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Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
Lol Cap! Framers at my command stay getting the shaft. This is where we insert “choose your rate choose your fate”
Yeah dude lmao I can’t even begin to think of all of the times we had nothing to do in the seat shop and frames was out ripping panels off and getting covered in hyd fluid


Hopeful SNA-Dreadful Runner
Oh yeah brother. I loved my boys in the frames shop. I definitely would’ve chose AM as my second choice
noted haha if i do end up going that route thats prob what im settling on. Man after all this fretting about the OCS boards being backed up the time i have for pre-OCS cardio makes me feel a little less apprehensive about passing runs.


Applying SNA 31Oct2022
As a distraction from our anxiety, anyone else watching the MLB playoffs? My Rays were eliminated today in an insane 15 inning game that ended 1-0 so I’m sticking with my childhood team the Cardinals for the rest of the playoffs…hoping they’re not also eliminated tonight hahaha
This did not age well, sorry friend but GO BRAVES


I had to DOR out of the OCS program this past week while here and reapply for pilot again to come back in a year due to some crazy medical issues that happened here. How long have most of you been waiting for OCS SNA/NFO slots to be accepted?


Well-Known Member
I had to DOR out of the OCS program this past week while here and reapply for pilot again to come back in a year due to some crazy medical issues that happened here. How long have most of you been waiting for OCS SNA/NFO slots to be accepted?
I've been applying (waiting) for a year and a half and still haven't gotten accepted. This is my third/probably last board. Good luck bro!


Applying SNA 31Oct2022
I had to DOR out of the OCS program this past week while here and reapply for pilot again to come back in a year due to some crazy medical issues that happened here. How long have most of you been waiting for OCS SNA/NFO slots to be accepted?
I initially applied in May, but my app got pushed to Aug cuz May was full, then pushed to Oct since Aug was cancelled. I started getting my package together a year and a half ago though. Some medical stuff had me caught up for a few months, but now we're A-OK and hoping for the best!


Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
I had to DOR out of the OCS program this past week while here and reapply for pilot again to come back in a year due to some crazy medical issues that happened here. How long have most of you been waiting for OCS SNA/NFO slots to be accepted?
This is my first try. Started the process in the spring. My package was pretty easy to build since the navy already knows who I am.