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PLC Stipend


Registered User
I got the FAP. Talk about hookers and blow cash. The payment right before Christmas is clutch.

LOL... hookers and blow cash... Your OSO makes yall wait til christmas to get it? Dang... I usually have mine hitting my account within 2 weeks from the time the school will say im an official student... But if you dont get the trash in by his deadline, you become low priority unless you bug the hell outta him... very effecient OSO

well, based on what im looking at... O1 < 2 yrs gets $2416 base pay, O1 - 2 years gets $2514. So for Narf, the MCTAF might be worth it since its only a couple hundred bucks and pay evens out after a few years. For PLC Jrs, you will earn $3039 starting if you go to OCS between your freshman and sophomore year... and you will make it out alive if shut your mouth and listen to the 'wiser' 21-22 year old people...
oh, by listen to the wise people i mean this. If you are 18, just shut up... I cannot tell you HOW much crap I caught at OCS from older candidates because I wouldn't shut up... and it wasn't even over serious crap... trivial crap! 2 years is a LOT of time to grow as a young man... Shutting up is possibly the best lesson I've learned, haha... A lot less speeding tickets with MORE pull over... go figure

Lets just say its an average of $500/mo for a PLC Jr PEBD vs OCC EBD commissioned the same day, same year, ect... 500 * 12 * 5 = $30k in 5 years... which is why MCTAF isn't designed for PLC Jrs or Srs... Maybe for PLC-C...

Narf, for you, it looks liek the difference in 1 year is about an average of ABOUT 200-250/ month... which is still a chunk of change after 5 years...

NOTE: I dont know the average time at each rank or I could make a better calculation. And being a Marine isn't about money and riches... But cold, hard cash never hurt anyone, unless your father hit you with a sock full of nickels (or mother...)


Charlie dont surf!
LOL... hookers and blow cash... Your OSO makes yall wait til christmas to get it? Dang... I usually have mine hitting my account within 2 weeks from the time the school will say im an official student... But if you dont get the trash in by his deadline, you become low priority unless you bug the hell outta him... very effecient OSO

I believe our first payment for the school year usually hits anywhere between november and december.


New Member
LOL... hookers and blow cash... Your OSO makes yall wait til christmas to get it? Dang... I usually have mine hitting my account within 2 weeks from the time the school will say im an official student... But if you dont get the trash in by his deadline, you become low priority unless you bug the hell outta him... very effecient OSO

well, based on what im looking at... O1 < 2 yrs gets $2416 base pay, O1 - 2 years gets $2514. So for Narf, the MCTAF might be worth it since its only a couple hundred bucks and pay evens out after a few years. For PLC Jrs, you will earn $3039 starting if you go to OCS between your freshman and sophomore year... and you will make it out alive if shut your mouth and listen to the 'wiser' 21-22 year old people...
oh, by listen to the wise people i mean this. If you are 18, just shut up... I cannot tell you HOW much crap I caught at OCS from older candidates because I wouldn't shut up... and it wasn't even over serious crap... trivial crap! 2 years is a LOT of time to grow as a young man... Shutting up is possibly the best lesson I've learned, haha... A lot less speeding tickets with MORE pull over... go figure

Lets just say its an average of $500/mo for a PLC Jr PEBD vs OCC EBD commissioned the same day, same year, ect... 500 * 12 * 5 = $30k in 5 years... which is why MCTAF isn't designed for PLC Jrs or Srs... Maybe for PLC-C...

Narf, for you, it looks liek the difference in 1 year is about an average of ABOUT 200-250/ month... which is still a chunk of change after 5 years...

NOTE: I dont know the average time at each rank or I could make a better calculation. And being a Marine isn't about money and riches... But cold, hard cash never hurt anyone, unless your father hit you with a sock full of nickels (or mother...)

I dunno. It's $5k lump sum from what my OSO said... I'm thinking I wouldn't mind having that to invest into the things my parents set up for me


New Member
My OSO explained that it does add on to my 4 years if I wasn't going for aviation. Apparently if I were going ground it would give me 5 years or something, but since aviation is mandatory 6 (8 if fixed wing) then it doesn't matter. He said I'd be a fool not to take it being in the situation I am in. Oh and it doesn't take off my join date either. I'll still have my six months


Registered User
If you plan to stay in for 20 years think about this. A few years back the bonus for USMC Fixed Wing was $25K a year, rotor less. 6 months = $12,500 The bonus went to $15K for all USMC I believe this year. No idea what it will be when your initial contract expires. Could be more could be less. Do you want the cash now or gamble that the 6 months will be worth more later.
Note: Some of my friends that took the FAP were able to buy back their contract 4 years ago when we took the bonus. Not sure why the Marine Corps allowed them to pay back a few grand that they took and turned around and gave them $12,500 for the same 6 month. Retention may of been the reason. Not sure if you can still do this.