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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Fighter jet wayyy
After passing my ASTB, what are the next steps my recruiter needs to do that I should follow-up on?
Is there a checklist for the application anywhere


Tyler Lauren
I've always loved maths and been good at it, so that helped. The biggest thing for me was I got myself lots of practice for the MCT (Maths), RCT (Reading) and MST (Physics).
http://www.nelnetsolutions.com/pdf/free/mastermilitaryflight.pdf (This guide here is A1)
The Complete ASTB Study Guide, blue book on Amazon (too easy, but still good practice familiarizing my self with test questions)
ASTB Study Guide 2018 by Test Prep Book, red on Amazon (really good, challenging problems)

I know the ANIT is not on the OAR but I studied

You didn't ask about my flight sections, but I know if I had used the compass method for the UAV test my FOAR would have been up.
If I had been more relaxed with the listening and flight simulator I would have gotten better pilot scores. I tried so hard to keep my target on the plane so it would be green, but it just shot out so fast right after. Your best bet would be to not touch the plane keeping your target red but stay close to it, that way the plane moves slower and it's a hell of a lot easier to track. I wish I would've done that, probably would have got 9s that way.

Oh yeah, obviously right down the emergency instructions for the last test!!

And I am only taking the OAR portion.. I’m not taking the full ASTB-E. But your response may help someone else who is taking the full test :)


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, new member here. I'm taking the ASTB tomorrow up in kansas city and I wasn't going to post here until I got my scores but I've been reading through all the pages on here which has been super helpful so thank you to everyone that's posted on here. The only thing I have not for the life of me been able to figure out is that a few have mentioned a question about the aircraft converted to a tanker in OIF despite searching the forum and the google machine, is the answer to that question. I know it's a really minuscule thing but it's been bugging me so if anyone knows, I would really appreciate the answer!


Tyler Lauren
Hey everyone!

I have this problem I see in the barrons book, and I can’t seem to understand how they solved this problem.. when I do what I was taught, I get the answer 7.. how I calculated it was (5x5)+(5x10)/10 but the book it says (5x10)+(10x5)/Fx10 which equals 10.. can someone explain this to me.. I could very well be wrong, just wanted to make sure I’m on the right path, or if this is an error.



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Automated Member
Hey everyone!

I have this problem I see in the barrons book, and I can’t seem to understand how they solved this problem.. when I do what I was taught, I get the answer 7.. how I calculated it was (5x5)+(5x10)/10 but the book it says (5x10)+(10x5)/Fx10 which equals 10.. can someone explain this to me.. I could very well be wrong, just wanted to make sure I’m on the right path, or if this is an error.

The far weight on the left side is 5ft away from the near weight which is 5ft away from the center, meaning that the far weight is 10ft away from the center.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I have not for the life of me been able to figure out is that a few have mentioned a question about the aircraft converted to a tanker in OIF despite searching the forum and the google machine, is the answer to that question. I know it's a really minuscule thing but it's been bugging me so if anyone knows, I would really appreciate the answer!

S-3 Viking


Well-Known Member
So I'm coming home from KC and just finished taking the astb and got a 58 6/7/6. I wish some of the aviation scores were higher on the aviation portion but overall I'm quite pleased and putting my package together. Quick background, I did 4 years in the marines as an 0313/ LAV Crewman. Im at 3.1gpa finishing up my degree this December with the extremely competitive degree of General Studies! Hopefully all that doesn't work against me too hard when it comes to the board. Thanks everyone again for all the information on here!


Well-Known Member
First of all,

I want to thank everyone who provided information/feedback regarding the test. It helped me tremendously!

I just took it today and scored 70 9/9/9. I studied the Barron's practice tests, and went through this forum from like page 280 till the end lol. Studied for 3-4 hours everyday for 8 days. My background is Mechanical Engineering with a 3.8 GPA (just graduated in December and am working full time).

Math - Questions got VERY difficult quick... I felt like I was doing horrible. Only knew how to do 50-60% of them... If you start getting freakin hard questions you are on the right track. By the end I was answering basic calc questions and logarithms. Kicked me out with 10 min left.

Mechanical - Super easy for me because of my background. Had to guess on 1 or 2... took like 5 minutes total

Reading - REALLY hard for me... felt like I was doing bad. Took the ENTIRE time. Was confident on 3/4 of the problems.

ASTB Specific
Av knowledge - Same as everyone said above. Mostly aviation questions (I am a private pilot so this was easy)...completely guessed on the 2 or 3 history questions... Got another 3-4 on parts of a ship (luckily I studied that).

UAV - Flashcards online HELPED A TON. Got 100% correct and average 1.8-2.3 seconds ish

Joystick madness - Right off the bat thought I was getting f*... It was hard for me the entire time (but apparently I did well). Stayed calm and really focused on getting the emergency procedures/listening correct (even if I lost focus on the tracking)

Hope this helps! Don't hesitate to message me or reply if you have questions!


64 8/8/9 on my first attempt today.
Had to do the math section twice because the computer froze and felt like I was doing awful on every portion of the test but it somehow worked out.


Well-Known Member
64 8/8/9 on my first attempt today.
Had to do the math section twice because the computer froze and felt like I was doing awful on every portion of the test but it somehow worked out.
That is exactly how I felt. If you are getting difficult questions over and over you are doing well apparently.