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Europe under extreme duress


Internet killed the television star
Do you have a link? Been Googling but can't find this one.

That’s not the AP article I read but it is pretty similar. It goes into detail about halfway through the reading.


Bullets don't fly without Supply
Hearing reports (social media…consider the source) that some of what if being reported by the media in the West is propaganda. Specifically, the story of the 13 soldiers killed on Snake Island.

Max the Mad Russian

Hands off Ukraine! Feet too
Nobody can be sure those 82 POWs unembarked in Sebastopol are truly from Snakish. Well, 13 dead story told by Ukranian media is not full truth either. There was, according to Russian prewar media, joint ELINT center on Snakish so it would be better to be careful with info about this island: there may be some Europeans or Turks among those prisoners or dead. What is true is that there were air strikes by Russian Su-24s and guided missile cruiser Moskva shelled the island with 130-mm gunfire. For answer, Ukranian coasties and marines from Snakish having just two RHIB boats tried to attack the cruiser with RPGs. Maybe those 13 dead are the boats crews and RPG-men: Russians worked them out with 30-mm Gatling CIWS
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Registered User
Some talking heads were saying that Putin maybe went in lighter instead of going with an all-out attack because he thought the Ukrainians would roll over and the world would thus roll over, whereas if he went with an all-out attack, the world and Ukrainians might really turn on him, but since they are being very resilient regardless with his lighter attack, it is now causing problems. Is this true does anyone think, or did he go in with the best he could?

Max the Mad Russian

Hands off Ukraine! Feet too
He thinks obviously he has more. No, he hasn't. And pretty soon his generals will reveal this to him.

An-225, the world largest aircraft, is destroyed in hangar of Gastomel airport. Fucking russians.


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Max the Mad Russian

Hands off Ukraine! Feet too
About "Dream"? Ukranian Mriya means dream. A friend of mine from Gastomel tech management team called.
About Putin? He's silent. He speaks when he knows what's happening. He evidently doesn't know and doesn't believe everyone


Registered User
Maybe I am wrong, but it just strikes me as so cynical that NOW, because Ukraine has shown it isn't a pushover, that everyone is deciding to send arms to Ukraine to help it counter Russia and/or engage in stricter sanctions. This, IMO, should have been the position of the West from the get-go, that if Putin invades Ukraine, the West will help the Ukrainians make him bleed. Such action also sends a strong message to China regarding Taiwan IMO. But instead everyone just sort of shrugged it seemed and said, "Well it sucks, but bye-bye Ukrainians," then when Ukraine doesn't roll over, you see about-faces starting to happen, with Germany now deciding to send arms after initially refusing to and Australia deciding to send arms after first just promising "non-lethal" aid and the U.S. as well sending arms.

When Putin first invaded, I had no idea how Ukraine's forces would fare and was inclined to think they'd just be a pancake in front of a Russian steamroller, but at the same time, it reminded me of the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, when everyone wrote off the Soviet Union. Even if a freedom-desiring nation seems like it's in a hopeless situation, IMO the West should always try to help, because well you never know.

Max the Mad Russian

Hands off Ukraine! Feet too
Yeah, West needs nowadays Churchill or bearded face from 50 dollar bill. Man who had fought and fallen, and arose again. Man with at least rudimentary military training. Man who uses language as weapon. Man with adversaries and friends 50/50. Man who drinks. A man. Know one?
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Registered User
Apparently the Ukrainian forces blew the hell out of a column of fifty-six tanks transporting a Chechen special forces group known for barbarism and human rights abuses. Apparently they were being sent to kill Zelensky himself and others, but the Ukrainians killed them and their highly-decorated leader, Magomed Tushae, apparently a quite nasty fellow.