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McCain's Surprise VP Pick; governor, pilot, and can wield an M4

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Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I gotta say, it's fun watching a lot of the lefty pundits splutter. Most are being dismissive - essentially, she can't be any good, or I'd know all about her. Newsweek is already saying she's "set up for failure". After watching one speech, you decide this?

Not saying it's impossible for her to crash and burn. I'm saying, give the lady a chance at least.

I think she's going to surprise everybody.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
I wasn't talking about whether or not a VP can sway public opinion. Shit, a candidate can sway public opinion by getting a penis enlargement, even though it has nothing to do with whether or not they'd make a good President. I was saying that in reality, the job is just a figurehead unless the President croaks or becomes debilitated, or in the rare case that the senate votes on an exact tie.
Your point was technically true, but I have a sense that your argument was geared more towards "ho, hum, just a figurehead" than the fact that the officeholder is literally a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Think about what you so casually dismiss as unlikely. TR was put as VP to kill his political career because he pissed off the Republican bosses as Governor of NY by urging antitrust reform. McKinley got shot, and the rest is history. A similar situation occurred on November 22, 1963. How much of a national embarrassment would Vietnam have become with Kennedy in office for more than 3 years? Would he still be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents, or would the philandering and painkillers have tarnished Camelot?

The future of the country has ridden on a couple hundred grains of lead in the past. If we elect Senator Obama, I'm sad to say that there are racist shitbirds who may try to make that happen again, despite the Secret Service's best efforts. If we elect Senator McCain, it may ride on a few ounces of clotted blood. He's not getting any younger. All men owe a death as the price of being born. We as a nation do our best to ensure that our Presidents do not pay that price while in office, but no one is immune. So perhaps we do not treat the Veepstakes as we should.

I'm of two or three minds regarding Governor Palin. Let's face it, if she were 20 years younger and single, I'd have a serious crush. :D Yes, she is inexperienced on the world stage, regardless of the semantic issues concerning pursuing that argument about Senator Obama with her as McCain's running mate. But she is a Washington outsider who so far seems to have been a bulldog in fighting corruption in her home state, and perhaps might do well in helping to drown the fetid swamp that is "insider Washington." I also have to think that some of the politicians who have had the best reps going into the job of POTUS/VPOTUS have proven among the most dismal failures, and vice versa. We'll never know until they write the history books, I guess.


He bowls overhand.
Your point was technically true, but I have a sense that your argument was geared more towards "ho, hum, just a figurehead" than the fact that the officeholder is literally a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Think about what you so casually dismiss as unlikely. TR was put as VP to kill his political career because he pissed off the Republican bosses as Governor of NY by urging antitrust reform. McKinley got shot, and the rest is history. A similar situation occurred on November 22, 1963. How much of a national embarrassment would Vietnam have become with Kennedy in office for more than 3 years? Would he still be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents, or would the philandering and painkillers have tarnished Camelot?
I understand where you are coming from. My statements mainly arise from all the media hooplah that surrounds VP nominations that ultimately conveys a message to the viewers that a VP nomination will mean something in terms of policy with the current Presidential nominee. That is the regard in which the VP is meaningless. Putting Palin on the ticket doesn't make McCain anymore "liberal" or "conservative" than he was 3 days ago. He's still the same guy with the same views, he's the one running for office, so he's the guy we're casting the vote for or against.


Registered User
If the folks over at www DOT hillaryclintonforum DOT net are any indication, Palin is definitely going to pull Hillary voters to McCain.

One view is that women were voting for Hillary solely over the issues and will see this as just a ploy to try and get their vote, and not go for it, however, it seems that many Hillary voters were just voting for Hillary because she is a woman, and if that's the case, Palin I think is a big plus for McCain.

I hope Palin crushes Biden in the debate and I hope McCain crushes Obama in his debates and I hope the debates are not super slanted for the Democrats as the Hillary/Obama debates were so slanted to favor him.

It will really be something if McCain wins and then in 2012, it's Sarah Palin versus Hillary Clinton...!!

As for if McCain was to croak unfortunately, I am sure Palin would appoint a very seasoned and experienced person to VP.

I do not think the Democrats can criticize her on lacking experience, what they CAN do is try and say that the criticisms leveled against Obama for lacking experience don't hold as much water apparently (not saying this is true, but the argument they will likely put forth).

Regarding Palin being pro-life, there was a poll shown on Fox News earlier today that said the economy was issue #1 for most women, the Iraq War second, and the abortion issue third. Also, many women I have read say that they are not voting solely over one issue and are offended the MSM think so, so...

Palin is definitely a change from the Big Business, country club, elitist, "good 'ole boy" Republicans (or the Republicans that give people this image) over to the "blue-collar" Republicans, having fought corruption in her own party, her husband is a member of the United Steelworkers's Union and a pipeline worker, she is a mother of five, etc...

I notice the Obama campaign initially stated that she was just the mayor of a small town originally, not acknowledging her work as a governor:icon_rage I think they are frightened of her, because no matter what they say, there is no way to know for sure if this will or will not pull the Hillary voters, or at least enough of them to give the election to McCain, especially because McCain and Obama have remained in a dead heat up to now.

Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin wants creationism taught in science classes.

In a 2006 gubernatorial debate, the soon-to-be governor of Alaska said of evolution and creation education, "Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of education. Healthy debate is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."

(Read about Palin's views on ANWAR and polar bears on our sister blog, Threat Level.)

Asked by the Anchorage Daily News whether she believed in evolution, Palin declined to answer, but said that "I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class."

"I'm not going to pretend I know how all this came to be," she said.

So she wants both evolution and creationism taught. What's wrong with that? I am not a creationist, but I don't mind kids being taught the views of both. It's not like she was trying to ban the teaching of evolutionary theory and shove creationary theory down kid's throats.

Sort of like economics, if I teach economics, I will teach the students both the Keynesian view (which is for big government spending, higher taxes, etc...) and the Chicago/supply-side view (which is for limited government, low taxes, etc...), even though I myself side much more with the supply-side view.


Former SWO
Hahaha, whatever dude. Ban me if you please. You are ridiculous. So you can be disrespectful towards me when you have NEVER seen combat ON THE GROUND? I am a 2 tour veteran in a combat unit buddy. Don't get it twisted. I've seen more shit than you can ever imagine from your plane.

Wow, I knew you were a fucking toolbag in that one thread where we had a tiff last week. Quit waiving your dick around and grow the fuck up. You being a two-tour veteran does not entitle you to be a cock to people who have been in service for decades. Wanker.

Wired blog isn't exactly MoveON.org. Still, that's the best you can dig up, m0t?

Nah man, that's just the first thing I dredged up. Like you said, it's not as horrid or as un-founded as Moveon or Truth or some related garbage. The fact that people are so vehemently against me posting anything to discredit the woman, though, is hilarious.

She's hot though, I'd give her that. Cougar, MILF -- what have you. We need a related smiley/emoticon.

Ex Rigger

Active Member

Personally I had hoped he would pick somebody who was a bit more socially conservative. I differed from McCain on a few issues, but there is a really wide gap between my views and those of Palin. I'll still probably vote for McCain though, considering I can't stand Obama.
I'm having trouble understanding where you're coming from, considering Palin was widely considered one of the most socially conservative candidates for VP. Research a little more before you formulate your opinion.
Personally I had hoped he would pick somebody who was a bit more socially conservative. I differed from McCain on a few issues, but there is a really wide gap between my views and those of Palin. I'll still probably vote for McCain though, considering I can't stand Obama.

I'm about as socially conservative as they come, and I've liked everything I've heard so far about Palin's views (pro-Life and anti-gay marriage, for example). In which areas were you looking for her to be more socially conservative?

I don't put much stock in the MSM smearing her Creationist beliefs...OH LAWDY, THE WOMAN DUZN'T THINK WE CAME SWINGIN OUT THE TREES!!! (or oozing out of the bog slime, either). Do your thing, Palin.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Wow, crazy active thread!

I suspected this would be a big thread today.

As a brief bit of background. I was born and raised in Juneau, AK, and come from a somewhat political background. In Alaska, especially Juneau, politics is our favorite indoor sport. I've known several governors, Alaska IS still a small state and no kidding previous governors really did walk to work (it's about a quarter mile or so from the gov's mansion to the capitol). I’m not sure if Gov Palin walks as I haven’t lived in Juneau for a while now.

I did vote for her in 2006 and there’s no doubt she has bucked the system in Alaska significantly. I don’t think Alaska’s politics are any more corrupt than any other state, but when people as senior as our congressmen get accused of wrong doing (they have NOT been found guilty) it reflects very badly on the state. Remember, we only have three congressmen, so that’s 2/3 of our reps to the rest of the country.

She’s done a lot of good for the state, but she’s done things that I strongly disagree with. Most recently she decided to CRUSH the oil industry with an increase in oil taxes, making Alaska the most expensive place in the world to draw oil. This has stymied oil speculation and infrastructure development. The result of this tax is that next year the state will have an additional $14 BILLION in revenue (AK has no state taxes on its people, just the oil industry) which is good – but she chooses to hand out checks for $1200 to every Alaskan for energy relief. I don’t agree with this, even though I’d love to get that check (I can’t, I don’t live there currently, though I am a resident still), it smacks of redistribution of wealth to me. In the long term, that money isn’t a hugely significant amount, but it is very popular. I don’t think the government should be taxing the rich and redistributing the wealth.

Her actions towards Juneau, the capital, have been disingenuous. I don’t want to go into lengthy detail about this subject, as there’s a lot of back story. In a nutshell, there has been a long time effort to move the capital north, to either Anchorage or Wasilla. It has been voted on several times and voted down every time. However, she continues what we call the “capital creep” of moving offices and administration out of town – at an accelerated pace. This after espousing her belief that Juneau should be the capital.

I don’t necessary disagree with a capital move. It makes logical sense. But it would destroy Juneau, utterly, and cost a lot of money. Also, it’s been clear by previous votes that Alaskans do not want the capital moved – so why are we continuing this effort?

I understand why she was chosen as Senator McCain’s running mate. And maybe a fresh face with attitude will do some good in Washington, but I don’t think her track record in Alaska has been as good as some people espouse. There are a lot of republicans, especially in Southeast Alaska, who are bent out of shape over her actions. No doubt she exemplifies Republican beliefs (other than that redistribution of wealth thing) and that’s good.

I don’t think this was a wise move for the GOP. I really hope it doesn’t backfire on them. It is cool for the homeland to be represented on the national stage though!


Registered User
I don't put much stock in the MSM smearing her Creationist beliefs...OH LAWDY, THE WOMAN DUZN'T THINK WE CAME SWINGIN OUT THE TREES!!! (or oozing out of the bog slime, either). Do your thing, Palin.

One thing on that, evolutionists do not believe that humans evolved from apes, they believe that there was a common ancestor, that evolved one way into the great apes and the other way into hominids, of which we became the dominant form.

For example, there's like only a 3% genetic difference between a chimpanzee and a human (there's more difference between a gorilla and a chimp than between a chimp and a human I believe).

And I know that's unrelated to the thread, but I just wanted to point it out because a lot of creationists seem to think evolutionists think we "evolved" from apes.

Ex Rigger

Active Member
There are a lot of republicans, especially in Southeast Alaska, who are bent out of shape over her actions.
Considering she has greater than an 80% approval rating I wouldn't call it alot of republicans, especially in a red state.


Registered User
Wow, crazy active thread!

I suspected this would be a big thread today.

As a brief bit of background. I was born and raised in Juneau, AK, and come from a somewhat political background. In Alaska, especially Juneau, politics is our favorite indoor sport. I've known several governors, Alaska IS still a small state and no kidding previous governors really did walk to work (it's about a quarter mile or so from the gov's mansion to the capitol). I’m not sure if Gov Palin walks as I haven’t lived in Juneau for a while now.

I did vote for her in 2006 and there’s no doubt she has bucked the system in Alaska significantly. I don’t think Alaska’s politics are any more corrupt than any other state, but when people as senior as our congressmen get accused of wrong doing (they have NOT been found guilty) it reflects very badly on the state. Remember, we only have three congressmen, so that’s 2/3 of our reps to the rest of the country.

She’s done a lot of good for the state, but she’s done things that I strongly disagree with. Most recently she decided to CRUSH the oil industry with an increase in oil taxes, making Alaska the most expensive place in the world to draw oil. This has stymied oil speculation and infrastructure development. The result of this tax is that next year the state will have an additional $14 BILLION in revenue (AK has no state taxes on its people, just the oil industry) which is good – but she chooses to hand out checks for $1200 to every Alaskan for energy relief. I don’t agree with this, even though I’d love to get that check (I can’t, I don’t live there currently, though I am a resident still), it smacks of redistribution of wealth to me. In the long term, that money isn’t a hugely significant amount, but it is very popular. I don’t think the government should be taxing the rich and redistributing the wealth.

Her actions towards Juneau, the capital, have been disingenuous. I don’t want to go into lengthy detail about this subject, as there’s a lot of back story. In a nutshell, there has been a long time effort to move the capital north, to either Anchorage or Wasilla. It has been voted on several times and voted down every time. However, she continues what we call the “capital creep” of moving offices and administration out of town – at an accelerated pace. This after espousing her belief that Juneau should be the capital.

I don’t necessary disagree with a capital move. It makes logical sense. But it would destroy Juneau, utterly, and cost a lot of money. Also, it’s been clear by previous votes that Alaskans do not want the capital moved – so why are we continuing this effort?

I understand why she was chosen as Senator McCain’s running mate. And maybe a fresh face with attitude will do some good in Washington, but I don’t think her track record in Alaska has been as good as some people espouse. There are a lot of republicans, especially in Southeast Alaska, who are bent out of shape over her actions. No doubt she exemplifies Republican beliefs (other than that redistribution of wealth thing) and that’s good.

I don’t think this was a wise move for the GOP. I really hope it doesn’t backfire on them. It is cool for the homeland to be represented on the national stage though!

From your post, she sounds a bit like a conservative Democrat...? Is there more detail to her taxing the oil industry, I mean why crush the most important industry in your state as governor...? Also, it does sound like re-distribution of wealth...


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Considering she has greater than an 80% approval rating I wouldn't call it alot of republicans, especially in a red state.

Oh, she's popular alright. She stuck it to the oil companies (a favorite past time there) and she's giving a lot of money back to the people. Alaska has very unusual politics. And as much as I hate to say it, there's a certain "entitlement" sentiment up there, and I'm not immune form it. Giving people $1200 in cash, to spend on whatever they want (though it is intended to pay for energy, which is very expensive in Alaska) is a great way to garner a high approval rating.

I really am of two minds for this. I DO respect her for a lot of what she's done. No doubt i'm going to disagree with any politician (i'm conservative, pro-2nd amendment, pro-choice, anti-creationism, pro-environment (though I think we should drill ANWR)) on some things. Knowing this and liking McCain a great deal, i can see where this could be a good thing. Some of her actions in Alaska, however, make me wary.

Now, I should caveat this by saying, I know more about her than I would a similar candidate from another state, who I might immediately like were I not to know as much as I do. I don't know how she'll do on the national stage. The coming weeks will be very interesting, that's for certain.
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