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Acceptance Possiblities?


is good to go
NICE...In that case i should have NO problem being selected because of the fact I am a resident of San Francisco!! I bet no one around here applies! haha


Registered User
on contrar lonestar i gotta believe the sf falls in the surrounding areas as well, such as sacramento, davis, fresno etc. I graduated from uc davis and no for a fact there quite a few applicants coming from oakland, davis, sac, but nevermind any of that, get your s#%@ done and you'll have no problem.


New Member



New Member
No. You can tell 'cause he doesn't have that beefy arm...coming outta the back of his neck there.
Think you could photoshop Trogdor into a crystal ball for me?


Ask me about ninjas!
Sorry, it's powerpoint and borderline-offensive remarks that I'm an expert with, not photoshop. Heh... Now that I think of it, those two together are even worse, especially when the wrong people see the powerpoint work. Took all my Poli-Sci skills to talk my way out of that one.


Registered User
crowbar the only thing i was trying to get across is that he is going to be surprised by the number of people in that area that actually do apply for ocs. At the same time if he concentrates on getting his pft scores up and his grades high he should do fine. Your right i wasn't selected, even tho i was qualified, i talked to a recorder who was at the board and she told me that the selection rate for west coast snfo applicants was extremely low for 190. The only thing i can do is persist and apply again.