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Pilot to SEAL?


Well-Known Member
Assuming one doesn't look like a sack of chewed bubble gum, just skip a couple of haircuts, buy a Suunto watch, get a tan, and you are in there!


Unrelated to the original purpose of the thread, I wish somebody had told me about those watches before I bought my unit went all crazy for Luminox.


Registered User
I was watching tv and they had a special on Buds training. My question is what is day to day life like for a Seal? Is it M-F, normal hours?


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
I know a guy that went SEAL to Hornet pilot. Callsign: Pappy. Hell of a guy.


I was watching tv and they had a special on Buds training. My question is what is day to day life like for a Seal? Is it M-F, normal hours?

These guys can answer all the questions you could ever have about SEALs: SOCnet.

I suggest searching the boards and lurking for a while, as they can be a bit curmudgeonly at times. Other than that, best of luck. :)


The pastures are greener!
Super Moderator
There are more team guys to pilot than pilot to team. Most of the team guys were enlisted then got commisioned. I dont know of any team officers switching over to pilot. I also dont know of any pilots who originally had a slot to buds, didnt make it for whatever reason and then became a pilot. I dont know your details, but both programs are fairly high profile. If you DOR from one, I seriously doubt the Navy is going to give you a chance (waste a slot) on the other. Once again, not sure of your situation. But the only way to find out is to contact the SpecWar community manager. He will be able to tell you what YOUR chances are. Just because someone else did or didnt make it, doesnt matter. Call the community manager and ask the question. Let us know what he tells you.


Registered User
There are more team guys to pilot than pilot to team. Most of the team guys were enlisted then got commisioned. I dont know of any team officers switching over to pilot. I also dont know of any pilots who originally had a slot to buds, didnt make it for whatever reason and then became a pilot. I dont know your details, but both programs are fairly high profile. If you DOR from one, I seriously doubt the Navy is going to give you a chance (waste a slot) on the other. Once again, not sure of your situation. But the only way to find out is to contact the SpecWar community manager. He will be able to tell you what YOUR chances are. Just because someone else did or didnt make it, doesnt matter. Call the community manager and ask the question. Let us know what he tells you.

Not trying to be argumentative in any way as I believe your post is spot on 99.999% of the time, but there is a BUDs attrite flying 53's here in Norfolk. I did IFS and Primary with him. Pretty good guy and PT stud. I think he had really good grades and the timing just worked out for him that they were looking for pilots.


Crusty Shellback
I believe our very own NickUSN was a BUD/S guy...got hurt, commisioned from OCS and was in the strike nfo pipeline.

If I am not mistaken.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
Team to SNA I've seen. Real good dude who got bagged by the API NSS shenanigans. He's a chop on an LPD now.


The pastures are greener!
Super Moderator

Good to know. Now I do know of someone. There are always exceptions to the rule. Hell, I was one as I got commisioned at 32 and winged at 35. Thats why I will always tell someone to try. And then try again. If you ask the right guy and the stars are aligned, it just may work out.