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a little nervous


Registered User
most candidates will...... however there are about three or four in each platoon that get frickn' ridiculous about the most anal of things. And after a little while everyone catches on and thoses candidates have it dished right back at them. The platoon staff catches on aswell and will call those candidates out on their sh*t. Another story comming....ready........... ok.... We had a candidate in our platoon that complained and whined about EVERYTHING and blamed everyone else for something he screwed up. If his rack wasn't in order, he would tell the GySgt that his rackmate must have put gear on his rack and that's why it looked the way it did. He would also get in another candidates face and tell him that he didn't belong at OCS because he wore his cover like a ball cap. *Give me a break!* FUNNY... when it was time for our first peer evaluations..... as you would think, he received horrible evals and got chitted for it. On the response section of the chit, he wrote that candidates were jealous of him and only gave him bad evals because they didn't like him. BIG MISTAKE!!! After reading it, our GySgt stormed out of his office, called everyone to attention, read it out loud, grilled him BIGTIME, called him out on being out of shape, a mamma's boy, and then asked the entire platoon if Candidate **** was what a Marine Officer should be. Immediately everybody yelled out a motivated NO GySgt! ..... so my advice when you go..... don't try to stand out, don't blame others, learn from your mistakes quickly, and BE A TEAM PLAYER.

Wow...hard hittin $hit right there....
Just out of curiosity, did that candidate graduate?


Long live the UFC!
devildog2307 said:
Wow...hard hittin $hit right there....
Just out of curiosity, did that candidate graduate?
Even though he had overall failing PT score, horrible peer evals, he did end up graduating.


Long live the UFC!
devildog2307 said:
Did he eventually reconcile with the platoon at all?
No, unfortunately for him and for the Marine Corps he left with the same attitude he came with. But what's scary it that he was wanting to be an infantry officer. If I had to compare him to somebody..... it would be Lt. Dyke from Band of Brothers. Sad but true.


Registered User
No, unfortunately for him and for the Marine Corps he left with the same attitude he came with. But what's scary it that he was wanting to be an infantry officer. If I had to compare him to somebody..... it would be Lt. Dyke from Band of Brothers. Sad but true.

Horrible. I'm glad you posted that though. It's a good reality check. And will remind me to us my knowledge of the first 4 weeks to help those struggling to adjust. I think DocT said it best here:

"There will be candidates who are slower to adapt or get things done. Help this candidate out. It might be you. Priors will be the backbone of the platoon for the first bit. Ask for their advice, and for the most part they will give it freely. The staff will get all warm and fuzzy when they see the platoon pull together. You will know this when they don't berate you for doing it. Don't let one candidate get hung out to dry...help that man."

For a candidate to tell someone they don't belong there for wearing a cover the wrong way is gay.


Registered User
There's proof of that ever-present "10%" they teach you about in bootcamp. The Corps will always have 10% sh**birds. I guess that's how the world turns.


Registered User
Although this has nothing to do with the original subject of this thread, I didn't think it was worth starting a new one, but wanted to share this with you all. My mother who is a former Marine, now a high school teacher calls me at work to tell me something while shes in the middle of class. While I'm talking to her, I can hear a bunch of rowdy highschool students in the background getting louder. Next thing I know, she puts the phone down and I can hear her yell at the top of her lungs to the class (and this is no joke):
class: "OPEN!!!"
class: "OPEN!!!"
class: "SNAP!"
MOM: "Shouldn't you all be studying for tomorrows test?"

That trash gave me flashbacks that will all too soon be a reality (hopefully). I got a kick out of that and thought you might too.



Registered User
I know it seems important now, but not once while flying with the Navy was I required to run several miles.

Frankly, the best way to really prepare physically for Navy flying is to put a ladder up to a platform 20 feet high, wait until a day when the temp is above 100 degrees, dress in a nomex flight suit and gloves steel-toed boots, and then carry 110 cinderblocks up the ladder and put them on the platform. Once the blocks are all on the platform, carry them back down and restack them. Repeat. This will get you ready for the preflight and loading a full search load aboard a Navy P-3 while on the ramp in Vietnam or some similar garden spot. Enjoy.


Long live the UFC!
devildog2307 said:
Although this has nothing to do with the original subject of this thread, I didn't think it was worth starting a new one, but wanted to share this with you all. My mother who is a former Marine, now a high school teacher calls me at work to tell me something while shes in the middle of class. While I'm talking to her, I can hear a bunch of rowdy highschool students in the background getting louder. Next thing I know, she puts the phone down and I can hear her yell at the top of her lungs to the class (and this is no joke):
class: "OPEN!!!"
class: "OPEN!!!"
class: "SNAP!"
MOM: "Shouldn't you all be studying for tomorrows test?"

That trash gave me flashbacks that will all too soon be a reality (hopefully). I got a kick out of that and thought you might too.

Man that's good!