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Air Slot Question


Registered User
Also has anyone had the nerve to ask their OSO on the number of available slots for my region for SNA or is there anyone else in my region applying for SNA?


Hangar Four
My OSO immediately asked me what i was going for i told her SNA she kind of gave me grief b/c if i want to be a Marine i should want to be a Marine no matter if its ground, nfo, or sna.....everytime i suggest that i'm really pushing for SNA she makes me feel as though i don't want to be a Marine i just want to be a pilot. That couldn't be farther from the truth, is it so bad for me to apply only for SNA, she is encouraging me to apply for all three. I'm from San Diego and am applying for the oct class of 07 anbody have any suggestions on what i should do and if i SHOULD apply for all three???

Being very polite and professional tell her that you want to apply for SNA first and if that doesn't work out you will work out the rest later. There is nothing wrong with applying for an SNA slot, and that doesn't make your desire to be a Marine any less. Apply for one at a time first...then broaden out from there...


getting into the program you're already volunteering for the life of a Marine officer. getting into the program you're simply volunteering for which job you'll do as a Marine officer. There's nothing wrong with that. I wonder if she tells that to ppl who apply to the program wanting to be infantry officers?


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
She sounds a little bitter to me. I wonder if she ever had dreams of being an aviator?


Registered User
she seriously does tho.....

but she is the medium to me getting in so its crucial i mind my P's & Q's, even tho she asked what i was applying for in a very cynical way i think i'm going to apply only for SNA and NFO and if i don't get in for those i will just reapply, b/c from what i hear its darn near impossible to make the switch once you've accepted a ground contract.......


I don't know all the rules for OCCers, but as a PLCer i went to my first 6 weeks on a ground contract, then switched to NFO between juniors and seniors OCS. It was no prob, just had to pass the stupid eye test.