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The Great, Constantly Changing Picture Gallery...part DEUX

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happy to be here


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Note the high AoA on the F-8, and its speed brakes deployed... not to mention the sea state and white caps. Not a good day to land on a 27-C.

Give me a Whale tanker, smooth seas, and a bigger deck any day. Nevertheless, gotta love the Spad and the 'Sader. Classic!


Registered User
Bahh, there really isn't too much that has to be hush hush. The enemy knows very well how we interrogate sites and has the media to prove it. Sadly, in my CIED training the only videos I have seen (period) were from enemy observers. Also it is funny EOD personnel are the only people that seem to think their talon bot/pack bot operations are classified. Some of them were pretty livid when regular line units doing route recon/route clearance got them, but realized pretty quick that we used them for numerous interrogations if we couldn't dig physically. Then they appreciated not having to dismount constantly to work a site that would normally turn up empty, or catch crap for leaving the crater in the road. I've seen them being operated on AFN and in quite a few articles online too (but don't tell them that, they get really really sore about it). Would be nice to shoot the breeze about your SWAT teams employment offline, in person though. I saw an interesting interrogation at a mall. Someone called a bomb threat and went through this huge uproar over a bag, anyway the bomb team response was interesting and it would be cool to hear why LEO's procedures are used in that manner. Hey I think if the EOD guys can put a 240B on their Talon Bots, you SWAT fellows should too! Would make for some intersting fun!

Okay, cool, don't like stepping on my pal "Richard." That would f'n rock to work with and compare tactics with you guys and see how you guys operate. My team does a lot of high risk search warrant ops.; multiple breach, multiple NFDD's, ladder teams, porting windows, etc., fairly dynamic stuff. We're trying to move towards explosive breach but the $ isn't there... As far as the ibot stuff goes I know they have the capability of carrying weapons but as of now probably only LAPD, LASD & NYPD have the capability; sillyvillian administrators still don't have the concept of going and killing bad guys in every community, they like giving them the opportunity to surrender. As far as we're concerned, f that, blow it up! I'm not getting an operator killed because some idiot has jail-idice or is protecting their heroin, but I digress.


Registered User
For all the LTJG's out there who want to do something cool for their promotion to LT, this is how it's done! Skipper reading me the oath this afternoon during my promotion ceremony. I'm in the not CAG jet :) Thanks Skipper, one of the coolest things I've gotten to do in a jet thus far!

That's too cool! You'll have to frame that one. Congrats on the promotion Lt.! Did you get to go and do a little ACM afterwards?


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Give me a Whale tanker!

A rather common request (high-pitched shrill scream) from the Pfantums on Yankee Station), heh...heh!:p

In all fairness, a quote from my adventure - "The Phantom was a great fighter, but a horrible fuel sucker"! :oops:


is clara ship
That's too cool! You'll have to frame that one. Congrats on the promotion Lt.! Did you get to go and do a little ACM afterwards?

We did it post KIO, so not afterwards, but it was a fun flight none-the-less. Coolest thing was realizing that my name is on a jet now. I don't think naval air gets better than that!


Registered User

Another AMARG photo; 1989 Mig killer, F-14A BuNo 159437 from VF-32 - "Gypsy 202." I guess she's on a museum hold : )


happy to be here

Originally Posted by Citation3
I'm back to share my latest tribute to legendary Tomcat moments is history.

This is my interpretation of one of the greatest Hoser "Now, this is no S*^t" stories. For those of you all not familiar with the famous Tomcat v Eagle engagement...here it is as Hoser described it. This passage has been approved for use here by the legend himself.

Now, this is no ****! Towards the end of the AIM/ACE -- EVAL, things had heated up between the Eagle and Turkey pilots. At the Nellis O’club many innuendoes and challenges had been thrown out as a result of the high profile dog fights between the Tomcat/Eagle Blue Force and the F-5Es. The Blue Force F-15 drivers were threatened with a court martial, flying rubber dog **** outta Hong Kong and having their birthday taken away if they even thought about locking horns with ACEVAL Tomcats.

When the test sorties were finally over, a couple of F-15 instructors in the 415th training squadron took the bait. “Turk” Pentecost and I were a section. Turk was not nearly as cocky, arrogant and boisterous as D-Hose, but just as aggressive, smart, devious and just as good a stick. We briefed a very wide hook, an altitude split of 10k ft. and a radar sort @ 25nm by Bill “Hill Billy” Hill and “Fearless” Frank Schumacher. All pre-merge heat and radar missiles didn’t count. It was GUNS only at the merge. The wide hook enabled Turk and D-Hose to split the fight into (2)1v1’s, with one Turkey high, one low and lots of lateral separation.

As Hill Billy and D-hose closed for a 250ft, guns kill on their Eagle, the comm went like this:
D-hose: "Where are you Turk?"
Fearless: "Right above you Hoser"
D-hose: "We got two cons! Who’s out front?"
Turk (mildly offended): "Who do ya think?"
Both Eagles were gunned, “knock it off” was called, and the Tomcats RTB’d with a 500 knot, 6.5g, half second break at Nellis…cuz
that was our salute and tribute to our fine VX-4 maintenance personnel.

Knowing the gun camera film would be destroyed by the Nellis Photo lab, it was covertly sent to a secret contact at Grumman for processing. Bout a month later, December 6, the door slams open and General Knight, with 2 of his staff, doggie wobble heads entered demanding to know “who and where are Hoser and Turk?” Falcon (J.W. Taylor), OinC, stepped up asking if he could be of assistance. The General respondes with, “Your fighter jocks have no idea how their playful antics affect important political decisions!” Well, as General Knight proceeded to explain, Japan had contracted for twenty one F-15s, but an article in Aviation Week had talked about the F-14 being superior to the Eagle. With gun camera film to prove it, Japan was considering buying F-14s instead.

The General told JW he wanted ALL copies of the gun camera film, the TVSU/VCR tapes, and audio recordings on his desk by 0900 the next day. He was obviously pissed when he arrived, but as a result of the humility and contrition displayed by Turk and D-hose, he was satisfied that his mission was accomplished. Of course, D-hose and Turk didn’t want to embarrass the F-15 community, and they never mentioned the incident again…UNTIL NOW! ……. A few months later at a VX-4 at JW’s , D-Hose sez “Hey Falcon, I know ya got a copy of that 16mm gun film,,,, how bout it? JW bugs for a few and returns with film I have in my hand right now.

PS: The 8” x 10” single frame of the 16 mm gun film on my bulkhead in my ‘ war room’ shows a F-15 thru a F-14 HUD, radar lock, @250ft, Vc zero, piper on the pilot’s helmet, gun selected, No X over the ‘G’ = master arm on = half detent on trigger depressed, (which activates gun camera and opens the gun gass purge doors) with… Zero rounds remaining……. Good Thing!!!


Here is the original image from the Tomcat gun camera...


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Ah, history . . .
At the Nellis O’club many innuendoes and challenges had been thrown
And today there's no O-club at Nellis. Luckily the Strip is nearby.
the Tomcats RTB’d with a 500 knot, 6.5g, half second break at Nellis . . .
And today they'll take the aforementioned birthday away if you even think about 4 bills in the Nellis break.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Last couple times I was there, I seem to remember passdown that thou shalt follow the a/s restrictions in the course rules, as they didn't screw around. My previous might be a slight exaggeration, but I got the feeling that a 5 bill break would have been bad juju. Just a low-level JO view. YMMV . . .
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