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I couldn't make it to the SHOW (and the short, turbulent, life of RickRoss27, Troll)


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
What's a "getco?"

Am I "ego ecentric?" Is that Latin? I don't know, since I'm not in college.


Cereal Killer
And sorry for the last part of my last post, a college grad making more than a major airline pilot from the getco; that is rediculous.


And A&M is by far more heavily recruited than Texas tech in petroleum engineering, so now I can take pride in being the one helpling to furlough you bastards. Think oil is going to stay low for long? Think again

Again, I'm only talking to these two clowns.
the article you cite says said:
Top-ranking petroleum-engineering graduates this year can expect starting pay of $80,000 to $110,000, plus signing bonuses and other perks.

That's top ranking. I would take a guess as to say top ranking doesn't include douche-nozzles who would have the stupidity to take on people in a subject matter for which they are experts with years of experience and you know pretty much nothing.

You obviously missed out on how-to-deal-with-people-who-have-been-there-and-done-that101. I'll give you a hint, keep your mouth shut. You never know who is listen/reading.

Again, good luck.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Rick - so which is it? Are you the high school junior you claimed to be not so long ago on this site? Are you the college student you just claimed to be in this thread? Or are you a college graduate with an engineering degree making the big bucks?

I think you aren't any of the above. I think you're just someone hoping to be something who has delusions of already having made it.

BTW...what's your relationship to Dick...excuse me, Richard...excuse me again, AirlinesSuck? He at least had the good sense to switch to PMs with some of the mods.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Twas the night before xmas and all through the forum...

not a user was posting, not even a SWO... till some scrooge/poser decided to flame on some of the most senior and respected members of this forum. Who of their own free will have given advice and mentorship helping many an aviator get his and her wings of gold.

"AirlinesSuck" our own little Air Warriors' Christmas Miracle... the gift that just keeps on giving.

+1 for best Christmas Eve thread ever


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
Hey, whattaboutme????....Fugeddaboutit.

"You think this is funny???"


Funny how? Do I amuse you?


high school senior who got his acceptance letter with not as many scholarships as he would like, but hell. I've got an internship with Halliburton this summer making the minimum 3500/ mo. And if I do well; they should pay for every cent of my education if I choose to work for them after college.

My turn, how much you makin'?

P.S. Oh know, when I was a kid I preferred planes over dinosaurs. Weird... I never really liked dinosaurs. I'm glad to hear some people actually got to live out their childish dreams. It may be a huge case of autism going around. Autism speaks, so do I. Congrats, I applaud you!


Crusty Shellback
high school senior who got his acceptance letter with not as many scholarships as he would like, but hell. I've got an internship with Halliburton this summer making the minimum 3500/ mo. And if I do well; they should pay for every cent of my education if I choose to work for them after college.

My turn, how much you makin'?

P.S. Oh know, when I was a kid I preferred planes over dinosaurs. Weird... I never really liked dinosaurs. I'm glad to hear some people actually got to live out their childish dreams. It may be a huge case of autism going around. Autism speaks, so do I. Congrats, I applaud you!

Actually...the dinosaurs are quite funny. Also, how are you going to start your paragraph without capitalizing 'High' in high school, but remember to throw in the semi-colons? With that huge ejamacashun you're getting at Collidje Stashun and that "serious cash flow" you make, you should pay better attention with your grammar.

EDIT: Also..I'm assuming Know = no ? With gas costing half what it used to...not sure if Halliburton will be hiring or firing by the time you make it out of that hell hole of a town.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
so wait, 3500 a month? and that internship is supposed to top out at more than any of us will ever see? i may be a silly ensign, but i know my peanuts is mo' than yo' peanuts.

i seem to remember a deal where some company would pay for my education if i'd go work for them, and they have a better reputation than halliburton. I think they trade as USN on the exchange, not sure though.

full retard. nice worst, dipshit. thanks for the merry christmas. enjoy your life putting 1s and 0s in someone else's bank account. i'll keep on flying for uncle for a pittance.


Well-Known Member
high school senior who got his acceptance letter with not as many scholarships as he would like, but hell. I've got an internship with Halliburton this summer making the minimum 3500/ mo. And if I do well; they should pay for every cent of my education if I choose to work for them after college.

My turn, how much you makin'?
Let's see...


And I make $5200/month AFTER TAXES to your $3500/month... And that doesn't even count what I make in the reserves. And the fact that I'm married. Unless you make >$250,000/year as an intern (which I doubt), and that job is going to continue post college (which I doubt) I still win.

Oh, and you, your parents, etc... paid for my flight training...

Quit while you're behind.


Well-Known Member
Rick - so which is it? Are you the high school junior you claimed to be not so long ago on this site? Are you the college student you just claimed to be in this thread? Or are you a college graduate with an engineering degree making the big bucks?

I was thinking this guy “Rick” might be related to Skeeterman.;)

And to think I was going to stay at my office for a few more hours. I am sure glad I decided to come home; I wouldn't want to miss this for anything!



Registered User
This thread is AW's Christmas gift to all of us.

Absolute proof that there really is a Santa Claus.

Merry Christmas to RickRoss and AirlinesSuck, and thanks for this wonderful gift of entertainment. You have made an old guy feel like a puppy with two dicks.

Best Christmas thread ever!


Crusty Shellback
What I am interested in...is the aggressive defense that RickRoss is putting up for AirlinesSuck. Why is that? Are they related? There is something rather 'ambiguous' about it.. ;)

