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Huckabee vs. Obama?

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Barack Hussein Obama may have a chance to rectify his mistake...
§178. Modification of rules and customs by President
Any rule or custom pertaining to the display of the flag of the United States of America, set forth herein, may be altered, modified, or repealed, or additional rules with respect thereto may be prescribed, by the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, whenever he deems it to be appropriate or desirable; and any such alteration or additional rule shall be set forth in a proclamation.


Kinder and Gentler
Raptor, thank you for the links and info. But, I ask again, do you believe that placing your hand over your heart is the only appropriate way to show deference and respect?

Good deflection, BTW. You should be a lawyer. :)


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Obama didn't place his hand over his heart simply because he didn't know any better.
Must be nice to have so many people making excuses for your actions...

I've been to plenty of ballagames. Almost no one places their hands on their hearts during the Star Spangled Banner, and a good proportion have the audacity to talk.
Where the hell to do you go see games? The National Anthem at baseball games is one of those few times where I actually am surprised at the respect people show. Yeah, there are the few bozos talking but the MAJORITY of people show respect. Ever seen 'God Bless America' at Yankee Stadium? Its not the National Anthem but that song still pulls on everyones emotional strings and everyone still sings the words (the ones they know) and stand. I guess you only see what you want to see (I'm probably guilty too).


He bowls overhand.
Raptor, (d), (i), and (j) are broken routinely. New England Patriots, anyone?

Must be nice to have so many people making excuses for your actions...
Who's making excuses? I simply provided the reason why he didn't do it. He has been quoted in numerous news reports since as defending himself by saying that he didn't have his hand over his heart because the national anthem, and not the pledge, was playing, and that he was taught to stand like that and sing during the anthem.

Ever seen 'God Bless America' at Yankee Stadium?
Are you talking about watching it on TV, or being there? Because you don't catch the people whispering to each other on TV, and the camera tends not to linger on the guy telling his 2 year old to shut up.

Its not the National Anthem but that song still pulls on everyones emotional strings and everyone still sings the words (the ones they know) and stand.
I specifically said that the majority do not place their hands over their hearts, and that a significant amount of people will talk during these songs. I said nothing about standing silently or singing along. Most people "show respect" in the same manner that Obama was "showing respect" in the above picture.


Working Plan B
Most people "show respect" in the same manner that Obama was "showing respect" in the above picture.

The above is true, whether it be appropriate or not. Way I was learned as a child, hand over your heart or Scout's saulte was for the Pledge; standing and shutting up, removing the cap, maybe bowing your head, reflecting for a moment was for baseball games.

'Course I know differently now, but, for better for worse, I would argue that a good deal of Americans are simply ignorant as to hand over heart for then anthem.


Who's making excuses? I simply provided the reason why he didn't do it. He has been quoted in numerous news reports since as defending himself by saying that he didn't have his hand over his heart because the national anthem, and not the pledge, was playing, and that he was taught to stand like that and sing during the anthem.
Then why didn't he sing?

Raptor, thank you for the links and info. But, I ask again, do you believe that placing your hand over your heart is the only appropriate way to show deference and respect?
I believe that for a presidential candidate of the United States of America, the only proper way to show deference and respect to the flag is by placing ones hand over their heart, and looking to the flag, and failing that, the source of music.
Good deflection, BTW. You should be a lawyer. :)
We can discuss this without name calling :D


Well-Known Member
I specifically said that the majority do not place their hands over their hearts, and that a significant amount of people will talk during these songs. I said nothing about standing silently or singing along. Most people "show respect" in the same manner that Obama was "showing respect" in the above picture.

You miss the point. I don't want a president who is like "most people"

50% of the people you meet in life are below average. I'd like to have our President be not like most people, but better than most people. I want a president who honors our customs and traditions not because everyone does it, but because of why it should be done.

You are carrying a lot of water for this guy, but have yet to list one compelling reason why anyone should vote for him. (But that isn't surprising as there really aren't any compelling reasons.)


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Are you talking about watching it on TV, or being there? Because you don't catch the people whispering to each other on TV, and the camera tends not to linger on the guy telling his 2 year old to shut up.
Obama didn't place his hand over his heart simply because he didn't know any better.
Being there, and a two year old doesn't know any better ... a presidential candidate should.


Well-Known Member
He has been quoted in numerous news reports since as defending himself by saying that he didn't have his hand over his heart because the national anthem, and not the pledge, was playing, and that he was taught to stand like that and sing during the anthem.

Ahhh...the infamous "this recruit don't know" defense, maybe he should enlist and go to bootcamp - because that's the last time that was an acceptable answer for me...

Spekkio said:
Because you don't catch the people whispering to each other on TV, and the camera tends not to linger on the guy telling his 2 year old to shut up.

If a 2 year old jumped off a bridge, would Obama?

Looks like Hillary might win New Hampshire.

McCain is already projected to win as well.


Well-Known Member
Because you don't catch the people whispering to each other on TV, and the camera tends not to linger on the guy telling his 2 year old to shut up.

That is the Dad's job, teach his son there are times to be quiet and respectful.

If Barak's daddy had instructed him properly, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


Ahhh...the infamous "this recruit don't know" defense, maybe he should enlist and go to bootcamp - because that's the last time that was an acceptable answer for me...

Looks like Hillary might win New Hampshire.

McCain is already projected to win as well.
This was all predicted beforehand remember that the folks that are going to the caucuses in Iowa are further from the center on both parties which is one of the criticisms of their first in the nation position.


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
I wonder how much more of the US Code this member of the Legislative Branch is also unfamiliar with.


Registered User
You have got to be shitting me.

Godwin's law. Shut it down.

I'm not comparing Obama to Hitler in terms of how Hitler was a rabid nationalist, wanted to kill all non-Aryans, and conquer the world.

However, the two are similar IMO in that Hitler was a reknowned speaker who could carry an audience brilliantly. He appeared as a very trustworthy, strong man, a man for change, a man who would bring Germany out of the depths of depression and into greatness!

Of course anyone, even at the time, who actually looked into Hitler's economic policies and ideologies saw that his ideas were not a good idea.

Similarly, anyone who looks at Barack Obama's history, voting record, and policies will come to a similar conclusion.

Hitler was especially popular amongst the youth of Germany, he himself was a young guy (only in his late 30s or early 40s when elected to power).

Barack Obama just seems very similar to me in these respects. He is very popular among young people, he is a great speaker, he constantly talks about "change," he can really carry the audience, to people who believe President Bush has "destroyed" America, and absolutely ruined our global image, and doesn't care about poor people, blah blah blah, Barack Obama represents changing all that, bringing America back to our position of greatness (in the mindsets of those types who have zero knowledge about economics or history it seems).

Basically Obama appeals to people for the same reasons that Hitler appealed to the Germans in my opinion.

Hitler didn't get elected by getting up in front of a microphone and saying, "My plan is to murder all non-Aryan peoples and Jews and try to conquer the planet. Vote for me!"

And there is nothing wrong with a politician having great speaking ability, but when that's pretty much all they rely on to convince their fans, then there's a problem (and usually it's the youth who fall for that stuff).

I could be wrong though about just how "popular" Obama is, he is on the coattails of Hitler--AHEM! Hillary:D right now in New Hampshire, and all the polls had said he'd blow by her with double-digits, but right now, even if she loses to him, it will only be by a tiny amount, so who knows.


Well-Known Member
However, the two are similar IMO in that Hitler was a reknowned speaker who could carry an audience brilliantly. He appeared as a very trustworthy, strong man, a man for change, a man who would bring Germany out of the depths of depression and into greatness!

Hitler is still an underhanded choice for a comparison. Funny you didn't chose somebody else who has similar characteristics, say, Pericles. Pericles is said to have been an amazing orator, was a strong leader, and enacted a number of changes in Athenian society. So basically your Hitler comparison sucks, actually its awful and way of base.
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