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Am I in trouble?


New Member
I'm 25 and currently preparing for the ASTB/PFT in hopes of getting an air contract through the Marines. My problem is that I had a misdemeanor hit and run when I was 19 years old. At the same time I was charged with DUI (that charge was dropped). The Hit and Run has since been exponged. This is my only criminal history other than minor traffic violations, which I haven't had since the age of 20.

The case wasn't cut and dry, meaning I didn't total my car, get out and run away. What happened was I clipped her back end going through an intersection, continued through, pulled over and didn't see her in the intersection or my line of sight (it wasn't a wide open intersection). I immediately assumed (assumed = ass out of u & me) she had left the scene, so I went home and called the cops. They came out, breathalized me, I failed, however they didn't arrest me. Months later, I was charged.

Basically, will this DQ me from the process? I know people are going to say, "you'll never know till you apply", but I'd like an honest opinion of how this will effect my chances.

Will the Marines see that I've learned from my mistake through my clean record since? I hope so. If anyone else has had similar experience with a hit and run and getting a commision please let me know.

Trev82, I posted it hear as well to get a general opinion of how this will effect my app.


Well-Known Member
Like other "complicated & involved" legal issues discussed on this board, just be honest and forthright and you will be fine. Don't try and hide anything. Be honest and let the "powers that be" judge you on the "total person." Making mistakes is part of growing up. If you can show that you are competitive, capable and have learned from your "mistake," then you'll be fine - I think !!!


New Member
Thx for the response. Yeah, I've read the standard DUI posts on here, however wasn't sure if a hit and run was any different in terms of how it looks. I currently have my "secret" security clearance with the government and they didn't seem to think it was a problem. Although, getting a clearance and being officer material are two completely different things. I'm a worry wort, but hopefully when they see that I'm up front, honest and have learned from the mistake, they'll see my potential.

GPA = 3.54 in Finance at SDSU
haven't takend ASTB/PFT, plan on doing well (obviously) to boost my package


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Thx for the response. Yeah, I've read the standard DUI posts on here, however wasn't sure if a hit and run was any different in terms of how it looks. I currently have my "secret" security clearance with the government and they didn't seem to think it was a problem. Although, getting a clearance and being officer material are two completely different things. I'm a worry wort, but hopefully when they see that I'm up front, honest and have learned from the mistake, they'll see my potential.

GPA = 3.54 in Finance at SDSU
haven't takend ASTB/PFT, plan on doing well (obviously) to boost my package

I would just write to the board, "Hey, I go to San Diego State, its a requirement to get a DUI. Hit and runs are just extra credit!! 10 POINTS!! WOO!!":icon_zbee


#3 party school, 2005:D


New Member
Hahahah, yeah thats about right. Although, I graduated from SDSU in 2005. And was going to Grossmont Community College at the time of the incident. Definately alot of boozing going on at that school 7 days a week.

On a serious note, is it possible to include a letter with my package explaining the situation, how I've learned from it, how its contributed to making me the responsible person I am today, how it hasn't happened/won't happen again?


Registered User
hahahaha! Steve, like rob said its a "total person" judgement when they evaluate you. They do look at that incident and will probably take a step back but i definitely doubt that single experience would disqualify you. The oso will probably need to get you a waiver, but if that gets approved the board will notice that. They will also notice you've had no run-in's since, and the rest of your package is competitive which demonstrates that you've "grown up" and matured.


Registered User
Inside the application there will be an area in which you will HAVE to write a story re: the incident, where your going to want to explain in detail how the incident evolved and what you've learned and grown from the experience.


Why are the majority of questions about legal waivers usually asked by residents of California?


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Hahahah, yeah thats about right. Although, I graduated from SDSU in 2005. And was going to Grossmont Community College at the time of the incident. Definately alot of boozing going on at that school 7 days a week.

On a serious note, is it possible to include a letter with my package explaining the situation, how I've learned from it, how its contributed to making me the responsible person I am today, how it hasn't happened/won't happen again?

When I filled out my app and epsq, there was room to explain what had happened. I wrote a brief statement about 2 jobs I got canned from back when I was 20. One was for drinking on the job (after my shift but on the property). I just admitted to it (have you been fired in the past 7 years? is a question it asks) and said how I screwed up, and learned and made myself better. I know your situation and mine are apples and oranges, but you can explain it.


New Member
Why are the majority of questions about legal waivers usually asked by residents of California?

California is like a bowl of cereal, once you get past all the fruits and flakes, all you have left is the nuts.

I'm from Florida by the way, moved out here with my dad's government job.


California is like a bowl of cereal, once you get past all the fruits and flakes, all you have left is the nuts.

I'm from Florida by the way, moved out here with my dad's government job.

I guess I can't take offense to that comment anymore, because I changed my residency to Florida. No more state tax. Yaya!


New Member
Nah, California's not all that bad. I've met a lot of great people out here. Its just a haven for the fruits/nuts/flakes/aliens.

As for the no more state tax, you've traded no state tax for having to stop on the freeway every mile and pay the toll booth. Majorly annoying everytime I visit.


New Member
You also have to make your shots count in California, since you can't have more than 10 round magazine.

Arrgggg...the assault rifle ban bugs. You can get an AR out here, but it can't have a removable clip. Has to be internal and no more than 10 rounds. Takes all the fun out of it. :icon_rage

As for the 10 round magazines, I'm pretty accurate with my glock and 12 gauge for that matter. Wouldn't be to concerned about an intruder.