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1911 Pics


I went shooting yesterday with a new Army BG, ....and he half seriously offered to trade me his General's pistol for it. ...
If he does it again, half seriously TAKE IT !!!!!:eek:

GO's pistols are worth a lot more than the intrinsic retail value of the metal, as I know you are aware. Someday, that thing's gonna be golden.

Unless he was on the Madam's "massage list" currently circulating in D.C. Then, never mind .... :)


Registered User
If he does it again, half seriously TAKE IT !!!!!:eek:

GO's pistols are worth a lot more than the intrinsic retail value of the metal, as I know you are aware. Someday, that thing's gonna be golden.

Unless he was on the Madam's "massage list" currently circulating in D.C. Then, never mind .... :)
hehehe- He wasn't, his wife would kill him (literally)...:D Perry is one of the good guys- And he has a 17 year old son who will get the pistol in the will. Too many people let the family heirlooms get away, either through stupidity or neglect, but I wouldn't take that much advantage... at least not without a head start :D

He emailed me today about how to get a carry permit for VA and where else he should get one, I gave him the VA site, Florida and pointed him to Packing.org