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2010 DCO/DIRCOM boards: questions, answers, and discussion


New Member
wow... I don't know what to say. I called my recruiter this afternoon and after she put me on hold for close to 20 minutes, she broke the bad news that I wasn't recommended. She now tells that I instead have an excellent chance to be selected for active duty because of my age of 31 was probably a factor. Or if I insist on the reserve route, enlisted is the way to go.

I'm devastated because I now need to choose between starting in the fall on my PhD and not becoming an officer, or putting my studies on hold in order to do so. My uncle is livid and can't believe that she suggested that I enlist as an E-4. I don't see being enlisted as base. But does my uncle have a point that if I'm good enough to be an officer for active duty I should also be good enough for the reserves? What are the pitfalls of going the enlisted route? Or since this was my rookie shot, should I just wait until I’m older and wrap up my education?


Well-Known Member

I'm sorry to hear that. I will say that many folks I know who have been selected have applied two or more times. As long as you have a recruiter who is willing to work with you, you can continue to apply to DCO/DIRCOM -- and pursue your PhD. Keep in mind, too, that this board was only able to select less than 20% of people applying. Compare this with the first FY10 board where there were 57 Intel billets. The first FY11 board in September 2010 may be much the same.

Your uncle is right in principle, but unfortunately the reserve direct commission process is often much more competitive than the active duty selection process, partly because of sheer numbers. Based on the advice I have seen time and again from others, I would not recommend going the enlisted route simply because you weren't selected at a more-competitive-than-normal board on your first try. From numerous other selects I've seen, I doubt that being 31 is a factor weighing that heavily against you.

What I would do is work with your recruiter to see how you can further enhance your package, don't give up your educational goals, and try again!


New Member
Hey All, I talked with my recruiter this evening and he told me that IP has not posted results. According to him, Intel posted and it looked like it was for everyone. Then IW posted a different set of results than Intel, and IP is still not posted as of an hour ago Eastern Time. Maybe....?


New Member
Still waiting...

Thanks to das saying the info was in, I emailed my recruiter early this morning to ask if he had heard anything, but nothing yet.

I'm sorry to hear the news, das and FM63, and hope things go well in the future for you.

Congrats to mrcuento, and best of luck to everyone out there!


Well-Known Member
I realize information can come out in something of a disjointed fashion...sorry for those of you who will be waiting a bit longer. Best of luck to everyone.


New Member
I've decided I'm not going to ask the recruiter until it's been a week or two. There's nothing I can do to change the result by finding out sooner. If I don't get in this time, I'm not sure what path I'll take. I'd be more than willing to apply again, but I'm running into the age limit. I might enlist, or maybe even talk to the Army.


New Member
My recruiter was able to give me accurate information about the selections for those of you who are still waiting. The selection lists for all communities (IP, IW, Intel) have been released. There were 278 packages, of which 55 were selected; 13 IP, 31 Intel, and 11 IW.


New Member
Thanks for the info, mrcuento!
My recruiter was able to give me accurate information about the selections for those of you who are still waiting. The selection lists for all communities (IP, IW, Intel) have been released. There were 278 packages, of which 55 were selected; 13 IP, 31 Intel, and 11 IW.


New Member
Hey FM63 sorry to hear about the news. It sucks and there's no way around that. It sucked a lot last OCT for me when after everyone had gotten their results back I still hadn't heard from my recruiter and had to show up at his office for him to tell me that I had been tabled because he didn't know I needed a RIPO endorsement.

It is what it is and no matter the results I'll continue to work towards my goals. You should too. If you have a shot at starting your PhD, go for it, especially if you have funding. Plus an internship at the DIA is not too shabby. Das and your uncle are right. Don't loose hope as it was only your rookie shot. I'd hold off on enlisted and resubmit with a stronger packet the next reserves board and continue your education.

As for me I ain't bothering to contact my recruiter. I'll hear when I hear. He's not very keen on communicating. I'm actually still waiting to hear about the results from the JAN PAO board; the one that everyone else already heard back 2 months ago. So what's another board to add to the long blue wait. I figure that hopefully if I don't get sellected he'll allow me to add everything else that I've been doing in the last year to my packet for the SEP boards.

Bravo Zulo Mr. Cuento. And good luck to everyone else once more.


New Member
As another voice here in the mix. I was selected for the Intel DCO program and commissioned in Jan. For those that are waiting for their recuriter to contact you, I think that is a very bad idea. You must, to some degree, control your flow of information. I know in my case, I would still be waiting to hear something if I didn't make my "usual two week status check" with her, and that was after I knew I was selected. Point in case, I found out by a source that my final select letter had been processed. When I called her she told me that I wasn't even scrolled yet, then 20 minutes later she called and said she had the final select letter. I asked her to check on when the COMDOCs would arrive and 20 minutes later she called and told me she had my COMDOC's and could I swear in two days later.

So my point is, YOU need to stay on top of things. If you are Pro' Rec'd, there is a lot of stuff you need to get moving on ASAP. While there is a long wait between selection and commissioning, it gets even longer if you miss any dates, such as Scroll dates (which you have no control over, other than if your package is complete then you are placed in the scroll to be approved) otherwise you must wait for the next scroll and that can be months apart.

Sorry to hear that DAS and FM63 were not picked up. I must say that FM63 (you too DAS), you have a very impressive resume, better than what mine was (In my opinion).

If anyone has specific questions about anything, especially for those that are selected, please send me a message and I will try and help out. I would suggest that you read all the threads in the Reserve area of AW (if you haven't already) because most questions will be answered somewhere in them.



New Member
Hello all,
I heard from my recruiter on Friday that I have been professionally recommended for intel at this past week's board. I'm 33, no prior service. I've read some information on this board though frankly I had already submitted my application by that point so it really didn't affect my application. For me MEPS will be a bit more than a formality because my left eye will require a waiver; but with any luck I'll be commissioning in a few months. Thanks for posting the information here!

Devil Duck

Gopher, welcome to the club - before long you'll learn the grip and secret word.

Consider that MEPS is trying to disqualify you. Be sure to be well armed if you expect a waiver. Waivers certainly complicant matters and will definitely delay commissioning.


I'm re-writing my post because my first post was out of "shock-and-awe"...I'm calmer now lol. I was out of town and just read all of these results....

(Side bar: Das, you are such a unique individual. You will always have my respect for all that you went through to prepare yourself for this board. You never even thought of giving less than 100% or giving up. Kudos to you, Das. I'm sorry about the results but it is defintely not an indication of any lack of dedication or hard work on your part.)

1) To those of you that didn't make it, please, try again....Especially if this was your first round. Sometimes the powers-that-be simply want to know that you want it bad enough to fight for it. I know this for fact.

2) To the poster contemplating going enlisted: (not that you asked my opinion but here it is anyway) Don't. It seems like you would be doing it just to join and be done with the process and worry of it all. It would plague you to no end to go the enlisted route knowing that if you simply waited, improved your competitiveness, reapplied and were selected, you would have exactly what you contacted your recruiter for in the first place. I wasn't selected my first round either and I wanted to join so badly that I too contemplated that route for a moment. And honestly, I think they pass on a few to see if it tempts them to go that route. Afterall, why pay an officer when you can get the same person with the exact same skills locked into full-time at an enlisted rate?

Be strong, know what you want, and go after it...relentlessly.

3) Find out where you stood on the selection process. Ask your recruiter to see if you fell under:
a) "Strong candidates, but not selected due to the competitiveness of other candidates"
b) "Not competitive, not selected"
c) "Not considered due to missing NIRR endorcement and are requested to reapply"
d) "considered ineligible due to applicant reaching maximum age"
Knowing this will tell you where you stand and how you should proceed with your package. So if you can determine this factor, then you know what is needed to reapply or you will know that you should seek a different route.

4) Look at your package with your recruiter and go over it line by line. Make a list of ANY weak points and work to improve them. I wasn't selected my first round as I mentioned but I wanted to really nail it the second time. I skipped one board to give myself time to really make a noticible difference in my packet for the second board. Luckily for me that came easy since they skipped that board anyway as it turns out. So within that year, I worked to get any bit of help for my package that I could. I had made sure the RIPO endorcement that was obtained but recruiter failed to put it into the packet for submission (key bit of info there) was in the next packet, changed recruiters to one that knew how to work on DIRCOM packets (lol), took care of some other business, brushed up on some language skills, was accepted as a graduate fellow for my Masters, and then re-upped my package again and crossed my fingers. Don't know if any of that was needed other than the RIPO but...it didn't kill me :p

5) Pat yourselves on the back even if you didn't get it the first time (or the second, Das!). It takes a lot of hard work, patience, and a God-given love for this country to go through what we go through to put together those packages. The doctor visits, the documentation, the transcripts, the interviews, the endorsements, the letter from the emergency room when you were 5 and got three stitches, the dental, the asking your co-workers and bosses for support, the references, the recruiters, the waiting!, the phone calls, the hold music, the huge pain in the arse that you go through to do something to support and defend your country.

Not everyone would be willing to go through all of that. Even fewer are willing to go through it a second time. Remember, those reviewing the boards know that too. They want the fighters and the people that don't take no for an answer. They want those willing to go through it all again.

So, congratulations to those that made it in. And for those that didn't, I look forward to your posts on the next "long wait" going up for the next board.

Best of luck to you all!



New Member
how to improve?

This is a great thread. Congrats to those who got selected!

I just found out that I didn't get selected... IP/IW were my choices. I'm uncertain how to be more competitive for Sept board, any help/insight? 24 yrs old, NPS, BA & MS from top 25 universities, eagle scout, ret. RADM & CAPT recommendations, working as govt contractor with TS.

Thanks for the help.


New Member
Gopher, welcome to the club - before long you'll learn the grip and secret word.

Consider that MEPS is trying to disqualify you. Be sure to be well armed if you expect a waiver. Waivers certainly complicant matters and will definitely delay commissioning.

Thanks, I appreciate the advice! I don't mind a *delay* as long as the outcome is a commission. I applied for NROTC 16 years ago and got very poor advice regarding waivers, so didn't even apply for one - which of course meant a medical disqual. This time around things are going much more satisfactorily - I'm already working with my recruiter and one of his petty officers to make sure that we get everything in.