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OCS stories/experiences


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Super Moderator
As we went down we yelled "COULDN'T HACK IT", up, "HAD TO PACK IT", down, "GOTTA GO", up, "DCO". Moral of the story.........don't be the dumbass that shows up unprepared.

That story warms the cockles of my heart. Never underestimate the power of shame as a motivator. :D



Now that's impressive. How in the hell did she get past MEPS or her recruiter for that matter?

Some recruiters just don't give a rat's ass. We had a (heavy) girl roll into our class after being there for five weeks for failing the in-prt. She was in our class exactly 8 days before she rolled back into GTX (no H-compnay).

The best part was when I was candio and she was still in GTX and she came off liberty she was telling her fellow GTXperts "I used to be in his class..."

I was thinking..."Yeah, 11 weeks ago, and for about a week. Way to go."


Living the Dream
Barnard1425 said:
There are currently two pilot LT's serving as class officers (out of ~8 total) at OCS. The current Director of OCS is a FO, as is the XO of the training command (though both are O-4's).

Ask the LTs where they're going after OCS. I would almost guarantee you that the answer is "out of the Navy."
As for the NFOs, I don't know. Different career path. Maybe it's not the same for them.


Living the Dream
Barnard1425 said:
I won't dispute that for a minute. I was just pointing out that there *are* a few aviator types floating around OCS these days.

The point I was making is that the ones that are there have already pretty much severed their ties to the flying communities so any reputation you build at OCS won't be following you beyond. That still surprises me that there are pilots as class officers though.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
My Class Officer at AOCS


Rear Admiral Joseph F. Kilkenny....Shore duties included assignment as an Aviation Officer Candidate Class Officer at Naval Aviation Schools Command,.....Rear Adm. Kilkenny assumed his current position as Commander, Navy Recruiting Command in June 2006.

Now that I've rained on Sly's parade I'll point out that he is right. RADM Kilkenny is the exception and most officers assigned to OCS as class officers are not the up & comers.


Registered User
Two class officers while I was at OCS were aviators. Both were P-3 guys who had had a hard time accumulating hours. One, though, left OCS for a disassociated tour. Don't know about the other.
Barnard1425 said:
Ah, the DCO herds... they would show up to the PT field as we were wrapping up some mornings. All of their runs were a big goddamn production, completed in a sloppy formation at a snail's pace on the track. Every now and then you'd notice a cluster of DI's staring at them as they slimed past, no doubt regretting their inability to put them on their faces in a sand pit.

We weren't all that way. Seeing a shipmate fall out of a 1.5 mile formation run with OC's looking at us didn't give me a warm-fuzzy either.


Living the Dream
The worst part about the LDO/DCOs for us was when they had their P.I.s They would be standing in what could very generously be called a formation with the DIs inspecting them. Some would have sunglasses, some not. Some would be covered, some not. Some would have jackets, some not. The best was that the ones who weren't actually being inspected at the time were just kind of standing around looking at the trees, cars, sky, etc. or even talking.
The DIs would get so mad, but there was nothing they could really do to the DCO/LDOs so it would just build up frustration with them. You definitely did not want to be the first OC class the DI ran into after that.
They tightened up on that over the last few years so the inspections are not as bad as you described. Oh, the Class Officer and Class Chief did our inspection. We did not have a D.I. present, except for our very, very short drill period. I understand what a lot of people are saying, and the military bearing, physical fitness and uniform discipline was less than stellar in some of my classmates, but not everyone who runs through the DCO side is a dirtbag.


Living the Dream
They tightened up on that over the last few years so the inspections are not as bad as you described. Oh, the Class Officer and Class Chief did our inspection. We did not have a D.I. present, except for our very, very short drill period. I understand what a lot of people are saying, and the military bearing, physical fitness and uniform discipline was less than stellar in some of my classmates, but not everyone who runs through the DCO side is a dirtbag.

You are right. There are a lot of DCOs that are excellent officers. In fact, I would say probably the vast majority. The few who aren't really stand out, especially in Pensacola where they're being compared side-by-side to the OCS candidates who are held to a much higher standard (although there are plenty of those that I wouldn't trust to run an ant farm).