priors with input here? I don't think enlisting is a good idea for people with advanced degrees. I mean you'd have to start as a deck swabbing Seaman Recruit.

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
Just because you have a degree is not a reason to NOT go enlisted. There are benefits to this in the long run if you have the perseverence. And the enlisted time "in the trenches" never hurt anyone. You could qualify for the Advanced Electronics Field or nuke and get auto advanced to E-4. Just a thought



Registered User
well with the exception of maybe those two fields, someone with a masters degree shouldn't go enlisted. I mean come on. I have nothing against being enlisted but, damn would you as a command career counselor advise a Airman or maybe an auto advanced E-4 with a Master's degree or a B.S. in Physics to not apply for officer programs?

man the wait is killing me
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