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Bevo said:
The really sad thing about the IA deal is that the Navy just finished discharging hundreds of perfectly good junior officers who did not complete flight school over the past year. Guys who had spent 4 years at the Academy or on full NROTC scholarships were given their walking papers with no strings attached because they did not have the skill set to be aviators. Now, the Army comes calling for a few warm bodies and the Navy rogers up to bridge the gap.

For what it's worth, this isn't exactly true. They did (and still do) send some attrites/overflow bodies to IAs. The problem is these guys have zero experience at anything, and not all the IA jobs are as a convoy officer (or whatever they do). There are still a lot of jobs that require actual operational knowledge, and the very junior JO can't really bring that to the table.

I wish there was more info available for what people are actually doing on these IAs. It's very cryptic in the message traffic, and other than some people being security officers (and what is that, exactly?), it's hard to tell what day to day is like. I know Schnugg got grabbed, so any info he has would be helpful rather than just everyone *****ing about something they don't know much about.


Super *********
Super Moderator
IMO, it seems that certain IA jobs are simply not an effective or at least effecient use of our officers. I happen to know one who received orders to Kabul for 359 days. He was our community RO and is most likely going to select for command this board (based on what we know of his record). This duty satisfies his joint committment but basically sits in a tent, does paperwork and not much else. Not an effective use of talent. Of course I don't know what other IA billets entail so perhaps they are desigend to have more of a efficacious type of effect.

I'm probably immune to the field type IA jobs due to two blown discs in my back (twice now) though my flying days might be coming to an end as well. A desk job is certainly within the realm of possibility so I will just have to hope if I'm lucky enoug to be selected, it's a job that will use my talents (still not sure what talents I possess) or at least be beneficial in teaching this aging and aching O-4 and hopefully O-5 something about anything.

The Stinkster

Now who do I blame?
Interesting discussion. Around here we have had a rash of these things come up, and the time from notification to departure is pretty short. Having just gone through the detailing process I can tell you that currently there is no "deal" to be made to do the IA instead of a disassociated sea tour in most communities. The IA's are coming up and being filled as part of the shore tour and have ranged from 6 months to 18 months. Some of the talk from above has mentioned that IA's could become a pre-command tour requirement, but for now there is no real feel for how many could be required in the next few years. Estimates in the thousands are all the front office is willing to toss out right now. The idea of using attrites and DOR's, although convenient has not panned out mostly due to lack of proper security clearance levels and warfighting experience requirements. The tag line for guys getting assigned these jobs has ranged from guys in my command getting sent a couple of weeks after checking in to guys that have been here for a while and are nearing the end of their tour. Some of the jobs are getting filled by volunteers, but many of them are being filled by the command "on the hook" picking a "volunteer". As it was explained to us....the IA's come up, and every shore command (TW's, FRS, etc) are on the hook in order, and then each squadron in the wing is lined up in order. The IA's come out and when you are on the hook you provide someone to fill the requirement unless another command volunteers. Once you have provided someone, your command drops to the bottom of the list. It is a pretty random process since it ebbs and flows pretty strongly as to when the requests come out, but from my command alone we have had 4 in the last year and that is just one squadron. Some of them have been in some pretty cool places, so it kinda depends on which one comes and if you are in the mood to volunteer. Either way, I think that we all know....or at least should know that this kind of thing is a reality of what we do, and flying is only part of our job. As it was presented to us, sometimes the Navy will ask you to do things in support of our greater need, and as proffesional Officers, we have to shut the **** up and color.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
The Stinkster said:
getting sent a couple of weeks after checking in.
OUCH... hows that working, they do the IA, come back, and then start on their IUT and flying?

We have an 1120 here at my command that is getting sent on IA for a year, then is coming back to the command for 6 months to finish out his commitment.


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webmaster said:
OUCH... hows that working, they do the IA, come back, and then start on their IUT and flying?

That's exactly what happened here to an AF guy.

The Stinkster

Now who do I blame?
Basically, for the guys getting sent shortly after checking in, they go, do their time, then come back and restart the IUT and get qualled, then continue on with the rest of the tour. No extensions for time away or anything like that I guess. The only other scenario that has happend is a guy who was going to retire, made O-4, needed an extension here to retire O-4, so they told him they would let him have it if he took a voluntary IA. Unusual situation....definitely not the norm. For all the others the IA has been just another part of the shore tour.

Helo Guy

Registered User
Bottom line there’s a job to do so suck it up! I’m sorry for families but you had to realize that this could happen. Some Army and Air Force guys have been deployed three out of the last four years.


FERS and TSP contributor!
...and as I think Steve has elluded to, getting Navy people actively and visibly involved in the war is good for us as a service - and good for our reputation as Sailors. So maybe it isn't business as usual, but it's called being "at war" for a reason.

For those heading out on an IA tour, "good on ya". Send photos!


FERS and TSP contributor!
Helo Guy said:
Chuck, I'm sure they'd let you back in

Believe me, if there was any possibility that I could be of any use at all, I would be all over it. In a heartbeat.

My dream job would still however, be teaching FAM's in the HT's. 3 x's per day! Probably the most rewarding and satisfying thing I have ever done. :)

Helo Guy

Registered User
ChuckMK23 said:
Believe me, if there was any possibility that I could be of any use at all, I would be all over it. In a heartbeat.

My dream job would still however, be teaching FAM's in the HT's. 3 x's per day! Probably the most rewarding and satisfying thing I have ever done. :)

I bet, they may need you down there I hear those guys are getting pulled left and right for IA tours. ;)


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
A couple people have posted suggesting attrites/DORs being sent to these IA jobs. Any chance they'll send newly minted O-1s to fill spaces while they're waiting to go to flight school?

I know a lot of people who would consider volunteering for that, myself included (in a few months). More balls than brains perhaps...

[Edit after the fact - just saw gatordev's earlier post about lack of experience... which would rule out what I was thinking...]


Well-Known Member
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pennst8 said:
A couple people have posted suggesting attrites/DORs being sent to these IA jobs. Any chance they'll send newly minted O-1s to fill spaces while they're waiting to go to flight school?

I know a lot of people who would consider volunteering for that, myself included (in a few months). More balls than brains perhaps...

I suppose there's always a chance, but as I and a few others have said, there's not much use for you guys. There just isn't much operational experience to be helpful. Not all the jobs are boots in a HMMV.

Helo Guy said:
Some Army and Air Force guys have been deployed three out of the last four years.

While I agree with your sentiment and probably could be placed in the "Suck it up" camp as well, your argument above is kind of a non-starter. Yes, the Army's deployment schedule has been insane. But I was deployed almost 2 of 3 years, and that wasn't w/ a CSG (ie, less workups). Just because the AF has their guys stay in their tour longer doesn't necessarily mean they're deployed more per year. They do deploy more, but for shorter periods, so in the end, it comes out to about the same amount of time away from home per year.