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2010 DCO/DIRCOM boards: questions, answers, and discussion


New Member
3) Find out where you stood on the selection process. Ask your recruiter to see if you fell under:
a) "Strong candidates, but not selected due to the competitiveness of other candidates"
b) "Not competitive, not selected"
c) "Not considered due to missing NIRR endorcement and are requested to reapply"
d) "considered ineligible due to applicant reaching maximum age"
Knowing this will tell you where you stand and how you should proceed with your package. So if you can determine this factor, then you know what is needed to reapply or you will know that you should seek a different route.
My recruiter said they did not ever get feedback on why someone did or did not get selected. If that is not true, it would be one more lead weight on my overall opinion of them.


New Member
For those that are waiting for their recuriter to contact you, I think that is a very bad idea. You must, to some degree, control your flow of information.

Hi USAF.Boom,

The reason for my laissez faire attitude is that it doesn't matter if I call, email, or show up to my recruiters office. He's simply not there. And when I do get a hold of him it's usually him asking me to call back next week because he's not in a position to check OTools or my file. He told me that he's spread very thin and unfortunately on the road quite a bit. So here I sit still waiting and waiting and waiting... After being tabled in SEP for lack of a RIPO endorsement I was more than happy to head up to JAX to get it. The months went by and I kept on him asking when and what can I do to get my interview... I finally held an interview with the RIPO at the end of FEB and not for my lack of trying! I also applied to the PAO Jan boards as an alternate and 4 months latter still no word about the results. Has anyone else had to wait so long?

So if he's full of shit and just doesn't want to get back to me... shame on him. But if indeed this guy is spread as thin as he claims, I have to cut him some slack and deal with the long blue wait. Hey, I'm open to suggestions as I'd like to know one way or another.


New Member
My recruiter said they did not ever get feedback on why someone did or did not get selected. If that is not true, it would be one more lead weight on my overall opinion of them.

That info is on the letter sent out by the board that indictes who was selected or not.

Devil Duck

As Charlie stated, the board results are published in the form of a memorandum. Everyone is binned by the categories Charlie listed above. I have a copy of the memo from the SEP Intel board (thanks Charlie). It's pretty broad strokes, but still good to have.

drustynail, I'm going to guess that if you haven't heard from the JAN PAO board, you didn't make it. At this point I'd say your chances from this most recent board are pretty grim as well. What you need to confirm is that your recruiter submitted a complete packet on time. You really need to consider the conditions as to why the recruiter isn't dedicating a lot of time to you, that is, how competitive are you? Typically, the less competitive the candidate, the less time you'll get from the recruiter. Recruiters have a finite amount of time to spread across their prospective candidates. Stronger candidates get more time and exposure. Sorry to sound like a dick, but that's generally how it is. Consider that recruiters must find and qualify candidates. You must complete your application, with their help. Once selected, you must be physically qualified. From there you must be appointed (scrolled), and commissioned, then start drilling. Once you start drilling your recruiter is credited against their quota. So, if you don't start drilling, the recruiter doesn't get credit. So what cause does your recruiter have to jerk you around? You can always try contacting the NRD or another recruiter who could check Otools you your behalf. In any case, I agree that you are owed answers, but it's your obligation to find them.


Well-Known Member
The reasons for non-select at the March 2010 IDC board are different than the Sept 2009 Intel board (which Charlie posted). As I remember them as verbally read to me by my recruiter, they were:

- Conflicting interview assessments
- Lack of quantifiable leadership experience
- Non-applicable employment experience
- Insufficient educational experience
- Poor writing skills

As others have noted, this information is on the BUPERS results letter, and all of your recruiters have access to it. All non-selects are lumped into the same "bucket", and that's about all the guidance you'll get (from the board, anyway). However, you can probably deduce which item(s) apply to your package, and address them if you choose to apply again.


New Member
For all of you who are still waiting for the results from the recent March 22-25 IDC boards, I spoke with my recruiter and he offered to help. If you want to, please send me your name and I will have him check where you are on the list and let you know ASAP as to your selection status.


New Member
drustynail, I'm going to guess that if you haven't heard from the JAN PAO board, you didn't make it. At this point I'd say your chances from this most recent board are pretty grim as well. What you need to confirm is that your recruiter submitted a complete packet on time. You really need to consider the conditions as to why the recruiter isn't dedicating a lot of time to you, that is, how competitive are you? Typically, the less competitive the candidate, the less time you'll get from the recruiter. Recruiters have a finite amount of time to spread across their prospective candidates. Stronger candidates get more time and exposure. Sorry to sound like a dick, but that's generally how it is. Consider that recruiters must find and qualify candidates.

I have no reason to feel that this guy is jerking me around. He's been straight up with me since I began working with him. It's just very hard to get him while he is in his office. He'll call me when he does. I know that he is also working with 7 other 1635 candidates all as equally qualified so his hands are full. Looking at DAS and FM63’s resume no one should argue that they are strong candidates. But we know that they unfortunately didn't get picked up.

Why? Well back in September we had a 1:3 vs. a 1:20 chance this time around. Let's face it, right now it's a numbers game and I don't like my odds.

So am I in a hurry to find out? Nope. Am I doing anything about it? Yes, I'm not sitting on my ass just waiting to get my results. I have been busy the last year with my grad studies and looking into additional experience to augment my resume. So, I'll find out when I do and know that it is what it is. I also encourage others to do the same and not get discouraged about their results or the wait and be proactive.

Again, good luck everyone. If you got picked up, let’s face, roughly another 19 did not. BRAVO F-ing ZULU!


Well-Known Member

No matter the results, that's the right attitude to have (and I don't necessarily mean about your recruiter/results, but in general). You shouldn't put your life on hold while you're trying for this, even though it might seem that way sometimes when you're waiting.

That said, I do think you have to take charge of your information a bit more. Note others who have actually been selected, or even had COMDOCS, and didn't even find out until they called their recruiter and asked.

This process is all a numbers game. Back in September the odds were definitely much better...but the September board also did something that's never been done before, which was to "refer" strong technical candidates to the IW/IP communities for review. Unfortunately, the IW and IP communities have far fewer slots! While it varied by community, the general changes at this board were around 1 in 5 (20%; 55 total selects across Intel/IP/IW from 278 total applicants).

The other thing to remember is that the outcome of boards are not a measure of your self-worth. It's a very regimented, somewhat black-boxed process whose priorities may shift from board to board. Everything is based on budgets, billets, and the needs of the Navy.

That said, congratulations are definitely in order for those selected. Many folks I know tried more than once for one reason or another...whether it was lacking documents, needing more interviews/information, or just flat-out not being selected. Unfortunately, that means a wait of sometimes six months or longer to try again.

In any case, congratulations to those selected, and best of luck to everyone, whether selected or not!


New Member
FYI, the recruiter wrote that no one from our region was selected. I met the other candidates at the panel interview and they all had strong backgrounds. I'm considering going enlisted and seeing about doing OCS later on. Any advice out there?


if you go enlisted, you can still apply for a direct commission into the reserves. That may take a while, but it is possible. Only think about OCS if you're considering going active duty. In which case, I'd say don't go enlisted, try to get an active duty commission first.


New Member
I learned that I am not selected with IP. Does anyone have an app in with EDO? I am waiting on the EDO board as well, and I am curious if anyone has any insights into that Community.


New Member
mrcuento, congratulations!! Best of luck in the next steps. (By the way, you don't have to go to MEPS-proper; there are less, well, infuriating ways to complete the medical clearance process. :icon_wink )

prozoe1985, looks like you have a very solid package there! Your enlisted Navy experience, educational background, and professional certifications will definitely serve you well!

To GIJ316 other folks waiting, I know you'll hear soon...and I hope you don't have to wait over the weekend, but it will be very soon now!

das, my recruiter wants to go to MEPS and will try to schedule me for next week. However, I am not too thrilled about going there. What are the "less infuriating" options that I have in lieu of a MEPS physical that will still pass muster in its place? Thank you very much again.


Well-Known Member
das, my recruiter wants to go to MEPS and will try to schedule me for next week. However, I am not too thrilled about going there. What are the "less infuriating" options that I have in lieu of a MEPS physical that will still pass muster in its place? Thank you very much again.

Well, you don't have to go to "MEPS"-proper (I know some people call any medical checkup "MEPS", but I'm actually talking about MEPS itself). E.g., you can just go through an individual physical at a Navy medical site (for example, that's what my recruiter does with candidates and selectees at NS Great Lakes). Some folks have even completed physicals with their personal physicians, but it is imperative all paperwork is filled out to the satisfaction of the Navy. I'm not sure how that process works, but I know people have done it. I do know my recruiter specifically avoids sending people to MEPS, and instead walks them through a physical. So, check and see whether that might be an option for you.


New Member
Well, you don't have to go to "MEPS"-proper (I know some people call any medical checkup "MEPS", but I'm actually talking about MEPS itself). E.g., you can just go through an individual physical at a Navy medical site (for example, that's what my recruiter does with candidates and selectees at NS Great Lakes). Some folks have even completed physicals with their personal physicians, but it is imperative all paperwork is filled out to the satisfaction of the Navy. I'm not sure how that process works, but I know people have done it. I do know my recruiter specifically avoids sending people to MEPS, and instead walks them through a physical. So, check and see whether that might be an option for you.

Thanks das. I have already filled out all the required paperwork for the physical. My recruiter and I spoke about his before briefly but I wasn't too worried about then since I was taking it one step at a time. He mentioned a place that they sometimes use, that coincidentally, is the same place my employer uses for our government physicals. I would assume that if my recruiter agrees and I go that route, the physician there will just fill out the MEPS paperwork?


Well-Known Member
Thanks das. I have already filled out all the required paperwork for the physical. My recruiter and I spoke about his before briefly but I wasn't too worried about then since I was taking it one step at a time. He mentioned a place that they sometimes use, that coincidentally, is the same place my employer uses for our government physicals. I would assume that if my recruiter agrees and I go that route, the physician there will just fill out the MEPS paperwork?

That's my understanding: as long as the paperwork is in order (I understand this is the challenge for some physicians and medical staff who may not be familiar with the process) and the needed tasks are completed via a process that is acceptable to the Navy, it should be fine. Your recruiter should be aware of all of the options, but may have a particular process he prefers. It sounds like this place that your employer uses could work just fine, and obviously is capable of completing the process properly if they've used them before for Navy physicals.

I don't think anyone "likes" the medical clearance process, MEPS or otherwise, but hopefully it will be relatively painless!

Have fun and congratulations again on your selection.