Got a little captain in ya?
Part of being a Naval Aviator (at least sometimes), or being in the Service in general, is watchstanding. I find myself at 0400 on this wonderful Thursday morning cruising the internet, well, the five sites that NETC will let me cruise, for the umpteenth time. I'm not used to the freedom of internet and tv during watch, coming from a fast-attack submarine engineroom and whatnot.
Focus: What are some of the weird/random things you've done on watch to pass the time? Names can be changed to protect the innocent if need be.
I guess the oddest thing I did on my last deployment was to "borrow" a shipmate's coffee cup. Said shipmate had left the coffee cup right where it belonged...on the R114 unit. So, as punishment for his stupidity, I did what any enterprising young watchstander would do...I made a cool looking duct tape submarine out of it, complete with periscopes, tower, and tail fins.
Focus: What are some of the weird/random things you've done on watch to pass the time? Names can be changed to protect the innocent if need be.
I guess the oddest thing I did on my last deployment was to "borrow" a shipmate's coffee cup. Said shipmate had left the coffee cup right where it belonged...on the R114 unit. So, as punishment for his stupidity, I did what any enterprising young watchstander would do...I made a cool looking duct tape submarine out of it, complete with periscopes, tower, and tail fins.